前言:学习典例重在借鉴,反对照搬。以下各例运用得当,可以使语言增色,为表达增分。若使用不当,易被判无病呻吟,当成套作打击!切记!切忌! 1.梦想?信念 经典开头 ◎寂寞的...
1. Put your phone down 1.放下手机 Maintaining eye contact when someone is talking will help build trust because it shows genuine interest, but that’s hard to do if you keep glancing at your phone or scanning around the room. 别人说话...
The grief of losing a loved one can cause life-threatening inflammation, new research shows. Researchers at Rice University interviewed 99 people who had lost a spouse in the last two weeks, and took blood samples. 新的研究显示,失去挚...
It’s no secret that the car engine and factory fumes we breathe in everyday are seriously harmful to our brains and bodies. A wealth of scientific evidence shows that those of us living in cities, exposed to high levels of air pollution th...
中国近现代著名人物 (一)近代反抗侵略的杰出人物 林则徐——1839年,林则徐被道光帝任命为钦差大臣到广东查禁鸦片,并领导了虎门销烟。 左宗棠——1876年,清政府任命左宗棠为...