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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    A person who gives blood feels happy, because he knows that his blood will be used to save someone’s life. Perhaps one day he himself will need blood.
    When you are older, you may give blood, too. But you can not do this until you are eighteen.
    1. There are ______ pints of blood in a grown-up body.
    A. threeB. a lot ofC. more than elevenD. ten or eleven
    2. A person who loses a lot of blood may die. But if he is given some blood, he ______.
    A. may dieB. may feel better slowly
    C. feels weak and illD. feels better very quickly
    3. A person who has given blood can give blood again after _______.
    A. a few minutesB. three months
    C. drinking a cup of tea or coffeeD. eighteen months
    4. A person cannot give blood if he is _______.
    A. healthyB. unhappyC. under eighteen D. too fat
    5. Which of the following is true?
    A. People who are not healthy enough can’t donate blood.
    B. The person who has given blood mustn’t drink tea.
    C. If a person loses a pint of blood, he’ll feel weak and cold.
    D. People give blood so that they can be healthier.
    Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing, another man passed in the street. He stopped and said, “ Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that branch like that, you will fall down with it.” He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk of the tree.
    Nasreddin said nothing. He thought, “ This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do.”
    The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes. The branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it.
    “ My God! ” he cried. “ That man knows the future!” and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone.
    ( )6. One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch_______a tree in his garden.
    A. on B. in C. at D. off
    ( )7. While Nasreddin was sawing, another man_______.
    A. told him to stop working
    B. told him he would fall down
    C. would borrow something from him
    D. would help him saw that branch
    ( )8. After the man went away, Nasreddin thought that________.
    A. that was a silly fellow
    B. that was a wise person
    C. that was a proud person
    D. that fellow cheated him
    ( )9. What happened to Nasreddin after a few minutes?
    A. The branch fell .
    B. Nasreddin fell down to the ground.
    C. Nasreddin was hurt himself.
    D. Both A and B.
    ( )10. This story is about ________.
    A. a foolish man
    B. a wise man
    C. cutting a tree
    D. the necessity of taking good advice
    五. 综合填空
    Mother came into the room and asked her two d__1___ to help her with the cooking. Elder sister—Lisha was r___2___ a book about Africa. Younger sister—Liya went into the room and h__3__ her mother. After a while she came to call Lisha.
    Lisha answered, “ I’m not at h___4___. I’m in Africa. There are m___5___ flowers and birds there.” Liya went back.
    After a moment, Liya came back, and ate s___6___. Lisha asked, “ What are you eating?” “ I’m eating ice cream. This is the s ___7___ piece. I have eaten mine. I’m eating yours.”
    Lisha said a___8____, “ Why do you eat m___9____?”
    Liya answered, “ Mother doesn’t k____10____ when you will come back from Africa. The ice cream will melt if it is kept for long. It can’t wait for long.”
    六. 写作
    根据提示完成下面你(Li Ming)给澳大利亚的笔友Jim 的信。(信的开头已写好)第28届奥运会将于2008年在北京举行。全国人民都很高兴,中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家 而且正在变的越来越强大。北京是一个美丽的现代化城市。目前好多体育场馆(gymnasium)正在新建。很多人在忙着学英语。中国有志把它办成一届“绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运”。欢迎他到中国,到北京。
    参考词汇: with long history, modern gymnasium, be busy, “Green, Humanity and Science”(绿色,人文,科技奥运)。
    1. makes ; interested in 2. as a hobby 3. as a result
    1—5 BDFAC
    1—5 DBCAB 6—10 DACBD
    1—5 DDBCA 6—10 DBABD
    1. daughters 2. reading 3. helped 4. home
    5. many 6. something 7. second 8. angrily
    9. mine 10. know