VI.阅读理解(二)(本题共6小题,每小题2分,满分12分) 阅读下列短文,完成下列问题。 Do you have a mobilephone ? Do you sendtext meaasges to your friends and family? Text messagingor “texting “(短信), is becoming verypopular . But, scientists havediscovered that texting cangive us problems with our hands . Be careful ! Too much texting cancause swelling (肿胀) in ourthumbs (拇指). Our thumbswere not made for pushing small buttons , over and over. Scientistscall this problemRSI(重复性紧张劳损).We spoke to a doctor called harriet Wilson , who treats manysick people with RSI .(6) She says that we need to see how much time we are spending in typing text messages.If we are spending more that 10-15 minutes at once , wecould have peoblems in thefuture . (7)Asmobile phones develop , they are getting small with buttons closertogether .Texting with a smaller phone ,. Is it worsethan using a larger phone with bigger buttons . Using a computer keyboard and playingvideo games can cause the sameproblem . So more andmore peoplecould find themselveswith RSI. Among them , most are university studentsand teenagers , as theydo not know the risks of spendingso much timeusing computers , video games and mobile phones . If we don’tdo something about this , too many youngpeople could grow up in terrible pain . 1.According to the passage , what is becoming popular now ? _________________________________________________? 2.Does the word “Once “ mean “one time” in the second passage ? __________________________. 3.What kind of peopleare easier to have the problem of RSI ? ______________________________? 4.What can also cause RSI except texting ? _____________________________. 翻译成汉语 5.____________________________________________________. 6.___________________________________________________. (责任编辑:admin) |