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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    III. 根据所给汉语完成句子。
    1. 和你的同学讨论去度假的最好的地方。
    Discuss the _______ _______ _______ a vacation _______ your classmates.
    2. 昨天整个下午既炎热又晴朗。
    _______ _______ sunny _______ hot the _______ afternoon yesterday.
    3. 上星期六下午我们放风筝了。
    We _______ _______ _______ Saturday afternoon.
    4. 我们在海浪里玩得很有趣。
    We _______ _______ _______ _______ in the waves.
    5. 那(件事)使我感到很兴奋。
    That _______ _______ _______ very exciting.
    VI . 完形填空。
    Carol and Susan were great friends. They were in the same class at 1 , and they often played together after school. When Carol was eight years 2 , her mother had a baby. Carol was 3 to have a little sister. She always talked about her to 4 . Susan had no brothers or sisters. At first Susan liked listening to her, 5 after a few days she didn’t liked her to talk about it. One morning when the two 6 were on their way to school, Carol 7 Susan, “Do you know, Susan, my baby 8 got half a kilo in weight(重量) this week?’
    “That’ not very much.” answered Susan. “I know a 9 . It gets five kilos a day.”
    “Oh, that can’t be true!” answered Carol. “ 10 baby is it?” “An elephant’s,” said Susan.
    ( ) 1. A. school B. home C. hospital D. factory
    ( ) 2. A. age B. old C. time D. long
    ( ) 3. A. sorry B. bad C. happy D. ill
    ( ) 4. A. Carol B. Carol’s sister C. Susan D. Susan’s sister
    ( ) 5. A. and B. so C. but D. or
    ( ) 6. A. girls B. boys C. men D. twins
    ( ) 7. A. answered B. said to C. meant D. looked for
    ( ) 8. A. brother B. sister C. daughter D. son
    ( ) 9. A. child B. baby C. woman D. worker
    ( )10. A. Whose B. How C. Where D. When
    I . 选择你所听到的词组。(5分)
    ( ) 1. A. at work B. at home C. at night
    ( ) 2. A. last week B. this week C. next week
    ( ) 3. A. yesterday morning B. yesterday evening C. yesterday afternoon
    ( ) 4. A. a bit ill B. a little ill C. was ill
    ( ) 5. A. three days ago B. three weeks ago C. three years ago
    II . 根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答语。(5分)
    ( ) 6. A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, we were.
    ( ) 7. A. Yes, Li Ping did B. No, Li Ping didn’t. C. Li Ping did.
    ( ) 8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I was. C. Yes, I did.
    ( ) 9. A. No, it wasn’t. B. No, there wasn’t C. No, I wasn’t.
    ( )10. A. He went to the mountains. B. Two weeks ago. C. He was eleven.
    III . 听短文并填出所缺的单词。(10分)
    My is in Shanghai. We in a tall building. My father and mother are workers. They work in a big factory. They walk to the factory. They work very . They make a lot of machines for the farmers. I have a brother and a sister. My brother in Beijing. Every day he home in the morning and gets home in the evening. He does office work. My sister and I are students. We are in 2. I am not good at English. My sister helps me with it. We for the .
    IV . 英汉词组互译。(10分)
    1. 美丽的海滩 2. fried fish
    3. 去度假 4. at dinner time
    5. 整天 6. relaxing trip
    7. 糟糕的食物 8. in the corner
    9. 夏令营 10. feel happy
    V . 选择填空。(10分)
    ( ) 1. Mr Mott went vacation last month.
    A. in B. on C. at D. for
    ( ) 2. I know the answer at that time.
    A. don’t B. didn’t C. not D. doesn’t
    ( ) 3. We had great fun in the park.
    A. play B. plays C. playing D. played
    ( ) 4. Tom decided his homework at school.
    A. to do B. do C. doing D. does
    ( ) 5. The teacher made us TV in class.
    A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watch
    ( ) 6. Kate her parents yesterday evening?
    A. Did, helped B. Does, helped C. Does, helps D. Did, help
    ( ) 7. “ you like to go for a walk?” “Yes, .”
    A. Would, I like to B. Do, I like
    C. Do, I’d like to D. Would, I’d like to
    ( ) 8. Jack and I in the teachers’ office an hour ago.
    A. was B. were C. am D. are
    ( ) 9. Sam was ill, so he to school.
    A. went B. doesn’t go C. didn’t go D. goes
    ( )10. There some women in the office just now.
    A. was B. is C. were C. are
    VI. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。(15分)
    sit, picture, be, boat, crowd, with, people
    Last Saturday Jim went to Central Park _______ his friend, Tim. There _______ many people there. Some _______ under a big tree. Some were in _______. An old man was drawing _______. Many _______ were around him. It was _______.
    have, be, song, about, birthday, get, friend, present
    Yesterday was Mike’s _______. We _______ a birthday party. Many of his _______ came to the party. There _______ a lot of food on the table. Mike _______ many _______. We sang _______ and danced. I got home at _______ 10:00. We had a great evening.
    VII .句型转换。(10分)
    1. She came to school late this morning. (变成否定句)
    She to school late this morning.
    2. My mother went to Shanghai last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)