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七年级英语知识点:Unit 1 Dream homes全套作业题(4)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    in front of, under, on, at, over, next to, opposite, behind, between, from…to
    1. There is a bridge(桥) ___________ the Yellow River.
    2. Do you know the difference(差别)____________ British English and American English?
    3. The word“short”is the _______________ of the word“long”.
    4. You can ask him to help you buy the book, he lives ___________ the bookshop.
    5. There is some chicken _____________ the plate, you can eat it.
    6. Look! There are some beautiful flowers ______________ Ann’s home.
    7.“Where is my bag?”“It’s ____________ the door.”
    8. A football is ____________ Jim’s bed.
    9. We often begin classes ___________ 7:30.
    10. Children often have classes ____________ Monday ______________ Friday.
    1. 48,712______________4. 1,210,137______________
    2. 3,026______________5. 3,001,883______________
    3. 763,200______________6. 3,807______________
    初一英语7BU1 作业 January
    I. 复习今日所讲内容, 抄写下列单词两遍,自默一遍并校对。 家长签字
    third ,fourth ,ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, arrive, journey, worry
    II. 标注P18-19下列生词。 video
    1.There are ________(九十) rooms on the _________(十九)floor.
    2.We are going to have a party to celebrate our grandmother’s __________( 九十) birthday.
    3.The __________( 二十) boy in the line is from Russia.
    4.December is the __________(十二) month of a year.
    5.Neil spent two months making two _________(录像) of his house in Britain.
    6.Why not put the ________(打印机) next to the computer?
    7. Are you tired after the train j_________ from Beijing to Nanjing?
    8. Winter is the f________ season of a year.
    9.Tomorrow is my father’s (四十)birthday. I’ll buy (四十)flowers for him.
    二、 汉译英
    1.住在这栋楼的六楼 2.迫不及待地做某事
    3.感到相当累 4. 参观颐和园
    6.在周六去故宫博物馆 7.到达伦敦(2)
    7.听起来不错 8.得了129分
    9.在王府井大街购物 10.有一天自由安排
    11 带我们去长城 12.为他的健康担心
    ( ) 1.When can you ________? In half an hour.
    A. get B. arrive C. arrive in D. arrive at
    ( ) 2.Don’t forget to bring your wife to my grandfather’s __________ birthday.
    A.ninetith B.ninetieth’s C. ninetieth D.nintith’s
    ( ) 3. Wednesday is the _______ day of a week and April is ________ month of a year.
    A. third, third B.the fourth, the fourth C. third, the fourth D.the fourth, fourth
    ( ) 4. They arrive _____London _____ the morning of July 1.
    A. in,in B. on,in C. in,on D. at, on
    ( ) 5.That music sounds _________. I don’t want to listen to it
    A.well B. good C.badly D.bad
    ( ) 6. Now, turn to page ______ and look at _______picture in Lesson Two.
    A.twentieth, the one B. twenty, one C. twentieth, the first D. twenty, first
    ( ) 7.When I arrive there, I will call you.
    A. in B. at C. to D. \
    1. The boy is years old and next Sunday he will have his birthday. (twelve)
    2. There are days in a week. Thursday is the day of a week.
    3. Jim lives in a flat on the floor in Beijing. (nine)
    4. There are more than four (千) students in our school.
    5. The story (听起来)funny.
    1 他迫不及待地打开了电视看NBA。
    2 莉莉和她的家人于周六2月17日就要到张家口了。
    3 我想走了很长时间大家一定累了。
    4 别为我担心!我不再是小孩子了。
    5 每天他总是第一个进教室最后一个离开。
    6 在数学考试中,他考了95分,第四名。
    7 我们希望本周能有一天自由安排。
    8 这是我第二次参观长城。
    ( )1. New York Museum is closed on ______.
    A. MondayB. FridayC. SaturdayD. Sunday
    ( )2. Tommy is an 8-year-old boy. He wants to visit The City Flower Show with his parents.
    How much will they pay?
