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初二英语复习资料:Success stories能力检测

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 1 Success stories
    班级___________ 姓名__________ 学号_____________
    第一节 听力理解(共10小题,每小题1分。)
    ( ) 1. Which basketball player does the boy like best?
    A. Yao Ming B. Michael Jordon C. No one.
    ( ) 2. What re they talking about?
    A. The earth B. The space. C. The successful astronauts
    ( )3. What does the boy think of the flight of the Shenzhou VII?
    A. Amazing. B. Interesting. C. Exciting.
    ( )4.The boy is a fan of ___________.
    A. Wang Fei’s. B.Lang Lang’s C.The girl’s
    ( )5. What does the girl want to be in the future?
    A. A famous singing professor.
    B. A pianist.
    C. A famous singer.
    ( )6.How old is Bill Gates now?
    A. 50 B. 52 C.54
    ( )7. How many years did he study at Harvard University?
    A. 4 B.3 C.2
    ( )8.How many years he begin his company with?
    A. Paul Allen B. Microsoft C. Nobody
    ( )9. What did Bill Gates and his friend do in their company?
    A. Developed the software for personal computers.
    B. Invented new personal computers.
    C. Taught people how to use personal computers
    ( )10. Which of the following is not true?
    A. Bill Gates is successful in improving the software.
    B. Bill Gates started his computer at the age of 20.
    C. Bill Gates finished his study at Harvard University.
    第二节 听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分。)
    A successful young writer
    Guo Jingming
    __(A)__ years old
    In 2001
    He won ___(B)___in a national writing competition.
    First book
    City of Fantasy.
    Things he wrote in the book
    The___(C)____feelings of young people.
    The teenagers face loneliness by __(D)__alone for long hours under trees or stay at home alone.
    Money he made in 2007
    1.There will be many wonderful performances ________ tonight.
    A. on radio B.in radio C. in television D. on television
    2. Lang Lang is one of the most famous ___________in the world.
    A. pianist B. pianists C. piano D. pianos
    3. While he ___________the bus, he ___________a book.
    A. was waiting for; read B. waited for; was reading
    C. was waiting for; was reading D. waited for; read
    4. What _________he ___________all day last summer?
    A. does, research B. is, researching C. did, research D, was, researching
    5. An umbrella can protect you ___________the rain.
    A. from B. to C. with D. of
    6. _____________students are playing basketball on the playgrond.
    A. A number of B. The number of C. A number for D. The number for
    7. He________and had to stay in hospital for a few days.
    A. fall behind B. fall ill C. fell ill D. fell behind
    8. Guangzhou ___________Flower City.
    A. is known for B. is known by C. is known as D. is famous for
    9. I’m curious ___________the machine works.
    A. of what B. about what C. about how D. of how
    10. He said he would be careful____________.
    A. from now on B. from then on C. from this time D. from these times
    11. Confidence can help people_________.
    A. successful B. succeed C. success D. successfully
    12. I am tired _______ your stupid words.
    A. with B. for C .at D. of
    13. Bell is the__________of the telephone.
    A. invent B. invention C. inventor D. inventing
    14 . Mary _______ a dress when she cut her finger.
    A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes
    15.He had ______________ running and kept _____________every day.
    A. a gift of, practise B. a gift in, practising
    C. a gift for, prastise D. a gift for, practising
    China’s First Spaceman---Yang Liwei
    Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. he became a pilot of the Chinese Air Force in 1987. he__1___ 1,350 hours. It took him five years to become a spaceman, Yang Liwei was __2__ into space by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft at 9 a.m. __3__October 15th, 2003. it moved around the __4__ fourteen times. He came back__5__at 6:23 a.m. the next day, making China the__6__country to successfully send a person into space after the former Soviet Union__7__ the USA. Yang Liwei returned into the earth after a __8__trip to space. In space, Yang Liwei not only recorded__9__he saw but also showed China’s national flag and the United Nation’s flag to the people who watched TV at home.
    ( ) 1. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost
    ( )2. A. sent up B. sent off C. sent away D. sent for
    ( )3. A. for B. in C. at D. on
    ( )4. A. moon B.earth C. star D. ocean
    ( )5. A, careful B. quick C.slowly D. safely
    ( )6.A. first B. second C.third D. fourth
    ( )7. A.and B.or C.but D. then
    ( )8.A. 21 hours B.21-hour C.21-hours D.21st hour
    ( )9. A.nobody B.somebody C.nothing D. everything
    ( )10.A.proud of B.full of C. speak highly of D.lose ourselves in
    One day a woman walks into a __1__shop. The shopkeeper smiles and says. “Good afternoon, madam.”
    “Good afternoon,”the woman answers. “There is a green hat__2__ red flower on it in your__3__. Will you please take it out of there?”
    “Yes, madam.” The shopkeeper says. “I’m happy to do that __4__you.” Usually women look at a lot of__5__, but they don’t buy any. So he thinks,” Good, I can__6__this hat very quickly today.”
    “Do you wan it in a box or __7__ your head, madam?”
    “Oh, I don’t want it,” she answered. “ I__8__want you to take it out of the window. I pass your__9__every day, and I don’t like to __10__the ugly thing there.”
    ( )1. A. shoe B. hat C. book D.TV
    ( )2. A. with B. has C. have D.of
    ( )3.A. door B. wall C. window D.table
    ( )4.A. about B .to C.of D.for
    ( )5.A. cloths B.shirts C.hats D. trousers
    ( )6.A. sell B.buy C.have D.give
    ( )7.A. in B.over C.with D.on
    ( )8.A. can B.only C.must D. all
    ( )9.A. school B.car C.shop D.room
    ( )10.A. look B.see C.read D.listen to
    ( A )
    If you ask Daniel Radcliff who acted Harry Potter to pick up a special moment from the last year of his life, you will find it almost impossible. “ Oh, wow, that’s really difficult,” he says with a smile.
    “ There have been so many things, so many memories that at times it’s hard to recall them all,” says Daniel. “ But I guess one of the best ones was the London premiere for The Philosopher’s Stone. It was just amazing, one of the best nights of my life.”
    “But I’ve had such a great time doing The Chamber of Secret. I love doing the work. I love meeting new people and being part of the team. It’s been great.”
    Daniel had changed. He turned 14 in July, 2002. he is taller, his voice is deeper and his frame is filling out as he begins his teenage years, and he has become an excellent actor, too.
    Daniel was born in London where his father, Alan, worked as an agent and his mother, Marcia, as a casting director, and both have been an essential guiding influence on their only child.
    ( )1.It’s_____for Daniel to recall all the special moments.
    A. quite easy B. possible C, difficult D. the best time
    ( )2. The London premiere for The Philosopher’s Stone was _________.
    A. one of the best special moments
    B. one of the best films
    C. one of the most interesting films
    D. one of the most difficult films
    ( )3. When was The Philosopher’s Stone shown for the first time?
    A. before The Chamber of Secrets
    B. in July,2002
    C. after The Chamber of Secrets
    D. when Daniel was 14 years old
    ( )4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A. Daniel was to busy to agree to accept an interview.
    B. Daniel wan born on July 14, 1988.
    C. Daniel couldn’t recall any of his special moments.
    D. Daniel has become an excellent actor.
    ( )5.From the passage we can know that_________.
    A. Daniel is a very tall boy now
    B. his voice it too deep to act as a boy in The Chamber of Secrets
    C. his parents helped him a lot to be so successful
    D. he is so successful because he loves being part of the team