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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    51. The passage is mainly talking about _________.
    A. Chinese tea B. why tea is important
    C. the teatime in England D. different ways of tea drinking
    52. The word “plain” in Line 4 may mean _____________.
    A. simple B. going C. hard D. drink
    53. The Chinese drink tea __________.
    A. for breakfast B. in a special way
    C. when they get together D. only in teahouses
    54. Iced tea is popular _____________.
    A. in the winter B. in England C. for lunch D. in America
    55. The English like to _____________.
    A. eat something with their tea B. drink their tea plain
    C. have tea with dinner D. drink their tea in teahouses
    Internet Forum
    Author/ TimeTopic: Who’s a better singer: Andy Lau or Jacky Cheung?
    2:45 p.m.Some people say Jacky is the best Chinese singer. I don’t think so! Andy is my favorite one. I went to his concert last year. It was so incredible. I almost cried! OK. I did cry. but that’s because Andy is so handsome!
    1000 reasons
    2:50 p.m.I totally disagree. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand. Jacky’s voice is unique. and his songs are so romantic!
    3:02 p.m.I think they’re about the same. But Andy is sure to be a better actor. I’ve seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot. and his plane crashed near a farm? I love that movie!
    3:08 p.m.I also think Jacky is a better singer. I prefer his Cantonese songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language.
    3:15 p.m.I agree. Jacky’s Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin songs. (Though. I still like all his songs!)
    56. Who likes Andy Lau the best?
    A. Andyfan B. 1000reasons C. Movieman D. Lindalee
    57. Why did Andyfan cry?
    A. She was sad at the concert. B. She has a broken heart.
    C. She was angry at Jacky Cheung. D. Andy Lau was very good-looking.
    58. What does the underlined word “unique” mean?
    A. soft B. loud C. special D. terrible
    59. What’s Movieman’s opinion?
    A. Andy is a better singer. B. Jacky is a better singer.
    C. They both sing equally well. D. Jacky is a better actor.
    60. Which of the following is TRUE?
    A. Nobody likes Andy’s movies.
    B. 1000reasons enjoys the same idea as Lindalee.
    C. 1000reasons thinks Andy’s vice is more special than Jacky’s.
    D. Andyfan has never been to an Andy Lau concert.
    THE 'China Daily', a newspaper, reports that the average student goes to sleep at 00:30 am. Even if that's an exaggeration, it's too close to the truth. Scientists say teens should sleep nine hours each night. But that's hard to do.
    Some even "pull all-nighters". These are lazy students who have homework due the next day that they haven't done. In the morning they don't look healthy and you can tell who's been doing it.
    One reporter did a survey on the problem. She found that most kids pull all-nighters to finish homework, but some do it for other reasons, such as playing computer games!
    Maybe the students’ lack of sleep is because of laziness - But in fact, few of them are lazy- or maybe it's because they have too much to do in middle schools.
    Zhang Jialiang, a student in a middle school, usually go to bed around midnight. He says, “If I stayed up past 00:30 am, I wouldn't get any work done. I'd be falling asleep at my desk. My classes begin at 6:50 am. I'm partly awake in my first class. By the second, I'm slightly drowsy. By my third class, I'm sleepy. By midday I'm finally wide-awake. But by 3:00 pm, I'm slowing down again. Yet I get more sleep than the China Daily's 'average student'.”
    Most Chinese middle schools seem to have a similar problem with sleepy students.
    Middle school classes start at 6:50 am, so students have to wake up one and a half hours before that to get ready and catch the bus. It's believed that lack of sleep can damage both grades and health.
    Some schools are paying attention. Classes in those schools start at 7:30 am.
    61. What's the problem talked about in the passage?
    A. Many kids have too much homework to do.
    B. Many teenagers don't have enough sleep.
    C. Many children are crazy about playing computer games.
    D. Many kids are too lazy to finish their homework on time.
    62. The underlined sentence implies that the report in the newspaper _____.
    A. is quite trueB. is far from being true
    C. is just a lie D. is probably true
    63. Which of the following is NOT a reason mentioned in the passage?
    A. Laziness.B. Homework.C. Housework.D. Computer games.
    64. What's the solution suggested at the end of the passage?
    A. Later start of classes.B. Less homework.
    C. Going to bed early.D. Eating healthy food.
    65.What’s Chinese meaning of the phrase "pull all-nighters" in the reading?
    A. 开夜车 B. 混时间 C.太懒惰 D.熬通宵
    第二部分 (非选择题)
    I. Vocabulary. (15%)
    A. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (1*8=8%)
    1.Earthquakes happened so f____________ around the world recently that many people are scared.
    2.Fever and headache are two typical s___________ of HINI flu.
    3.I will r_____________ you this novel to read. It is well worth reading.
    4.All the audience were f____________ by the singer’s performance and didn’t want to leave even after the concert was over.
    5.This is a g____________ painting by Qi Baishi. It isn’t fake.
    6.Fill in the form with your p_____________ information, such as name, gender and birthday.
    7.I am a_____________ this afternoon and I can meet you at 2 p.m.
    8.Thank you for p_____________ in the discussion so actively. You all did very well.
    B. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. (0.5*6=3%)
    1.The clinic is on the second floor ___________ the bookstore.
    2.If you like heavy food, you can add more salt and pepper ________ it.
    3.The tiger is native __________ India and thus is called India tiger.
    4.The new computer game is popular ___________ teenagers.
    5.I poured the coke _________ my desk by accident.
    6. ________ my opinion, we should do more to protect our environment.
