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Unit 2 What should I do测试题及答案(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( ) 12. The chair is broken. Please ____________who broke it.
    A. look for B. find C. find out D. look at
    解题点拨:find和lookfor都有找的意思,但两者有不同之处:find指的是寻找的结果,意为“找到”;lookfor指的是寻找的动作及过程,意为“寻找”;find out意为“有意去找而找到”或者意为“查明、发现(事实的)真相”。
    ( ) 13. All of the classmates went to the park_______ Lewis. He had to look after his weak mother at home.
    A. only B. beside C. besides D. except
    ( )14. I think the new comer is easy to__________
    A. get along B. get on with
    C. get up D. get off
    解题点拨:与……相处可表示为get on/alongwtth,此题中的动词不定式与宾语从句中的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,选项B是对的。
    ( )15. Bob didn’t do his homework again. The teacher was very ________with him.
    A. popular B. pleased C. surprised D. angry
    解题点拨:由句意可知,此处应该是老师对他非常生气,对某人非常生气应表示为be angry with sb.。
    A: Jim ,do you know when Father’s Day is? I think it’s next week ,but I’m not sure.
    B: Yeah , that’s right. 1 Do you plan to get Dad a present?
    A: Yes ,but I’m not sure what to buy for him. 2
    B: How about a football T-shirt? I’ m sure he’ll be pleased if you buy him a Liverpool football T-shirt !
    A. 3 He isn’t interested in football.
    B: OK. 4 I’m sure he’ll like a book!
    A: Hmm , 5 I think I’ ll talk to Mum. I’m sure she should know what Dad likes.
    1. 答案:It’s next Sunday.
    2. 答案:Do you have any ideas? /Do you have a good idea?
    3.答案: I don’t think so.
    4.答案: What about a book?
    解题点拨:由下文知,此处应用表达建议的用语“What/ How about a book?”。
    5.答案: I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.
    三、完形填空(每空2分 ,共20分)
    I lose (丢) things every day , but not very important things. I always find them again. When I find them though , it’s too 1 I don’t need them any more! For example (例如) , I needed 2 a letter ,so I looked for the stamps I 3 yesterday. I couldn’t find them , so I had to buy some more.
    I am usually very careful 4 my things. But there are 5 which I just can’ t keep. Umbrellas (伞) , for example. I buy two or three umbrellas every year. I put them 6 in shops , restaurants or in the cinema 7 I forget them.
    I lose papers and keys—— usually important papers. I also leave my phone card in the telephone. Last month I 8 my bag in a shop. Another thing I often lose is my car keys. Last
    week I lost 9 so I took the bus to 10 When I got home , I found them in the rubbish bin (垃圾箱) !
    ( ) 1. A. good B. late C. nice D. happy
    解题点拨:由I don’t need them any more这一句可知后文,然而我找到那些东西时,又太迟了。
    ( ) 2. A. to post B. have C. to get D. putting
    ( ) 3. A. saw B. brought C. met D. bought
    ( ) 4. A. for B. with C. to D. at
    解题点拨:be careful with/of意为“小心,注意”。
    ( ) 5. A. some things B. nothing C. anything D. everything
    ( ) 6. A. home B. below C. behind D. down
    ( ) 7. A. or B. that C. and D. than
    ( ) 8. A. found B. got C. took D. left
    解题点拨:leave的过去式是Left。 Leave sh.+表示地点的介词短语,意为“把某物遗忘在某地”。
    ( ) 9. A. their B. it C. them D. that
    ( ) 10. A. my office B. here and there C. your turn D. up and down
    Little Tom likes cartoons (动画片)very much. When the cartoons begin on TV , he does nothing until they’re over. Sometimes he’d rather (宁可) wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up , or he’ll be late for school.
    Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning , as soon as he got up ,he turned on the television ,but he didn’t see the programme (节目) on it. He had to have breakfast and then go to school. After school be ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen. He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again ,but he couldn’ t find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother for help.
    “It’s only five now , ”said the woman.“Your programme will be after supper.”
    “Well , let’s have supper right now!”
    ( ) 1. Tom goes to bed late sometimes ,so____________.
    A. he’s late for school
    B. he goes to school by bus
    C. he can’t wake himself up in the morning
    D.he has to go to school without (没有)breakfast
    ( ) 2. Tom spends (花费)much time_________ when he’s free.
    A. playing football B. watching football matches on TV
    C. doing his homework D. watching cartoons on TV
    ( ) 3.___________ , so he turned on the television after getting up this morning.