    A. 75 yuan.B. 100 yuan.C. 128 yuan.D. 150 yuan.
    ( )3. If you want to get more information about English Summer Camp, you can ______.
    A. go to CanadaB. write to CEE/CCIEE
    C. call at(010) 6606-2607D. Send an e-mail to University of Toronto
    ( )4. ______ will give performances in Pop Music Week in Chaoyang Park.
    A. BandsB. DancersC. SingersD. Both A and C
    ( )5. Phillip, twenty years old, is not allowed(允许) to ______.
    A. The City Flower ShowB. English Summer Camp
    C. New York MuseumD. Pop Music Week
    初一英语7BU1 作业 January
    Integrated skills
    I.复习今日所讲内容, 背默P16-17生词。
    II. 预习P18-19,查注生词. 家长签字
    1. –Which apple do you want?
    --I’d like the _____ (big) one.
    2. He comes from _____ (English), but he can speak _____ (China).
    3. China is one of the strongest _____ (country) in the world.
    4. I enjoy _____ (lie) on the ground.
    5. Our neighbors are _____ (friend) and we are happy here.
    6. He failed in the exam (考试). He is _____ (happy).
    7. A garden is the _____ (good) place _____ (grow) flowers.
    8. He plans _____ (watch) TV after _____ (do) her homework.
    9. My dream home is quite different from _____ (she).
    10. Would you like _____ (be) a teacher?
    11. She climbs a ladder _____ (get) into her house.
    12. Sunshine Town is a good place _____ (live) in.
    13. I live on the _____ (two) floor. My sister lives on the _____ (five) floor.
    I live 3 floors _____ hers.
    14. Tome, _____ (not be) afraid. I’ll be with you all the time.
    15. March is the _____ month of a year.
    16. It was his _____ (ninety) birthday yesterday.
    17. How many _____ (child) can a Chinese family have?
    18.Daniel goes to the sports centre at _________(little) twice a week.
    19.The film called Ice Age is _________(real ) interesting.
    1. 复习今日所学内容,背默P18-19生词,熟背P19对话和短文。
    2. 预习P21-23,查注生词,完成书上练习。
    3. 完成下列练习,家长签字
    1. Do you often watch (录像) on Sundays?
    2. We are in the same school, but we are in classes.
    3.---Do you (合住) a bedroom with your sister?
    ---No, I have my bedroom..
    4.The train (离开) at 6.30 am and (到达)there at 5 pm.
    5.We have a bath in the and have meals in the .
    6. Ten hundred is one .
    7. What do you think of the plane (旅程)? It’s exciting.
    1像------一样 _________________ 2客厅的录像 ___________________
    3和他共用卫生间_________________ 4和北京的公寓不同 __________________
    5厨房后面的花园_________________ 6有我们自己的卧室 ________________
    7你客厅里的沙发_________________ 8坐在扶手椅上 ___________________
    9喜欢看录像 _________________ 10新电话号码 __________________
    1. Your house is different from the flat in Beijing. (同义句转换)
    Your house isn’t ________ _________ _________ the flat in Beijing.
    2. My house is big. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _________ your house __________?
    3. Thank you. You share your snacks with me. (合并为一句)
    Thank you _________ _________ your snacks ___________ ____________.
    4. I like the house. The house has many bathrooms in it. ( 合并为一句)
    I like ________ _________ _________ _________ __________ in it.
    5. His family and the Greens use the same kitchen together. (同义句转换)
    His family ________ the ________ ________ the Greens.
    四、 单项选择
    ( ) 1. She will arrive Nanjing Sunday.
    A. at, at B. in ,in C. at, on D. in, on
    ( ) 2.— is your room number? —It’s 8216.
    A. How much B. How many C. What D. How
    ( ) 3. The picture is the wall.
    A. in B. above C. between D. on
    ( )4. There are four windows the wall.
    A. in B. on C. above D. with
    ( )5. —Hello, may I to Lucy? —Sorry, she is out.
    A. say B. speak C. call to D. speak to
    ( )6. My name is Simon. I’m calling Paris.
    A. on B. from C. to D. for 

