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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    27. --Your spoken English is much better.
    -- .
    A. Yes, please. B. Thank you
    C. You are right. D .Not at all
    28. Lisa eight hours every night. What about you?
    A. eats B. drinks C. plays D. sleeps
    29. The boy is too young to look _______ himself.
    A. at B. up C. after D. on
    30. The doctor tells me I should eat meat and take exercise.
    A. a little, a few B. less, more
    C. many, much D. much, many
    31. Look, the children are doing morning _____________ (exercise).
    32. My brother and I like ___________(drink) coffee.
    33. The bird can _______________ (sing) the “ABC” song. It’s very clever.
    34. His mother often___________ (help) him to do his homework.
    35. There are many________________ (different) between you and your twin brother.
    36. I go to the movies _____________ (first) a month.
    37. He’s too young. He can ________________(hard) ride a bike.
    38. Our English teacher likes to wear ___________
    (color) clothes, because she wants to be young .
    39. A good ________ (eat) habit is good for your health.
    40. In winter, my father often goes _______________ (skate) .
    四、句型转换 根据要求完成句子。(10分)
    41. Mr. Zhang taught him English two years ago. ( 改为一般疑问句 )
    _____ Mr. Zhang ___________him English two years ago?
    42. Lucy put her books on the desk. (对划线部分提问)
    __________ _________ Lucy put her books?
    43. You’d better not ask your father this question.
    ______ _______ your father this question, please.
    44. Mike likes playing football very much.
    Mike _________ __________ playing football.
    45. He goes to the park three times a week.
    _________ ____________ does he go to the park?
    五、选词填空 从方框中选择合适的单词填入下列句子中。 (10分)
    habit, hardly, unhealthy, same, eat, exercise , surf, try, never, different, difference, keep, program
    46. We should __ every day. It’s good to us.
    47. here are some ____ between American English and British English.
    48. ___________healthy food is good for you.
    49. My pen is red, your pen is green. Mine is ________ from yours.
    50. His favorite ________ is Animal World.
    51. We should do some sports and _______ in good health.
    52. Tom’s mother is angry with him because he always ______ the Internet.
    53. I have a healthy __ . I eat a lot of vegetables and drink milk every day.
    54. He is kind of _________ because he often eats junk food.
    55. He is an honest boy, he _______ cheat his parents.
    六、完形填空 从各题A、B、C、D中选择最佳答案。 (10分)
    Bob wants to get some money. He finds a job at a shop. Every day he 56 some work after school. But __57 Saturday he works 58 day. Every day after school, he takes a bus to the shop. He 59 there at 4:00. At the shop he cleans and washes vegetables, 60 , then puts them in bags. 61 he sweeps the floor. Bob likes his work. He works 62 4 to 6.Then he goes home. He 63 supper at half past six. After supper he studies. He is usually tired 64 , 65 he goes to bed early.
    56. A. finishes B. does C. gets D. has
    57. A. on B. in C. for D. at
    58. A. the B. other C. all D. a
    59. A. gets B. gets to C. comes D. comes to
    60. A. eats them B. puts away them
    C. waters them D. puts them away
    61. A. Some time B. Sometime
    C. sometimes D. /
    62. A. at B. on C. from D. between
    63. A. eat B. has C. does D. have
    64. A. before the night B. after school
    C. before supper D. at night
    65. A. So B. But C. For D. And
    七、阅读理解。 阅读短文,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。(5分)
    It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill. So it is easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones. Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little without one being aware of their danger. School boys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. When they can’t write their lessons, they copy from their schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stronger so that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying they learn to steal, from gambling, they learn to cheat. At last they become suspected by everybody. How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning!
    66. It is easier to fall into ______than into________.
    A. good habits, bad habits
    B. bad habits, good ones
    C. bad habits, good one
    67. Bad habits come________.
    A. suddenly B. little by little C. faster and faster
    68. Where do schoolboys pick up little bad habits first?
    A.In school
    B. On the street
    C. in school and on the street
    69.When schoolboys get bigger, their bad habits become_______.
    A stronger and stronger
    B. weaker and weaker
    C. better and better
    70. It is important for us_________.
    A. to copy with them
    B. to learn to steal and cheat
    C. to get rid of the bad habits in the beginning
    八、补全对话 从方框中选择句子完成对话,使对话语义连贯,符合逻辑。(5分)
    Mike: You look really fit,Peter. Do you exercise very often?
    Peter: Yes, 71 . And I lift weights for an hour every morning.
    Mike: You’ re kidding!
    Peter: No, and 72 ________ .
    Mike: Wow! 73 .
    Peter: About five times a week. What about you?
    Mike: Oh, 74 . I usually just watch TV in my free time. What else do you like to do, Peter?
    Peter: Well, 75 _____. I play them three times
    every day.
    A. How often do you exercise like that?
    B.I like playing computer games a lot.
    C.I always get up very early.
    D. Why don’t we play some after class today?
    E. I often go skateboarding.
    F. I hardly ever exercise.
    九、动词填空 可适当填加助动词或情态动词。
    Last Sunday, my friends Wang Tao, Zhang Jun asked me to go_ 76__ (swim) with them. Soon we got to the river. They were swimming in it. But I couldn’t swim. So I __77___ (sit) under a big tree and watching a little boy __ 78__ (play) with a ball near the river. But the ball _ _79___(fall) into the water and he fell into the water, too.
    I was standing up and _ 80___ (call) for help. But my friends _ 81__ (be) far from me and they ___82___ (not hear). So I jumped into the water. I didn’t know how to swim in it, but I __ 83__(take) the little boy out of the water. His parents thanked me very much. They said, “You are a good boy, a good young pioneer.”
    When my friends knew this, they all smiled and _ 84__ (say), “You _85____ (swim) now.”
    76._____________ 77.______________
    78._____________ 79.______________
    80._____________ 81._____________
    82.____________ 83._____________
    84. ____________ 85._____________
    十、书面表达 (10分)
    以 Exercise is a good way to keep health为题目,以“锻炼能使人身心健康、有很多有益的锻炼方式”为内容,写一篇60词短文,推荐给你的朋友。
    八年级上The keys to Unit 1
    一、1.often 2.favorite 3.Internet 4.usually
    5. As 6.result 7. lifestyle 8.never
    9. program 10.times
    二、11-15 CBDDB 16-20 BBCDB
    21-25 BBDBB 26-30 CBDCB
    三、31.exercises 32.drinking 33.sing 34.helps
    35. difference 36.once 37.hardly 38.colorful
    39. eating 40.skating
    四、41.Did teach 42.Where did 43.Don’t ask
    44. doesn’t like 45.How often
    五、46. exercise 47.differences 48.Eating
    49. different 50.program 51.keep
    52. surfs 53.habit 54.unhealthy
    55. never
    六、56-60 BACAD  61-65CCBDA
    七、66-70 BBCAC
    八、71-75 CEAFB
    九、76. swimming 77.was sitting 78.playing
    79.fell 80.calling 81.were
    82. couldn’t hear 83.took 84.said
    85. can swim
    十、Doing exercise/Exercising can help people to keep health. It makes your heart and body strong. You can exercise three or four times a week. Half an hour each time is enough. There are many ways to do exercise. You can go running, swimming and playing balls and so on. I think exercising can be funny. I like excising.