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九年级Unit 1~Unit 5单元讲解

    九年级Unit 1~Unit 5单元讲解
    山东泰安市仪阳中学 葛鑫
    1. 学会学习方法,培养良好学习习惯。
    2. 运用used to 结构谈论过去的事情。
    3. 能就允许和不允许进行对话。
    4. 学会虚拟语气的初步用法。
    5. 掌握表达推测时的常用语言。


    pronounce, pronunciation, realize, afraid, trouble, unless, death, attention, experience, achieve, succeed, hurt, refuse, worried, importance, development


    make mistakes, later on, be afraid to, look up, be angry with, go by, deal with, be terrified of, in the end, make a decision, to one's surprise, take pride in, give up, instead of, what if, get along with, come up with, belong to, use up


    1. How do you study for a test?
    2. I study by making flashcards.
    3. We get excited about something and then end up speaking Chinese.
    4. I used to be afraid of the dark.
    5. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
    6. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
    7. If I were you, I'd take a long walk before going to bed.
    8. It might belong to Linda. She was at the picnic.


    1. used to表示过去的用法
    2. should be allowed to do的用法
    3. 虚拟语气的用法
    4. must表示推测的用法

    重点一:带有used 短语的用法
    be used to, be used to do, be used for +名词/动名词,这几个短语容易混淆,学生出错率高。
    be used to
    (1) 被用做……     be used to do    The quilt is used to keep warm.
    be used for +名词/动名词    The quilt is used for keeping warm.
    (2) 习惯……     be / get used to doing    He has got used to new environments.
    (3) 过去常做     used to do (did something very often in the past)
    He used to go there. But now, he seldom go there.
            1 (2008·黑龙江哈尔滨)
       While traveling to Canada, you should give yourself a day to        the time and know the way nearby.                               
       A. used to              B. be used to               C. use to
            解析:本题主要考查了be used to的用法:习惯什么事情。
    He's never been to the Great Wall, _______? 
      A. is he         B. isn't he            C. hasn't he         D. has he
    点评:类似的还有:never,seldom, hardly,few,little,barely, scarcely, nothing 等。
    3 2008·湖北荆州)
    Believe yourself. You're better than _________. You're the best. Wish you success!
    A. anyone else            B. someone else          C. else anyone
    点评:对于此类问题的解决需要学生平时将常用的几种情况熟记于心,并在日常学习注意两种语言的不同。 (责任编辑:admin)