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初一英语food and drink~教案

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    新课程英语教案一、教材人教版初中英语第一册 Unit 19 Food and drink 二、学习目标 1、 掌握一些表示食物的英语单词:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato… 2、 学会以下的表达方式:a cup of tea, two glasses of water… 3、 掌握以下重点交际用语:What is your favourite food? What would you like? I’d like some… Would you like some…? Yes, please. No, thanks. 三、教学手段采用多媒体电脑教学:实物展示台、电脑、录音机等。四、教学方法讲授法、直观教学法、情景教学法、讨论法、观察法、交际法等五、教学过程 Step1 Opening remarks Today, we are not going to have an English class. We want to have much delicious food with your friends. Let’s go into the world of delicious food. Step 2 Presentation (1)Show many pictures. In the pictures, there are much nice food. Let the students watch the food carefully. Then form the groups to collect the words on food which they know as many as they can. fruit cake hamburger meat (近二十张彩色图片自动切换。每张图片上都是一道精美的菜肴,包括世界各个民族的菜肴,有水果、饮料, 有西餐,中餐等等。让学生边欣赏,边回忆自己所知道的所有有关食物的英语词汇,并借助身边的工具和小组其他成员的共同努力,想得越多越好。图片播放完毕的同时,要求学生停止讨论,进行汇总。) (2) Ask the students to show their food lists. At the same time, show many cartoon pictures on food that the students have learned. (用一整页呈现出所有食物的卡通动画图片,都是他们刚才所列举出的能用英语表达的食物的单词,复习一下这些学过的表示食物的词汇。) Step 3 Listen, read and learn (1) Ask a question: But one of your friends in your group is from England. One is from the USA. The other one is from China. What do they want to eat? How can you do it? ( 课前学生就分好组, 前后四人为一小组,进行小组合作交流,要求学生把讨论的结果,也就是把想吃的东西列成菜单。) Ask them to list a food menu. Some food must be Chinese food. Some must be western-style food. So the students decide to go to a KFC or the Mc Donald’s and go to a Chinese restaurant to have Chinese food. (结果肯定是有的想吃中餐,有的想吃西餐。然后让他们想想去了餐厅或买食物又该如何说呢?可以先让学生随便说说,对不对暂不加评论。) But the students don’t know how to express themselves when they do it. Maybe some of them know. The teacher can ask them to say something about it first. (学生在看了这么多美食之后,肯定想吃,却又不只如何表达。那就只能先听听别人是怎么说的。) (2) Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully and fill in the key words in the dialogue: Woman:Can I help you? A:Yes. Er, what _____ you _____? B:I don’t know. A:Well, would you like_________ ___ ____? What about some ____ _____? B:Oh, yes. I’d like a ______ of apple juice. What about you? A: I’d like a _____ of orange juice. What about____ ____ ____? B:Some cakes, please. A:We’d like a bottle of apple juice, a glass of orange, and four cakes, please. Woman:OK…Here you are. Step 4 Practice (1) The students listen to the tape again and find the answers . Then the teacher writes them on the blackboard: What would you like? I’d like… Would you like some…? (学生在听完录音后,就应该知道如何表达了,什么是这节课的重点内容。让他们自己先说说,老师总结一下后就把重点写在黑板上。) (2)According to the dialogue, they can use these sentence pattens to express what to say when they want to have something , in order to be familiar with the words and sentence patterns. First, make some small dialogues. At the same time, show a KFC picture with much food in it. They can see many different kinds of food, drink, fruit and vegetables…(首先出现的食物都是他们会用英语表达的,学生四人一组去吃麦当劳 (或肯德基)或中国餐馆进餐,操练以上的句型。) Step 5 Presentation and practice Then the teacher adds some pictures. For example, hamburger, potato chips, ice cream, a cup of coffee,noodles… They don’t know how to say them in English.(然后不断出现一些食物,如汉堡,冰淇淋,几杯饮料等,这些单词学生都还没学过。) According to the pictures, teach them the new words and some expressions. eg, hamburger, ice cream, potato chips, coffee, coke, a cup of tea, two glasses of milk and so on.(让学生边看图,边学单词和一些表达法,这样他们学单词就不感到枯燥了,觉得是一种需要。) Step 6 A short play (1) Go on their dinner in the KFC and make dialogues with the new words and expressions. Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to make up a short play. The topic is “Let’s go to the Mc Donald’s (or KFC).” or “Let’s go to have Chinese food.” (最后学生把前面所练习的对话进行整理,使其系统化,成为一个完整的情景。在此过程中,要求学生能充分运用想象力,把身边的东西用作道具,自己画一些食物的图片,并想象每个角色的动作和语音、音调。如,学生可以饰顾客、服务员、主人或朋友。同时用电脑呈现一系列麦当劳、肯德基和中国菜的图片,为学生提供一个较真实的情景。)(2) Act out their plays. Chosoe four plays from 16 groups. Step 7 Consolidation (1)The other students are judges. At last, choose the best one.