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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

     everywhere, another, visit, , Food, history,make, experience, people
    In the past , peopleused to travel to foreign countriesbecausethey thought they would be differentin many ways – the buildings , the_1____, the national dressed and so on . At present , however , one large cityis similar to _2____. They allhave their Hiltonor Sheraton Hotels everywhere . They all have their McDonald’s ,their KFCs and their Pizza hunts . Office buidings look the same___3___, and most city centers full of office buidings , And of course , people are drivingthe same brands(品牌) of Japanese or European cars .
    Then what is the foreign travel for ? What do tourists hope to ______4_____in a foreign country that they can’texperienceat home ? The answer could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation’s _____5_____and culture that are the main attractions . Most people travel oversea to find out what foreign countries history and culturesused to be like , not what they are liketoday .Tourists try to learnthe historyandculture of foreign countries byvisitingdifferentkinds of museums.
    Every counrty also has its ownbeautifulplacesfor tourists to ____6_____. Their own specialscenery(风景)would certainly attract tourists from other countries.
    Finally , there is perhapsa country ‘s attraction:It’s people . A country is not just its old buildings , its works of artor beautiful places , it’s also the ______7_____wholve in it. This is why a countrysuch as Thailand attracts millions of people . Thetourists come mainlybecause of the friendness of the people there .It is whythe Pacific islands are also so popular. The friendly , smiling people__8____visitorsfeel welcome .
    On a cold winter afternoon , I was walking home from a surpermarket. I was feeling a little tired ,as I wascarrying my shopping bags. They were so heavy _____I decided tostop to have a restin the park . I walked towards the gate of the park . Inoticeda man walking out of the restaurantin front of me .He was holdinga paper bag . He walkedto a nearby dustbin (垃圾箱) and started looking through it .
    I suddenly felt sad . I knew the man would take all that he could get , so I went up to him and__________ him some fruit . The man , with wrinkles (皱纹) on his face , looked upin surprise and tookwhat I gave him.
    A big______ appeared on his face and I felt very happy . Then he said “Wow ! First someonegave me this sandwich, then this drink , and now some delicious fruit . This is my daughter’s luckyday .Thank you, boy .” Then he went________ , singing a song .’
    Just then , I understood what the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyone in the world needs help , everyone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness. Giving sometimes doesn’t cost ______ , but it means a lot to the people who you help .
    The man’s happiness at that momentcomes into my mindevery time I have the chanceto help others .