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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-17 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit5 feeling happy
    Topic 1 why all the smiling faces?
    一、 重点词汇
    1、cruel 残忍的 2、 silly 傻的 3、smile 微笑
    4、rich 富裕的 5、proud 骄傲的 6、taste 品尝
    7、smell 问起来 8、set 设置 9、able 能够
    10、since 自从。。。 11、lively 活泼的 12、play 玩
    13、mad 发疯的 14、please 请;令人高兴的 15、marry 结婚
    16、main 主要的 17、role 角色 18、express 表达
    19、culture 文化 20、peace 和平
    1 Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都笑容满面。
    2 You look so excited. 你看起来很兴奋。
    3 invite/ ask sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
    4 one of 其中之一 one of +限定词+名词的复数 表示“其中的一个。。。”
    例如:比较对错one of the boys one of the boy
    5 prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某事
    6 say thanks / hello / sorry / goodbye to sb 向某人说声谢谢/ 你好/抱歉/再见
    7 None of 没有一个
    8 What a shame / pity. 真遗憾。
    9 get the ticket to = buy the ticket for 买到。。。的票
    10 not at all 一点也不
    11 What do you like best? = What’s your favorite? 你最喜欢什么?
    12 be proud of = take pride in 为。。。感到骄傲
    13 be worried about = worry about 为。。。而担心, 担心。。。
    14 wait in line 排队等候
    15 be pleased with sb = be satisfied with sb 对某人感到满意
    be pleased at sth 为某事而感到高兴
    16 taste delicious 尝起来美味 smell terrible 闻起来恶心 17 set the table 摆放餐具
    18 have a temperature = have a fever 发烧
    19 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。
    20 ring up sb ring sb up 打电话给某人
    21 be able to 能够
    22 of all time = all the time 一直,总是
    23 care for = take care of = look after 照顾
    24 because of 因为,由于
    25 cheer up cheer sb up 使。。。兴奋起来
    26 at last = in the end = finally 最后,最终 at the end of 在。。。。的末尾
    27 be on 上演 tell a story = tell stories 讲故事
    28 on the / one’s way to 在去往。。。的路上
    29 be with a history of 200 years = have a history of 200 years
    =have 200 years of history 有着两百年的历史
    30 come into being 形成
    31 be full of 充满,装满
    32 ( have a ) fight against sb 与某人打架/吵架
    make peace with sb 与某人和解
    33 end with 以。。。结束 start / begin with 以。。。开始
    34 连系动词+形容词表系表结构be /look /smell /taste /sound /feel /become /get /turn
    35. funny plays 滑稽剧 36.agreen with sb.同意某人 37. facial paintings 脸谱
    1. Linking verb + adjective 系动词+形容词,构成系表结构.
    系动词:be (是) feel look sound taste turn get become smell seem 等等.For example :The food tastes delious.
    (1). 有些连系动词通常不用于被动语态和进行时态中。如:feel, taste等词。例如:
    -Do you like the material?
    -Yes, it feels very soft.
    (2). 一般情况下,连系动词主要跟形容词或分词作表语。例如:
    Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may get run over by a car.
    (3). 能跟名词作表语的连系动词常见的有:be, become, appear, seem, prove, remain和turn等.注意:turn后跟(表示主语身份的)名词作表语时,不加冠词。例如:
    Twenty years later, he turned teacher.
    The population growth in China remains a problem.
    (4). 连系动词也可跟不定式(to do / to be),常见的有:appear, seem, remain, prove, look等。例如:
    Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it.
    On the long journey, Peter proved to be a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time.
    2. hope 与wish 的比较.都与that引导的从句连用.Hope常用于将来时表可能实现的愿望. Wish常用于过去式表示不可能实现的愿望.
    For example : I hope that you will be happy.
    I wish that you could be happy.
    3. 动词-ing 和-ed形式作主语补语的区别.动词-ing表示主语的特征,常用于事物.动词-ed表示主语的状态,常用于人.这类词有:interest move active disappoint excite surprise frighten bore等等.
    For example:The game is interesting.
    I am interested in the game.
    Could 表示过去的能力.
    Can  表示现在的能力
    be able to   表示过去,现在,将来任何时候的能力.将来时态(shall \will be able to----) (责任编辑:admin)