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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-17 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit7 Topic 1
    Indian,Russian,supply,know about,make money,make a poster,chat with,
    on the Internet,try one’s best,prepare for,think about,have a sweet tooth,later on,
    in order to,get all wet,be pleased with,make an invitation
    2.语法: (1)学习宾语从句(that的用法)。 (2)掌握征求对方意见或提建议的句型。
    3.重点句型及交际用语: (1)I will turn to our teachers for help.
    (2)I’ll chat with Daniel on the Internet to get more information about him.
    (3)Let’s try our best to make it successful.
    (4)Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?
    (5)I'm thinking about that.
    (6) I have a sweet tooth and I thank a lot of students would buy western food, such as …
    (7)What’ s more , I’m sure that selling friend rice and dumplings will make a lot of money.
    (8) That’ s good enough .
    (9) I believe we’ ll make a lot of money for Daniel Igali
    (10) –Thank you very much . –It’ s a pleasure.
    (11) May I invite you to our food festival?
    (12)It’s a great pity,but never mind.
    (13)Will you please tell me something about yourself,…?
    (14)I'll send you an e-mail later on.(15)We hope they will be successful.
    (16)Extension six zero zero six,please.(17)Hold the line,please.
    (18)I'm pleased to hear that you are trying to help others.
    (19)Keep up the good work.
    (20)Our students will sell many delicious international foods in order to raise
    money for a village school in Nigeria.
    (21)I'm very pleased with what you are going to do for us.
    1、know about 了解、知道、、、的情况;
    know much/ a lot about sb / sth;
    know of 听说过;知道
    2、have a food festival = hold a food festival 举办美食节。
    3、make money 赚钱
    4、shall I / we …… 我、、、、、、,好吗?
    May I 。。。。。。 我可以、、、、、、吗 ?
    Will you 。。。。。。 请你、、、、、、好吗?
    注意:will you not、、、 而不是 will you don’t 、、、、、、
    Would like to do sth 想要做某事
    5、turn to sb for help = ask sb for help 向某人求助
    It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
    6、chat with sb 和某人聊天 chat about sb/ sth 闲谈某人或某事
    7、on the Internet 上网 on the line 上线 on the radio 在使用收音机
    8、get sth about sb 获得关于某人的信息
    9、try one’s best = do one’ s best 尽最大努力
    We must try our best to study English well. 我们必须尽最大努力学好英语。
    10、successful 成功的 successfully 成功地
    succeed 成功 success 成功
    11、It is + 形容词 + for sb to do sth 做某事是很、、、、、
    12、have a sweet tooth =like eating sweet food 喜欢吃甜食
    13、west 西方 western 西方的;西部的;
    north 北方 northern 北方的
    south 南方 southern 南方的
    east 东方 eastern 东方的
    Fujiang is in the southeast of China . 福建在中国的东南部。
    14、what’s more 而且
    15、serve sth 提供某食物 serve sb 为某人服务 不用 serve for sb
    16、enough + 名词 形容词+enough
    enough money 足够多的钱 big enough 足够大
    17、invite sb to somewhere 邀请某人去某处
    invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
    18、never mind = it doesn’t matter 没关系
    19、what a pity 太遗憾了
    feel pity for sb = have pity on sb 同情某人
    I pity you 。我可怜你。
    20、later on 在过些时候
    He will call me up later on 。过些时候他会给我打电话。
    later on 后来 (用于过去时中)
    一段时间 + later 、、、之后 two days later 两天之后
    sooner or later 迟早 see you later 一会儿
    half an hour later 半个小时后
    21、in + 一段时间 (用在将来时句子中
    22、 we hope they could make it successful. 我们希望他们能够成功。
    (句子中的could 不能换成can)
    1)may I speak to Tom ? 叫tom 接电话,好吗?
    2)I’d like speak to Tom . 我想让tom接电话。
    3)I’ll call back later. 我再过些时候再回电话。
    4)This is Tom speaking. 我是tom。
    5)I can’t hear you . 我没听清楚。
    6)Hold the line ./ Hold on , please. 请稍等。
    7)The line is bad/busy. 线路坏了。
    8)I couldn’t get through. 我打不通。
    24、try to do sth. 试图做某事。 try doing sth 试着干某事
    25、be pleased to do sth 高兴做某事
    be pleased with sth 对、、、满意
    26、keep up 使某物保持 Keep up the good work。继续好好干。
    keep doing sth 一直做某事 (表示动作的持续)
    keep on doing sth (表示动作的反复)
    keep sb / sth doing sth 让某人/持续做某事 让某事持续进行
    keep out 不让人入内
    keep up with 跟上
    27、in order (not) to do sth in order that + 句子 = so that + 句子
    28、supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 给某人提供某物
    29、一些 little / a little +不可数名词 few / a few +可数名词
    little、few 用于否定句 a little、a few 用于肯定句
    30、喜爱 enjoy (具有满足感)、be fond of (对、、、感兴趣)
    go in for (习惯于)
    31、What he needs is a good meal. 他所需要的是一顿美餐。
    32、win 赢得 beat 打败 (责任编辑:admin)