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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    2010年春八年级英语下册Unit 1---2教学效果检测题
    一、听句子辨词。选出你所听到的单词补全句子,使句子完整。 1. I don’t have enough money to buy the ticket. 2. My friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend. 3. Sally practices flying everyday because she wants to be an astronaut in the future. 4. People have computers in their homes these days. 5. I thought I passed my test, but I just found out I failed. 二、对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择一个正确的答案。 1. M: Will you visit the Great Wall next Saturday or next Sunday? W: Next Sunday. 2. M: I think there will be more pollution. W: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. M: Yes, I think so. 3. M: What do you think Lucy will be in 10 years? W: I think she will be an English teacher. M: Why do think so? W: She enjoys learning English very much. 4. M: What’s your predication about your family, Mary? W: I predicate that there will be a computer and a car in my family. M: Why do you think so? W: Because the computers and cars will be inexpensive and we are able to buy them. 5. M: I have lots of homework to do every day, but my friends want me to play with them. What shall I do? W: Could you ask somebody else to do it for you? M: Oh, no. I can’t do that. W: You could study harder in class and so you are able to finish it more quickly. M: That’s a good idea!
    2010年春八年级英语下册Unit 3---4教学效果检测题
    一、情景反应。根据你所听到的句子选择恰当的应答语。 1. What was Jim doing when your mother come back? 2. Hi, Maria! Can I copy your homework? 3. I am really mad at you. 4. What did your math teacher say? 5. I hope you are in good health. 二、对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择一个正确的答案。 1.M: Hello, Lana! Do you know about Shenzhou Six? W: Hi, Alan! Yes, of course! M: What were you doing when it took off? W: I was watching TV in my office. It’s great! It’s just like a UFO. I couldn’t believe it! 2. M: Where were you at 9 o’clock yesterday, Sally? W: I was on the bus back home. 听一个对话,做答 3—4小题。 W: Where is your report card? M: It’s in my school bag. W: Can I have a look? M: Sure, you can. You are my mother. W: How was your English? M: My teacher said that I was hard-working and I did well. W: Well! Good luck! You are supposed to go into the English college after you graduate from middle school. M: Thank you! That’s my dream! 5.M: Who is your best friend, Maria? W: My best friend is Xiao Lin, but last week we had a big fight and now she isn’t talking to me. 三、短文理解。根据你所听到的短文选择正确的答案填空。
    On 17th, October, 2003, a famous astronaut, Yang Liwei, came to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space. Oh, Great! He was the first space man in China. The 38-year- old astronaut was sent to the space by China’s Shenzhou Five .After 21 hours, he landed safely at 6:23 am the next day. China is third country to send a person to the space. He has worked as an astronaut for 5 years. He told us, in five years, he did little for his son and his family. He said he was very busy every day. He is a hero of our Chinese people. His trip is a giant leap forward for China.
    2010年春八年级英语下册Unit 5---6教学效果检测题
    一、对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择一个正确的答案。 1.M: Hello, Ann! How long have you been learning English? W: Since two years ago. 2. M: Karen, What’s your hobby? W: I like stamps very much. And I have got 2000 stamps now. 3. M: Lana, What sport do you play? W: Tennis. M: When did you start?. W: When I was 11 years old. M: So how long have you been playing? W: For 3 years. 4.W:Tom,I think you should go to a college. M: But if I go to a college, I’ll never become a professional soccer player. 5.M: Nancy! Will you become a famous athlete? W: No, if that I will get upset, and not be happy. M: Why? W: Because people will watch me all the time and follow me everywhere. That will make life difficult and not be happy. 二、短文填空。根据你所听到的内容补全短文,使其意思通顺,短文念两遍。 There are 48 students in my class, everyone has his or her hobby. Some of us like collecting stamps. Some like collecting seashells. And some of us like sports very much. Li Hong likes collecting seashells. He has been collecting seashells for seven years. The shells are beautiful. Yang Xin likes collecting stamps. He has more than 200 stamps in all .He has not only Chinese stamps, but also foreign stamps, such as French stamps, English stamps and American stamps. I have seen them. They are wonderful! I like sports very much. I am on the school basketball team. I have been playing basketball for nearly two years.
    2010年春八年级英语下册期中教学效果检测题 一、 情景反应。根据你听到的句子,选择一个恰当的应答语,每小题听两遍
    1. I think there will be more pollution in the future.
    2. My parents want me to stay at home every night. What should I do?
    3. What was your mother doing when your father got out of the shower?
    4. Dear grandma, how are things going?
    5. Can you organize the party games for us?
    6. W: My Chinese teacher said I was not hard-working.
    M: Really? I think you work very hard.
    7. W: What did Marcia say? M: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
    8. W: Peter, I called you yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t in.
    M: Sorry. My friends and I were climbing a mountain.
    9. M: I didn’t see Lucy today. Is she ill in hospital?
    W: She went to the hospital yesterday. The doctor said she had a cold, but not very serious. She’s at home now.
    10. W: What’s wrong with you, Mike? M: My clothes are out of style.
    M: Hi, Alice! What do you think your life will be in ten years?
    W: Oh, I think I will be an astronaut.
    M: An astronaut? Are you kidding?
    W: No, I am serious. I’ll fly rockets to the moon. Maybe there will be flights to other planets.
    M: Oh, and where will you live?
    W: I will live on a space station.
    11.What does Alice want to be in ten years?
    12. Will people have flights to other planets in ten years?
    W: Peter, I don’t have any money.
    M: Well, Miss Huang. Maybe you should get a part-time job.
    W: A part-time job? When?
    M: Well. You could work on weekends.
    W: No, I can’t do that. I like to go shopping on weekends.
    M: Miss Huang. You shouldn’t go shopping! You don’t have money!
    W: I know! I know! But it’s fun to go out with friends.
    M: You should get new friends who like other things.
    W: Friends who like other things? Really?
    M: Like what?
    W: Like playing sports.
    13.What’s the matter with Miss Huang?
    14.Why does Miss Huang like to go shopping?
    15. What does Peter think Miss Huang should do?