Speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart 娓娓情声爱语,拥我入怀,于你温磬的心上。 I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start 感触你的心语,柔情的颤抖,阵阵涌起。 We’re in a world, our very own 我们处在一个世界,一个没有他人的世界, Sharing a love that only few have ever known 享受着爱,无人知晓。 Wine-colored days warmed by the sun 太阳烘暖红彤彤天, Deep velvet nights when we are one 夜晚我们融合为一,天鹅绒中深深沉湎。 Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky 娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。 The vows of love we make will live until we die 相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。 My life is yours and all becau-au-se 你中有我,一切因为, You came into my world with love so softly love 你怀着缠绵的爱踏入了我的世界。 Wine-colored days warmed by the sun 太阳烘暖红彤彤天, Deep velvet nights when we are one 夜晚我们融合为一,天鹅绒中深深沉湎。 Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky 娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。 The vows of love we make will live until we die 相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。 My life is yours and all becau-au-se 你中有我,一切因为, You came into my world with love so softly love 你怀着缠绵的爱踏入了我的世界。 那柔美、浪漫、温馨的歌声,伴着忧郁的旋律带着淡淡的伤感, 使人沉湎于一种难以名状的音乐情绪中不能自拔,撼动着心魂! 音乐抚慰着人们的心灵,净化着人们的灵魂, 思绪在旋律优美、婉转动人的歌声中悠扬缠绵, 将人们带回那电影插曲中难以忘怀的动人情景, 让人们以无限的遐想去憧憬那美好的爱情...... (责任编辑:admin) |