    C. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. (0.5*8=4%)
    1.China is _____________ every day. Its ______________ attracts many foreigners to come to work in China. (develop)
    2.The ___________ time of the flight is 10 a.m. As soon as he __________, he will call you. (arrive)
    3.I won’t achieve my dream without my ______________ parents. They have ______________ me all the time. (support)
    4.4. What’s the secret for their happy ___________? I can’t believe they have been ____________ for fifty years. (marry)
    II. Sentence. (15%)
    A. Translation. (0.5*12=6%)
    The activity will provide people ____________ ___________ experience.
    2. 乘坐258次航班前往墨西哥的旅客,请到B10号口登机。
    ________________on Flight 258 for Mexico, please _____________ to Gate B10 to ______________。
    There is ____________ ____________ in this ______________.
    He lives a ________________ life and _____________ smokes and drinks alcohol.
    5. 我没有任何有趣的事情要告诉你。
    I don’t have anything _____________ ___________ tell you.
    B. Sentence transformation. (1*9=9%)
    1.When did he make the promise? (change the question into an object clause)
    Can you tell me _________________________________________?
    2.Are you leaving tomorrow? change the question into an object clause)
    Sandy asked Jenny ______________________________________.
    3.China has a population of 1.3 billion people. The United States has a population of over 3 billion people. (combine the two sentences into one)_____________________________________________________
    4.Sam is taller than other students in his class. (use superlative form to rewrite the sentence)
    5.He used to spend a long time chatting online.
    6.He had to wear a safety code when cleaning the windows.
    7.He is too young to attend school now. (use “enough” to rewrite the sentence)________________________________________________.
    III. Verb and tense. (0.5*10=5%)
    1.He used to ______________ (spend) all his time _________(surf) the Internet, but now he is used to ____________( pay) more attention to his study.
    2.________ (be) your mother at home?---No, she ________ (be) at home just now but now she _____________(go) shopping.
    3._______ they _________(leave) for Chicago tomorrow?---Yes, they are.
    4.She doesn’t need _____________(do) the laundry now. I _________, either.
    5.I called you so late ______________(ask) for your advice.
    IV. Functional language. Complete the conversation with proper words or sentences. (0.5*10=5)
    TV presenter: Good evening. Let’s welcome our guest tonight, Mrs. Johnson. Hi, Mrs, Johnson, I know you are a full-time housewife and an excellent cook as well. ______________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: I cook every day for my family. I love cooking.
    TV presenter: _________________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: Usually two times a day, breakfast and supper. My husband usually has lunch in his company.
    TV presenter: What course will you show to our viewers tonight?
    Mrs. Johnson: A special pizza.
    TV presenter: Wow, that’s great! _______________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: well, 1/4 ________ eggs, 2 _____________ of olive oil, 1 ________ of lettuce, 2 ___________ of flour, 1/2 _________ of lamb and three _____________ of cheese.
    TV presenter: OK. _________________________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: I think it takes about half an hour.
    V.Make a sentence according to the picture and words given. (2*4=8%)
    1. (going, do) 2. (want, be, when, grow up)
    3. (been, for ten years) 4. (was, when, telephone)
    VI.Writing. (12%)
    以“My Dream”为题,写一篇文章。根据提示内容进行适当拓展。字数150字左右。
    提示:1、我过去的梦想 2、现在的梦想 3、会如何为实现梦想而努力
    I. A. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (1*8=8%)
    1. f______________ 2. s______________ 3. r_____________ 4. f_____________
    5. g______________ 6. p______________ 7. a_____________ 8. p____________
    B. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. (0.5*6=3%)
    1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. _______ 6. _______
    C. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. (0.5*8=4%)
    1. ______________ ________________ 2. ______________ ________________
    3. ______________ ________________ 4. ______________ ________________
    II. A. Translation. (0.5*12=6%)
    1. ____________ ___________ 2. _____________ _____________ ____________
    3. ____________ ____________ ______________
    4. ________________ _____________ 5. _____________ ___________
    B. Sentence transformation. (1*9=9%)
    1. Can you tell me _________________________________________?
    2. Sandy asked Jenny ______________________________________.
    4. =__________________________________________________________
    5. Q:________________________________________________________?
    6. Neg.______________________________________________________.
    7. _________________________________________________________.
    III. Verb and tense. (0.5*10=5%)
    1.__________ ___________ __________ 2. ________ __________ __________
    3. _________ ____________ 4. ____________ __________ 5. _____________
    IV. Functional language. (0.5*10=5)
    TV presenter: Good evening. Let’s welcome our guest tonight, Mrs. Johnson. Hi, Mrs, Johnson, I know you are a full-time housewife and an excellent cook. ______________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: I cook every day for my family. I love cooking.
    TV presenter: _________________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: Usually two times a day, breakfast and supper. My husband usually has lunch in his company.
    TV presenter: What course will you show to our viewers tonight?
    Mrs. Johnson: A special pizza.
    TV presenter: Wow, that’s great! _______________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: well, 1/4 ________ eggs, 2 __________ of olive oil, 1 ________ of lettuce, 2 ________ of flour, 1/2 _________ of lamb and three __________ of cheese.
    TV presenter: OK. _________________________________________?
    Mrs. Johnson: I think it takes about half an hour.
    V. Make a sentence according to the picture and words given. (2*4=8%)
    1. ____________________________________________________________
    2. ____________________________________________________________
    3. ____________________________________________________________
    4. ____________________________________________________________
    VI.Writing (12%)