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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( )1. A. Julie is not so tall as Sally. B. Sally is shorter than Julie.
    C. Julie is taller than Sally. D. Julie and Sally have the same height.
    ( )2. A. Five people were killed by a big storm. B. Five people survived in a big storm.
    C. Someone killed five people. D. A big storm was killed by five people.
    ( )3. A. No wetlands, no birds. B. Wetlands aren’t important for birds.
    C. If we don’t protect bird, there will be no wetlands.
    D. We can’t protect birds if we want to protect wetlands
    ( )4. A. People could walk easily in the strong wind. B. People couldn’t walk easily in the strong wind.
    C. People could only run in the strong wind. D. Though the wind was strong, people could walk easily.
    ( )5. A. The baby panda is old enough to look after herself.
    B. The baby panda is so young that she can’t look after herself.
    C. The baby panda doesn.t want to look after herself.
    D. The baby panda is young, but she can look after herself.
    ( )6. A. Are they friends? B. What does “hero” mean?
    C. Does Nancy like him? D. How great she is!
    ( )7. A. Tigers. B. Bears. C. Lions. D. Giant pandas.
    ( )8. A. Twice a week. B. Yes, I have. C. Twice. D. Often.
    ( )9. A. Yes, I’d love to. B. No, I wouldn’t. C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. What a pity!
    ( )10.A.The earthquake killed thousands of people.
    B. She fell down a ladder and hurt her leg.
    C. She went to see her daughter. D. She met her friends and they chatted.
    三、对话理解,你将听到两个对话,对话读两遍。然后回答相关的问题, 问题读一遍。5%
    ( )11. A. His e-friend. B. His wife. C. The woman. D. A boy.
    ( )12. A. Because lightning hit a house. B. Because the wind was strong.
    C. Because the farmer was careless. D. Because there was a heavy storm.
    ( )13. A. His e-friend. B. The man. C. The woman. D. No one.
    ( )14. A. Tian’anmen Square. B. The Summer Palace.
    C. The Great Wall. D. A park.
    ( )15. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. I don’t know. D. Maybe.
    四、听短文,判断正(T)误(F) 5%
    ( )16. Canada Geese have to fly south after summer.
    ( )17. The young birds went on trips in Bill’s plane so they could follow Bill to Virginia.
    ( )18. Bill took the birds to Virginia because it was warmer there.
    ( )19. The birds returned to Bill’s home in the winter.
    ( )20. From the passage we can know that Bill likes the birds very much.
    一、单项选择 15%
    ( )21. The boss made the workers _____ten hours a day.
    A. work B. to work C. working D. worked
    ( )22. If it _____tomorrow, we won’t go to see the birds..
    A. rains B. will rain C. won’t rain D. is raining
    ( )23. He _____much food _____the poor family during the hard time.
    A. provided, to B. provides, with C. provided, with D. provides, for
    ( )24.The twins has studied in this school .
    A. two years ago B. since two years ago
    C. for two yeas ago D. since two years
    ( )25. It _______ thirteen years __________ Hong Kong returned to China.
    A. was, since B. is, since C. was, after D. is , after
    ( )26.--- Where are Mike and Jack? ---- They _______ the library.
    A. have gone to B. have been to C. has been to D. has gone to
    ( )27. I was surprised to see my pet cat was still ________ after the fire.
    A. life B. living C. alive D. live
    ( )28. The place _______ be the home of wild red cranes.
    A. is used to B. used to C. is used D. was used to
    ( )29. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must ___down too many trees.
    A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cutting
    C. stop people cutting D. all the above
    ( )30. I think ______necessary for us to learn English well.
    A. it B. that C its D. that’s
    ( )31. You can call me____58848312 or e-mail me ____lucy@sina.com.
    A. on, at B. at, on C. by, on D. on, on
    ( )32. My son_____ up yet because he _____ to bed very late last night.
    A. hasn’t got, has gone B. didn’t get, went
    C. doesn’t get, went D. hasn’t got, went
    ( )33.Our teacher is coming. Please stop _________ and keep __________.
    A. talking; quiet B. to talk; quiet C. talking; quietly D. to talk; quietly
    ( )34. He feels ________ when he was ________.
    A. lonely, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely
    ( )35. Nobody likes him because he always thinks more of himself than________.
    A. other B. the other C. others D. the others
    二、完形填空. 10%
    A coal mine gas explosion(煤矿瓦斯爆炸) yesterday morning in Tongchuan, Shanxi Province in Northwest China, killed five miners(矿工) and left 36 missing.
    The explosion took place(发生) in the Chenjiashan Coal Mine in Tongchuan at about 7:10 a.m. yesterday, 37 293 miners were working underground. People above ground saw thick smoke 38 out of a mine at about 7:30 when communication underground was 39 .
    Shortly after the accident, President Hu Jintao gave instructions urging(督促) the local government and departments 40 their best to save the 41 miners.
    It was about 8000 metres from 42 the workplace where the explosion took place. It was very difficult to save those trapped miners. By 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, 127 out of the 293 workers working there when the explosion took place were brought up. Five were dead, and another 166 43 . An officer said 44 there is no air in the underground area where the missing miners are, it is 45 for them to have survived.
    ( )36. A. 166 others B. another 166 C. 166 the other D. the other 166
    ( )37. A. after B. before C. when D. since
    ( )38. A. comes B. was coming C. coming D. came
    ( )39. A. got off B. put off C. cut off D. taken off
    ( )40. A. tried B. to try C. to try to D. tried to
    ( )41. A. trapping B. were trapping C. trapped D. were trapped
    ( )42. A. the entrance of B. the entrance to C. the way to D. the way of
    ( )43. A. were missed B. missing C. were missing D. to miss
    ( )44. A. because B. while C. because of D. like
    ( )45. A. possible B. impossible C. unpossible D. possiblely
    三、阅读理解. 30%
    Desert plants have special features, that allow them to survive the hard conditions of the desert. A cactus (仙人掌) can store water when it rains.
    It then uses this water during the long dry season. The small needles on some kinds of cacti may number in the tens of thousands. These sharp thorns (刺) protect the cactus. They also form tiny shadows in the sunlight that help keep the plant from getting too hot.
    Other plants are able to live by dropping their leaves. This cuts down on the evaporation of their water supply in the hot sun. Still other plants survive as seeds(种子), protected from the sun and heat by tough seed coats. When it rains, the seeds sprout quickly, bloom and produce more seeds that can withstand a long dry spells(一段时间).
    Some plants spread their roots close to the Earth's surface to quickly gather water when it does rain. Other plants, such as the mesquite(豆科灌木), have roots that grow 50 or 60 feet below the ground to reach underground water supplies.