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Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 学习目标

    Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 学习目标






    使用must,might,could,can't 进行推论
    The volleyball must be Carla's. She is the only one who plays volleyball.
    It can't be Tom. He went to Guangzhou just now.
    She might / could be having lunch at the school canteen. It is lunch time.



    picnic, possibly, drop, count, final, owner, sky, catch, unhappy, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, director, monkey, smell, finger, lift, stone, ant, dishonest


    belong, author, symphony, appointment, algebra, anxious, worried, creature, extremely, garbage, escape, bark, pretend, attempt


    optometrist, chase, footstep, mystery


    belong to, use up




    1. 学会根据相关的信息进行推论
    2. 学会根据一定的背景或前提进行预测或续写