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  • 八年级英语教学教案:Find the right place 日期:2020-05-16 19:28:00 点击:0 好评:0

    教学目标 1.知识目标 (1) New words and phrases: place, twenty-first, bank, theatre, book shop, toilet, museum, front, in front of, left ,right, side, on the left/right side, all the same, need, ask for, along, road, turn, turning, me...

  • 初二英语教学教案:You mustn\t play on the road ! 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:55 点击:0 好评:0

    章节 第二十四单元 关键词 内容 学习目标: 一.词汇短语 1.tidy one’s room整理某人的房间 2. go out for a walk出去散步 3.instead/ instead of …代替/代替…… 4.every five minutes每5分钟 5.look over检查...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:Shall we go to the zoo? 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:55 点击:0 好评:0

    教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)New words and phrases: shall, zoo, nothing, show, gate, land, just, grass, dangerous, panda, lion,elephant, monkey, tiger, deer, snake, rabbit, duck, fox, horse, bear, cage, should, forest, feel, if, fall, c...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:Come to the party 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:50 点击:0 好评:0

    内容 教学目标 1.词汇 A.单词 birthday 生日,party聚会,tell告诉,feel感觉,laugh大笑doorbell门铃,sandwich三明治,plate盘子,candle蜡烛 B.词组have a party举行聚会,give…the message把这个信息给...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:第十五单元Thanks for the message 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:47 点击:0 好评:0

    内容 教学目标 1.词汇 A.单词 photo相片,enough足够,story故事,harvest收获 B.词组 at the cinema在电影院,take a message捎(口)信,by the way顺便问/说一下,the next day第二天,ring up打电话,at th...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:Working hard on the farm 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:46 点击:0 好评:0

    内容 教学目标 1.词汇 A.单词 四会:hold,hard,busy,reach,careful,strong 三会: truck,ladder,climb,lift,kilometre,dangerous, B.词组/句型 pick apples climb the ladder hold the ladder quite near get on a bus a few much bigger lif...

  • 初二英语教学教案:Shall we go to the zoo? 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:45 点击:0 好评:0

    教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)New words and phrases: shall, zoo, nothing, show, gate, land, just, grass, dangerous, panda, lion,elephant, monkey, tiger, deer, snake, rabbit, duck, fox, horse, bear, cage, should, forest, feel, if, fall, c...

  • 初二英语教学教案:Whats the weather like 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:45 点击:0 好评:0

    教学目标 本单元的话题和交际功能项目都是谈论天气。因此,本单元教学的语言材料与天气有密切的关系,主要教学描述天气的词汇和有关的构词知识,谈论天气的日常交际用语,感叹...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:Find the right place 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:44 点击:0 好评:0

    教学目标 1.知识目标 (1) New words and phrases: place, twenty-first, bank, theatre, book shop, toilet, museum, front, in front of, left ,right, side, on the left/right side, all the same, need, ask for, along, road, turn, turning, me...

  • 八年级英语教学教案:Unit 18 Seeing the doctor 日期:2020-05-16 19:27:37 点击:0 好评:0

    教学建议 教学内容分析 本单元围绕“生病”和“就医”这一主线展开教学。整个单元安排了两个对话和两篇小短文。使学生在学习第67课的基础上继续学习有关“生病”和“看病”的日...
