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七年级英语知识点:Unit 1 Dream homes全套作业题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    初一英语7BU1 作业 January 4th
    Comics and welcome to the unit
    I. 复习今日所讲内容P6-7,背诵Comic strip。
    II. 预习reading标注生词,跟读录音两遍并完成书后练习。 家长签字
    III. 完成下列习题
    一、 短语翻译
    1.梦想家园 _______________________ 2.住在宫殿里________________________________
    3.住在这儿/那儿 ___________________ 4.住在饭店旁边_____________________________
    5.许多把小刀③ ____________________ 6.最大的图书馆______________________________
    7.做梦 _______________________ 8.在英国②__________________________________
    9.在美国② _______________________ 10.国家的首都 ______________________________
    11.想要参观法国 ________________ 14.帮助我用南瓜做灯笼_______________________
    1. Would you like in our school?
    2. There are many in the world. Russia is the one.
    3. Millie was born in Beijing. She is a .
    4. Sam is from England, so he is an boy.
    5. Coke and ice-cream are my .
    三. 选择题
    ( ) 1.Would you like a newspaper?
    A. to B. to see C. / D . B&C
    ( ) 2.Where do you want to ? On the ground floor.
    A. live in B. live on C. live D. live with
    ( ) 3.The capital of Thailand is
    A. Tokyo B. Bangkok C. Paris D. London
    ( )4.The capital of is Paris
    A.French B. Tokyo C. Washington DC D. France
    ( ) 5.Thanks for me English.
    A. helping, learning B. help, learn C. to help, learn D. helping, learn
    ( )6.He always gives me information and helps me
    A. a lot, a lot B. a lot of, a lot C. many, much D. a lot, a lot of
    ( )7. There is a big tree our classroom. and our blackboard is it.
    A. in front of , in the front of B. in the front of , in front of
    C. in front of , in front of D. in the front of , in the front of
    ( )8. Jim is ________11-year-old boy.
    A .an B. a C .the D. /
    ( )9. _______ is the capital of Britain.
    A. Paris B. London C. Washington D.C. D. Sydney
    ( )10. Which book is _________, this one or that one ?
    A. better B. best C. the better D. good
    ( )11.Which is your favourite after you have seen so many houses?
    A. the biggest one B. the bigger one C. the big one D. the biggest ones
    ( ) 11.The teacher asked us not to _______ the windows in class.
    A. look out B. look out at C. look out of D. look at
    ( ) 12.I want to buy this pair of jeans. Can I_______?
    A. try on them B .try them on C. try it on D. try on it
    ( ) 13.He sits between______.
    A. you and she B. you and her C. she and you D. her and you
    ( )14. Classes ________ at 8 a.m. and ________ at 4 a.m.
    A. begin, finished B. begins, finishes C. begin, overD. begin, are over
    ( )15. Mr Wang spends 20 minutes lunch every day.
    A、cook B、to cook C、cooking D、cooks
    1. Do you want to stay here? (同义转换) you stay here?
    2. Which is your favourite? (同义转换)Which you ?
    3. Both of them are Americans. (同义转换)They from .
    4. Daniel sits beside me in my class. (同义转换)Daniel sits me in my class.
    5. He doesn’t like rice or noodles. (改肯定句)He ______ rice ______ noodles.
    6. It’s time for lunch now. (同义转换)It’s time _________ _________ __________ now.
    7. He is never late for school.(对划线提问)_________ __________ ________ he late for school ?
    8. My father exercises for half an hour a day in the morning . (同义转换)
    My father __________ half an hour a day __________in the morning .
    9. Daniel plays basketball three times a day. (对划线提问)
    __________ __________ ________Daniel __________ basketball a day ?
    10. Doing morning exercises is important for us . (同义句转换)
    It’s ________ ________ _______ _______ ______ morning exercises.
    11. He would like some bananas.(对划线提问)_______ _________ he _______?
    1. Millie 长大以后想要做一个语文老师.
    Millie ________ ________ _______ _______a Chinese teacher when she _______ _______.
    2. 我们计划下个星期六举行一个聚会.
    We _______ _________ have a party ________ _________.
    3. 在游泳池游泳对我们来说很有趣.
    It’s_______ _______ _____us ___________ ________in the swimming pool .
    My mother ________ __________ ____________ her ________.
    5. 吃更多蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。
    It’s _______ for our _______ __________ _______ more __________.
    6. 你们想要吃些水果吗?__________ you _________ _________ _________ __________ fruit?
    7. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。
    Moscow is _______ _______ _______ _________.
    初一英语7BU1 作业 January5th
    I. 复习今日所讲内容,背诵Reading P8。 家长签字
    II. 完成下列习题
    一. 翻译下列短语
    1.世界各地的家 ______________________ 2. 躺在海滩上__________________________
    3.在阳台上玩游戏 ____________________ 4. 看漫画书____________________________
    5 互相聊天 ________________________ 6.住在底楼_____________________________
    7.看外面的海 ________________________ 8.向窗外看______________________________
    9.看上去酷的_________________________ 10.住在泰国的一个小镇____________________
    11.保持安静 _________________________ 12.相当贵的______________________________
    1. Simon’s d_____ home is very large.
    2. Eddie would like to live in a _____ (宫殿) next to a _____ (餐馆).
    3. They want to learn about the c_____ of some countries.
    4. My father often reads newspapers on the _____ .(阳台)
    5. Madee lives in a w_____ house o_____ a river.
    6. Monkeys are good at c_____ trees.
    7. Anna ________(合用) a bedroom with her sister.
    8. Neil’s dog sleeps in the _____ _____ (起居室).
    9. You can use _____ (梯子) to climb into the house.
    10. _____ has the same pronunciation (发音) of “see”.
    11. Neil lives in a small house in a t_____ near London.
    12. Don’t swim in the r_____ alone. It’s dangerous.
    13. You should be q_____. The children are sleeping. 

