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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    A little mouse(老鼠)thinks he is the tallest and strongest animal in the world.His mother says to him,“Don’t say you ale the strongest in front of an elephant(大象).He doesn’t like that.”
    The little mouse does not listen to his mother.He goes out to look for the elephant, but he
    does not know who is an elephant.He meets an ant(蚂蚁).He asks her, Are you an elephant?'’
    “No,I’m not,”says the ant
    Then the little mouse meets a hare(兔子).He asks her, ”Are you an elephant? You ale
    bigger than me.”“No.I’m not.An elephant is much bigger.”says the hale.The little mouse goes on.Suddenly(突然)he sees four big trees.“Aha,let me climb up one of the trees.Then 1 can see
    where the elephant is,says the little mouse.Then he begins to climb a tree.
    “Get down! Get down!”Someone says to him.“l’m an elephant.Go and climb that tall tree nearby.Then you can see me.
    “Now, I see.The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world, says the little
    mouse at last
    ( )46.A little mouse thinks his mother is the tallest and strongest animal in the world.
    ( )47.The little mouse knows who is the elephant at first.
    ( )48.The little mouse meets an ant first.
    ( )49.The little mouse climbs up that tall tree nearby
    ( )50.An elephant is the tallest and strongest animal.
    Tom, an eight-year-old boy, was ill.He had a fever.His mother was very worded and
    took him to see a doctor.The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, There is nothing
    serious.”Then he gave him some medicine.Here are the words on the instruction of the fever
    ( )51.Tom should take________ spoon(s) each time
    A.One B.six C.three D.1/2
    ( )52.The medicine should be kept________
    A.in a box B.in a hot place
    C.in a cold place D.under the table
    ( )53.Tom should have the medicine
    A.before meals B.after meals C.before dinner D.before lunch
    ( )54.Tom can use the medicine___________ .
    A.before Dec.2008 B.before Oct.2007
    C.after Dec.2008 D.at any time
    ( )55.This medicine was made in________
    56.Kate wants to learn to P _________the pian-one great musical instrument.
    57.Could I use your English book? M_________ is at home.
    58.I'm going to get a part-time j_________ afterschool
    59.When did he b_________ a movie star?
    60.Tina’s hair is s than Tara’s_________
    61.Thanks for________ me to your birthday party.
    62.How many_________ do you have every day?
    63.I________ to do chores when I was a child.
    64.There’s no______ between(在…之间)these two pictures.
    65.We didn’t get_______ because we brought our umbrellas with us.
    Wei Fang:Excuse me.___66___
    Mr.Brown:Yes.And you are…
    Wei Fang:I'm Wei Fang.Welcome to Beijing Mr.Brown.
    Mr.Brown:Thank you.
    Wei Fang: ___67___
    Mr.Brown:No.I came here five years ago for the first time.
    Wei Fang: ___68___
    M r.Brown:It's very beautiful.And the people here arc very friendly.___69___
    Wei Fang:I'm glad you like the city.___70___
    Mr.Brown:I think SO.Thank you very much for meeting me.
    提示:①see,live,village ②bus ③glad,be healthy ④good dinner, happy
    We got up early this morning_____________________________________________________