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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
    2.重点词汇: haven’ t = have not , neither , take , old-fashioned , especially , change , discover , graduate , wonderful , Peru , Holland , European , more than , be from , get to , take lessons , space museum , amusement park , water park , tour guide , flight attendant.
    3. 重点句型: Have you ever been to an amusement park?
    No , I’ve never been to an amusement park.
    Yes , I have. I went there last year.
    (2) 一般过去时。
    (3) 现在进行时表示的将来时。
    1. 游乐场_______________ 6. take a boat_______________
    2. 水上公园_______________ 7. have a great time_______________
    3. 老式火车_______________ 8. take lessons_______________
    4.对……感兴趣 9. exchange students_______________
    5. 一个说英语的国家_______________10. get to_______________
    1.答案:amusement park 2.答案:water park 3.答案:an oldfashioned train 4.答案:be interested in 5.答案:an English-speaking country 6.答案:乘船 7.答案:过得很愉快,玩得很痛快 8.答案:上课,听课 9.答案:互派的留学生,交换生 10.答案:开始,着手
    Ⅰ Ⅱ
    ( ) 1. I went to the aquarium yesterday. A. But it’s not easy.
    ( ) 2. What’s your boyfriend like? B. He’d like to go to water world.
    ( ) 3. Where would he like to go? C. He’s funny.
    ( ) 4. You should say sorry to her. D. You did?
    ( ) 5. Who’s your favorite group? E. Boyz.
    2.解题点拨:What’s sb.like?(某人)是什么样的人?问的是性格特征。
    1. The pop singer Sammi c__________ her hair color last month.
    解题点拨:last month为“上个月”,这一时间提示句中动词应用过去时。
    2. To tell you the truth , I love country music , e__________ Carpenter’s songs.
    3. The cinema s__________ many foreign films. They’ re great.
    解题点拨:此题中第二句“They’re great”用的是一般现在时,因此前句所用词应用千般现在时,而上映某电影应用show一词,所以此处填“shows”。
    4. He wants to take piano lessons f__________ the famous pianist.
    解题点拨:take lessons为“上课,听课”;take lessons from sb.为“听某人的课,跟某人学习”,为固定表达。
    5. ——I’ve n__________ been to Holland.
    ——N__________ have I.
    ( )1.——Have you ever read an e-book?
    A. Yes , I do B. Yes , I have C. Yes , I did
    解题点拨:现在完成时由助动词have(has)+动词过去分词构成。其一般疑问句的肯、否定回答分别为Yes,主语+have(has)/No,主语+have(has) not。
    ( )2. ________ Kim ________ to Holland last year?
    A. Did , go B. Has , been C. Is , going
    ( )3. ——________ has Wu Xiaoli worked for you as a reporter?
    ——Since last year.
    A. How often B. How soon C. How long
    解题点拨:“Snce last year”意为“自去年以来”。故选C,问“有多长时间”。另外,how long是就for+时间段和since词(组)或句子提问,how soon是就in+时间段提问。how often是就单位时间里的动作或状态发生频率的词组提问的。
    ( )4. Joseph tells me he________ the UFO last year.
    A. saw B. has seen C. sees
    答案: A
    ( )5.——I’ve never copied others’ homework.
    A. Neither I have B. Neither I do C. Neither have I
    1. You’ll have fun learn another language.( )______________
    A B C
    答案:B learning
    解题点拨:have fun doing sth.为固定表达,意为“有乐趣做某事”。
    2. Bob ,how long have you study Japanese? ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:C studied
    3 The kids wanted visiting the Museum of Flight. ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:B to visit
    解题点拨:want to do sth.为固定表达。
    4. Linda with her friend are going inline skating. ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:B is
    解题点拨:此句主语为Linda,是单数第三人称,而with her friend在句中作状语,故谓语动词be需用其单数第三人称形式。此题中若将with改为and,则“Linda”“her fnend”并列作主语,此时,谓语动词应用复数形式are。
    5. I usually go to a movie on Sunday , but I don’t go last Sunday. ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:C didn’t
    1. Dashan is my favorite actor. He ___________(speak) Chinese quite well.
    2. Miss Du ___________(teach) us English last term.
    3. ___________ you ever ___________(be) there?
    4. She ___________(show) these photos to all her friends before.
    答案:have shown
    5. I had nothing to do. So I _________(rent) some videos.
    A. I’m not sure.
    B. Have you ever been to Japan?
    C. Why do you want to go there?
    D. Where are you going for vacation this summer?
    E. Neither have I. Would you like to go there with me?
    F. Because it’s a beautiful country and we can buy many trendy clothes there.
    G. No , I haven’ t. How about you?
    H. Great. Let’s go there.
    1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________
    1. China has changed a lot since 1991. (变一般疑问句)_________ China _________ _________ _________ since 1991?
    解题点拨:在现在完成时的句子中,have done中have为助词,变为一般疑问句时,将助动词移到句首。
    2. I have been to the space museum. (就划线部分提问)
    _________ _________ you been?
    3. The plane to Hong Kong took off. (变否定句)
    The plane to Hong Kong_________ _________off.
    答案:didn’t take
    4. He thinks I can find something on the Mars. (变否定句)
    He_________ _________I _________ find _________ on the Mars.
    答案:doesn’t think,can,any thing
    5. I started studying English two months ago. (就划线部分提问)
    _________ _________ _________ __________studying English?
    综合训练卷(70 分钟 ,满分100分)
    ( ) 1. How long have you been _________ English?
    A. study B. studied C. studying D. studyed
    ( ) 2. He called me up when I _________ a shower this morning.
    A. have B. had C. have had D. was having
    ( ) 3. I think Ann a super star in only 2 years.
    A. is B. is going to be C. is being D. has been
    ( ) 4. Have you ever to travel around?
    A. taken a train B. took train
    C. by a train D. by trains
    ( ) 5. The kids from mountainous districts _________ never _________ computer games before.They’ re so excited.
    A. have , played B. did , play C. are , playing D. do , play
    ( ) 6. When I was fifteen years old , I got _________ all kinds of stamps.
    A. to collect B. to collecting C. collect D. to
    解题点拨:get to为“开始,着手”之意时,协为介词,“开始(着手)做某事”常用“get to sth./doing sth.”表示。
    ( ) 7. It _________ being a nice day , and we can go on a picnic today.
    A. likes B. look like C. looks like D. looks
    解题点拨:like作动词表示喜欢,后接不定式或动名词,还可作为介词,表示“像……,类似”。look like意为“看上去像……”,后接名词、代词宾格、名词性物主代词及动名词。look为连系动词,意为“看上去……”,后接形容词。故应选C。
    ( ) 8. I wanted to tell Mike about the thing ,but he just ___________ it.
    A. wasn’t interested B. wasn’t interested in
    C. didn’t interest D. interested
    解题点拨:be interested in为“对……感兴趣”,为固定用法。
    ( ) 9. There were many visitors _________ photos of the buildings in Hongcun
    A. take B. taking C. took D. are taking
    解题点拨:There be+sb.+doing sth.意为“有某人正在做某事”。
    ( ) 10. —— How long __________ in Shanghai?
    ——Since the end of last year.
    A. did she live B. does she live
    C. has she lived D. will she live
    ( ) 11. Jack Chan _________ to Hollywood a few years ago.
    A. went B. has been C. is D. was
    ( ) 12. ——_________ has Judy run the marathon?
    ——Three times.
    A. How far B. How soon C. How many times D. How long