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七年级英语知识点:Unit 1 Dream homes全套作业题(3)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Armchair, bedside table, coffee table, cupboard, lamp, bookcase, shower, sink, bath, toilet
    between opposite chalk printer tidy zero ninety thousand million forty
    1. --- Do you know the c of France? --- Yes, it’s Paris.
    2. My father has been to many c , such as England, the USA, Japan and Malaysia.
    3. I want a dream home with at least three (卧室).
    4. They often use those (梯子) to get into their houses.
    5. He likes taking a (淋浴) every day.
    6. The w______ desk is made of wood.
    7. We should keep the _____( 便池 )clean .
    8. You should be f________ to your friends because they are all kind to you.
    9.My English teacher lives next to my house. She is one of my n________
    10.It’s too noisy (吵闹,喧哗). Let’s find a q________ place to talk about our plan.
    11.There is some cold food in the f______.
    12.There are some s____ in the sitting room for them to sit in .
    13.The _____ ( 第九 ) lesson is very interesting .
    14.There is a _____ ( 台灯 ) on the desk .
    15.You can clean your bowls in the s_____.
    16.How many __________(茶几) are there in your living room?
    17.How many ______ (淋浴间)are there on the ground floor ?
    18.The old like to sit on the ______ (扶手椅)
    19.I often put my clothes on the ____ ______ ( 床头柜 ) when I am sleeping .
    20.The dishes in the ______ (碗橱) are very clean , you can use them .
    1. Do you want ___________ (live) in a house in the country?
    2.Everyone in our family __________ (like) to watch Lucky 52,
    3.Liu Xiang is good at __________ (run).
    4.I tell the students __________ (not talk) in class.
    5.It takes him two hours _________ (finish) _________ (do) his homework.
    6.Do you know how many ___________ (month) there are in a year?
    7.Simon___________ (call) Jack_________ (tell) him about his new school at present.
    8.Will she _______ (share) her presents with you?
    三 选用方框中所给词的正确形式填空。
    1. I climb a ladder into my room.
    2. This isn’t a bed. It’s made of metal.
    3. Today is Jim’s birthday.
    4. --- Where is your father? --- He, with my mother, in the kitchen.
    5. Our teacher is to each student.
    1. He _____ (chat) with his friend at the moment.
    2. It _____ (rain) a lot at present.
    3. The boy in red _____ (lie) on the ground right now.
    4. What does he want to be when he _____ (grow) up?
    5. Be quiet. The student _____ (listen) to the teacher carefully.
    ( ) 1.We can find clean bowls and plates in the kitchen________.
    A. sofa B. computer C. cupboard D. fridge
    ( ) 2._______ is the capital of Britain.
    A. Paris B. London C. Washington D.C. D. Sydney
    ( ) 3.Which book is _________, this one, that one or the one on the desk?
    A. better B. the best C. the better D. good
    ( ) 4.The teacher asked us not to _______ the windows in class.
    A. look out B. look out at C. look out of D. look at
    ( ) 5.I want to buy this pair of glasses. Can I_______?
    A. try on them B .try them on C. try it on D. try on it
    1.I’d like to sit next to the supermarket. (提问)__________ ___________you like to live?
    2.My house has two floors. (同义句) ______ _____two floors_______ ______ ________.
    3.It rains a lot in Thailand.(同义句)There ________ __________ __________rain in Thailand.
    4.There is a ruler on the pencil-box. There is an English book under it. (同义句)
    The pencil-box _________ ____________ a ruler ______an English book.
    5.I live in a house. It has ten rooms. (同义句)I live in a ________ ________ ten rooms.
    6.Amy is playing the piano in the next room.(提问)________Amy _________in the next room.?
    American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
    You should say “Thank you” when someong passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thankyou” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.
    “Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say behind you, you know that someone wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite to break (打断)others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say“Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.
    Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.
    ( ) 1.You should say “Thank you” when ___________
    A.You say something kind to others B. You help others.
    C.Someone helps you. D. You need others to help you.
    ( ) 2.From the passage we know “Thank you” is ___________
    A. used in the world. B. used more often than “Excuse me”
    C. used only by Americans D. used only between friends
    ( ) 3.You should say “Excuse me if you want to ________
    A. cough B. make some noise C. go first D. all of the above
    ( ) 4. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “________”
    A. Thank you B. That’s very kind of you C. Excuse me D. I’m sorry
    初一英语7BU1 作业 January13th
    between opposite chalk printer tidy zero ninety thousand million forty
    II.标注书本P16-17的下列生词并完成书本上的练习。 家长签字
    third ,fourth ,ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, arrive, journey, worry
    1. How much do the (打印机)cost?
    2.Can you bring me some (粉笔)?
    3. Our classroom is clean and t because we clean it once a day.
    4.The building has (十二)floors. My cousin lives on the (九)floor.
    5. There are more than two t________ students and less than three h_________ teachers in our school.
    6. Where is the bookcase? It’s (在------对面)the door.
    7. The plane often flies b________ Paris and London.
    8.How many __________(架子)are there in the library?
    9.There are ________(九十) rooms on the _________(三)floor.
    10.Why not put the ________(打印机) next to the computer?
    11.The music _________(听起来)nice .
    12.There are no _________(其他的,另外的) rooms on the ________ ________(底楼)。
    13.My mother often __________( 担心)about me because I am always careless.
    14.If I have two ________(百万) dollars, I want to travel around the world.
    15. We should keep our classroom c________.
    16.There are some _____ ( 台灯 ) on the desk .
    1.把碗放在碗橱里_________________________ 6.整洁的卧室__________________________
    2.床头柜上的台灯 ________________________ 7.保持教室整洁________________________
    3.坐在Kitty 和我之间 ___________________ 8.站在我前面_________________________
    4..在打印机旁边 __________________________ 9.在讲台上___________________________
    5床上方的架子 _________________________ 10.坐在扶手椅上_______________________
    11.四十名女医生_________________________ 12.数百只绵羊_________________________
    ( ) 1. There are students in that school.
    A. nine hundred and forty-five B. nine hundreds and forty-five
    C. nine hundred and forty five D. nine hundred forty-five
    ( ) 2. Sally sits between .
    A. you and me B. his and me C. he and me D. me and him
    ( ) 3. He can’t see the blackboard clearly, so sits the classroom.
    A. in front of B. in the front of C. behind D. above
    ( ) 4. people died in Wenchuan 5.12 earthquake.
    A. Two thousands B. thousand of C. Two thousand of D. thousands of
    ( ) 5. There is a new railway your city and ours.
    A. among, and B. between, and C. of, and D. in, and
    ( ) 6.Neil scores points and he comes second.
    A. ninty-eight B. ninety-eighth C. ninety-eight D. ninty-eighth
    ( ) 7.He sits between______.
    A. you and she B. you and her C. she and you D. her and you
    ( ) 8. We read 10 206 like this________.
    A. one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousands, two hundred and six
    C. ten thousand, two hundred and six D. ten thousand, two hundred six
    ( ) 9._________ students will go to the island for the picnic.
    A.Two hundred of B.Two hundred C.Two hundreds of D. Hundreds of
    ( ) 10. I’m listening to the music_____ my sister is playing with the cat.
    A. when B. while C. but D. or
    ( ) 11. ---I am going on a trip to Xi’an next week. --- _________.
    A. Have a good time B. Thank you C. It’s good D. Good idea 