    A. Tom thought he had some time left
    B. Tom didn’t know when the cartoon would begin
    C. Tom wanted to know the important news
    D. Tom hoped to watch a TV play
    ( ) 4. Tom was afraid___________ , so he ran home.
    A. to miss the interesting cartoon
    B. to miss the last bus
    C. he would be hungry
    D. he had little time to finish his homework
    ( ) 5. Tom thought___________
    A. supper should be ready
    B. his mother’s watch was slow
    C. the cartoon would begin as soon as he finished supper
    D. his mother cooked supper too late
    In England , if people need some help , they can go to Help the Aged , Shelter , Child Line , Weight Watchers and Relate for help. Help the Aged helps old people. Shelter helps the people with no place to live in. Child Line is a telephone help-line for children to call when they have problems. Weight Watchers helps fat people to be thinner and Relate helps people with problems when they can’t get on well with (与……相处得好)others.
    In universities (大学) , students have their own counsellors. Jan Murray is such a woman. She works in a university as a counsellor. Students can come and see her if they need help. I asked her when her office was open and what kinds of problems students had.
    “In my office , I’m here every day during the week , and the other person (人) is here in the evenings and on weekends. Students can find either of us in the office at any time. There’s also an emergency (紧急情况) telephone number at night.”
    “People come to me with all kinds of problems. A lot of them are worried about their lessons and exams. Some worry about their money. Some need help with finding bedrooms. Sometimes they are ill and they want to talk about seeing doctors. The biggest problem is that though (虽然) universities are wonderful and interesting places , a lot of students find it difficult to make friends. They miss their families and friends and feel lost in this new place. My work is to listen and try to understand what they’ re feeling. But of course I also give them some ideas when it’s needed.”
    “I’ve had a visit from a young student today. I asked him what the matter was. He told me that he was lonely and unhappy (not happy). He asked me if (是否)other students felt the same and he asked me where he could go to meet people.”
    ( ) 6. Mrs Hill is about sixty. Now she wants some help. She can go to ________
    A. Weight Watchers B. Relate
    C. Help the Aged D. The university
    ( )7. Look at the four people. Who should often go to Weight Watchers?
    8. You can find Jan Murray in her office __________.
    A. on any day B. on Tuesday morning
    C. in the evening D. on Saturday afternoon
    解题点拨:从文中第三自然段的第一句可知,Jan Murray在周一至周五期间白天在办公室,故此处的正确选项为B。
    9. What does a counsellor do?
    A. A counsellor does important and helpful work for students.
    B. A counsellor solves (解答) all the problems of the students.
    C. A counsellor gives students lessons and helps them to pass the exams.
    D. A counsellor gives money to students when they need it.
    ( ) 10. Students feel it difficult to make friends because_______.
    A. they miss (想念)their families and their old friends very much
    B. the counsellor can’t give them good ideas
    C. they worry about their lessons very much
    D. they are new at the university
    Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He s 1 in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy hair s 2 . His parents and teachers tell him not to do so , but he doesn’ t l 3 to them.
    One Sunday afternoon his mother bought a beautiful shirt for him and he loved it very much. The next morning it was c 4 outside. But he wanted to s 5 it to his classmates and put it on. That evening he caught a bad cold. He was brought to a hospital. The doctor looked him over and told him to be in hospital. A nurse brought him to a w 6 ward (房). He felt s 7 but couldn’t ask her why.
    About ten m 8 later the nurse came back with a red face. “I’m sorry , Henry ,” said the woman. “I didn’t know you were a boy because you w 9 too long hair.”
    Then she brought him to a men’ s ward. This time the patients began to look at each other. They s 10 to ask ,“Why has she brought a girl to our ward?”
    1. s__________ 2. s __________ 3.l__________ 4. c __________ 5. s__________
    6. w__________ 7. s __________ 8. m__________ 9. w _________ 10. s__________
    1.答案: studies
    2. 答案:style
    3. 答案:listen
    解题点拨:listen to sb.意为“听某人的话”,是固定表达。
    5. 答案:show
    6. 答案:women’s
    解题点拨:由下文中的Then she brought him to a men’s ward与此句进行对比可知,护士首先带他进了女病房。
    7. 答案:strange
    9. 答案:wear
    10. 答案:seemed
    提示语: free , garden , draw pictures , pick the flowers , stop , look after , wrong , go away.
    答案: One afternoon Peter was free. He went to a garden to draw pictures. He took a comer of the garden with a lot of beautiful flowers and began to draw. Just then a little girl ran over. She wanted to pick the flowers. Peter stopped her. He told the girl not to pick the flowers and also that everyone should look after flowers. The girl knew she was wrong. Before she went away, Peter gave her a picture of flowers. The girl was very happy.