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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Module 1 Hobbies
    一. 完成下列句子
    1. 什么使你对电影如此感兴趣?
    What _______ you so _________ __________ films?
    2. 在她十二岁的时候, 她以轮滑作为一种爱好。
    She took blade rolling _______ ________ _______ when she was twelve.
    3. 她很了解学生在想什么,因此深受学生的喜欢。
    She really knows what the students are thinking about, _______ _______ ______ she is very popular in the students.
    二. 从下面方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话
    Lisa: The summer holidays will come next month. ____1_____
    Maria: I’d like to go swimming.
    Lisa: That will be very interesting. _______2______
    Maria: Yes, my dad will go with me. He is very good at swimming. I need a teacher. I just started to learn it last year. What about you?
    Lisa: _____3____ It’s the busiest time of the year for him.
    Maria: How long will you have to work?
    Lisa: ____4____ Then I can do some other thing for myself, like playing football or swimming.
    Maria: _____5_____
    Lisa: Thank you. The same to you.
    A. May be three or four weeks.
    B. What are you going to do?
    C. Wish you have a good time.
    D. Is there anybody going with you?
    E. Where are you going?
    F. I’m going to help my father with his farm work.
    G. Three times a week.
    三. 完型填空
    Sam is a bus driver in a big city. All day he drives a bus through busy streets. Driving a big bus is very ____1__ work. It makes some drivers unhappy. But not Sam!
    Sam is always happy. And the people who ride in his bus seem to be happy, too. This story shows ___2___.
    Early one morning, Sam started his big green and yellow bus. He went off on ___3___ work, “ Oh, what a beautiful morning!” he sang. “ Oh, what a beautiful day!”
    At the first bus stop, a man was ___4____. “ Good morning, Mr. James,” said Sam with a big smile. “ How are you?” “ Fine, thank you, Sam,” said Mr. James. “ How are you?”
    “ Wonderful!” Sam answered. “ Just WONDERFUL! This is a fine day.”
    Mr. James smiled. He took a seat. As he looked ___5___ the window, he still smiled.
    At ___6___ stop a man came running up. He was puffing(气喘吁吁). “ I have to catch a train at seven,” he said. “ Can you get me to the station?”
    “ Now, just sit down and rest,” said Sam. “ I’ll drive a little ___7___. We will be there in time. Then you ___8___ run again.”
    “ Thank you!” said the man. He sat down.
    Sam did drive just a little faster. He got off the bus. “ You are the best bus driver in the city!”
    As he drove on, Sam ___9__ talking again. By this time, many people were on the bus. They were all going to work. But Sam made the ride seem like fun.
    “ It is now ten minutes after seven,” Sam called out. ‘The sky is blue. It will not rain today. We all like sunshine, don’t we?”
    He began to sing, “ I love you, Mr. Sunshine. I love you, Mr. Sun. In all the world I love you best. You are the only one.”
    “ What is that song, Sam?” a girl asked.
    “ It’s my song,” he said. “ I made it up. I like to sing. It makes ___10___ people want to sing, too.”
    Sam was right! The man behind him started to sing!
    1. A. easy B. greatC. interestingD. hard
    2. A. whatB. whyC. whenD. who
    3. A. today’sB. day’sC. the day’sD. the days’
    4. A. waitingB. talkingC. laughingD. riding
    5. A. intoB. out ofC. atD. up
    6. A. the firstB. the lastC. the otherD. the next
    7. A. fasterB. flowerC. quickerD. farther
    8. A. don’tB. won’tC. won’t have toD. have to
    9. A. likedB. startedC. enjoyedD. finished
    10. A. another B. the othersC. others D. other
    四. 阅读
    A grown-up(成年)person has ten or eleven pints(品脱)of blood(血液)inside his or her body. We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything, but if we lose too much blood, we feel weak and cold. Our faces become pale(苍白). We may die. This is what often happens when somebody is hurt in an accident, or a soldier is hurt in a war. Many people used to die in this way. But today they can be taken to hospital and given more blood. Almost at once they feel better. Their faces are no longer pale. They do not die.
    Where does this blood come from? People who are healthy may donate blood(献血)to a blood to a blood bank so that it can be used to save people’s lives. When they go to donate blood, a special kind of needle(针)is put into the arm. It does not hurt. The blood runs through the needle and through a rubber tube(橡胶管)into a bottle or a bag. A pint of blood is taken this way. The person who has given blood drinks a cup of tea or coffee and rests for a few minutes. Then he feels quite well. And he may give his blood this way three months later.