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Unit 2 What should I do测试题及答案

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 2 What should I do?
    2.重点词汇:keep out , stereo , loud , argue , serious , out of style , what’ s wrong? haircut , argument , either , tutor , original , trendy , bake , teen , except , upset , leave out , lose , get on , fight , caller , aunty , pay for , ask for , the same as , at school , look for , call someone up , go to someone’ s house , every night , stay at home , argue with sb. , talk about , write sb. a letter , have an idea , borrow…from , have a bake sale , find out , have a problem , be angry with , have a fight with , give sb. some advice.
    3. 重点句型: What should I do? You could write him a letter.
    What should he do? Maybe he should say he’s sorry.
    What should they do? They shouldn’t argue.
    What’s wrong/the matter? My clothes are out of style. Maybe you
    should buy some new clothes.
    Why don’ t you…? (formulaic) That’ s a good idea./an okay idea./a bad idea.
    4. 语言结构(1)情态动词: could , shouldo
    (2) 运用 Why don’t you...? 表达建议的客套语。
    ( ) 1. Tomorrow is my friend Lisa’s birthday. I should buy her a present in a shop.
    ( ) 2. The teacher asks Jim to give a talk about pollution. He should look up some information about it in the library.
    ( )3. Marie’s English is not good. She should join the English club to practice her English.
    ( )4. You left your maths book in Emma’s house , but you need to do homework now. I think you could go to her house for it.
    ( ) 5. The twins are free this afternoon. They wouldn’t like to stay at home. They could go to a movie.
    Ⅰ Ⅱ
    ( ) 1. My friend is angry with me. A. That’s a good idea.
    ( ) 2. Why don’t you tell her to get different clothes? B. I don’t have enough money.
    ( )3. What’s the matter? C. You should say you’re sorry.
    ( )4. My best friend is more popular than I. D. My haircut is out of style.
    ( )5. You could give him a ticket to a football game. E. You could be friendlier to others.
    1. You shouldn’ t_________(和……争吵) your best friend.
    答案:argue with
    2. I don’t want to_________(使他大吃一惊).
    答案:surprise him greatly
    3. Ali needs to get some money to_________(为……付款)summer camp.
    答案:pay for
    4. Geoffrey wears_________(与……相同的发式)Denny does.
    答案:the same haircut as
    5. How are you_________(和……相处) your classmates?
    答案:getting on/along with
    解题点拨:与……相处可用get on with或get along with两种形式表达。
    ( ) 1. Lily__________ read a book when she was young.
    A. couldn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t
    ( )2. Everyone __________be polite to their parents.
    A. could B. should C. may
    ( )3. —— Why __________come a little earlier?
    ——All right.
    A. don’t B. not you C. not
    解题点拨:Why not+动词原形…?用来表示“征求对 方的意见、建议”的常用句型之一,意思是“为什么不……?”
    ( )4.—— Could you please give me__________?
    A. some advice B. an advice C.any advice
    解题点拨:Could you please…?是一表示请求的疑问句型,some用于表示请求的疑问句中,advice是一个不可数名词,如一条建议/意见/忠告只能表示为a piece of advice。
    ( )5. I think you could __________some money from your friends.
    A. ask B. get C. borrow
    1. She always has an a_________ with her husband about money.
    答案: argument
    解题点拨:have an argument with sb.意为“和某人争论/争吵”。
    2. I think Ding Zhaozhong is an o _________scientist.
    3. My aunty didn’t go to the park. My cousin didn’t go there , e_________
    4. Now some teens like wearing t_________ clothes.
    5. Bettina failed her test , so she was terribly u_________.
    1. I think Erin should tell her friend Anna not___________ (be) late for class again.
    答案:to be
    解题点拨:tell sb.to do sth./not to do sth.是一固定句型。
    2. Pollution is one of the most serious ___________ (problem) in the world.
    3. Kim ___________(lose) his library book last week ,he couldn’t find it.
    4. Tony always plays the stereo much___________(loud) than his sister does.
    5. The sweaters are only 15 yuan each. They’re very___________.(expensive)
    答案:in expensive/cheap
    A. I think you could get a part-time job.
    B. What should I do?
    C. What’s wrong , Nicole?
    D. But I don’t have enough money to pay for it.
    E. We are going on summer camp in July.
    F. That’s a good idea.
    1. ___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________5. ___________ 6.___________
    1. tell , you , to , clothes , Emillio , should , get , different
    答案:You should tell Emillio to get different clothes.
    2. some money , needs , buy , to , for , gifts , Maria , her family
    答案:Maria needs some money to buy gifts for her family.
    3. my sister , Mary , a fight , to , with , don’ t , I , have , want
    答案: I don’ t want to have a fight with my sister Mary.
    4. me , David , has , haircut , nicer , than
    答案:David has nicer haircut than me.
    5. I , Joe , the same , wearing , like , does , clothes , as
    答案: I like wearing the same clothes as Joe does.
    ( ) 1. ——Shall we leave at six?
    A. No , let’s go to the zoo B. No , let’s leave ,at half past six
    C. Sorry , I’ m busy D. Let’ s go to the shop
    解题点拨:Shall we…?是用来表示征求对方意见、建议的常用句型之一,意为“咱们……好吗?”。
    ( )2. Mrs White will __________about computer games with the headmaster tomorrow afternoon.
    A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk
    解题点拨:talk about…with sb.是一固定表达,“意为和某人交谈有关……”。say,speak,talk,tell都有说的意思,但用法不同:say着重指说的内容,说的话可以是直接引语或间接引语;speak意为讲话、发言,指开口发声的能力、运用语言的能力,多用作不及物动词;talk意为“谈话、交谈”,与speak意义较近,也是着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词。但talk常常是对某人说的,含有讨论、谈论的意味;tell意为“讲、告诉”,常指告诉某人一件事或讲述一件事,后面多跟两个宾语。
    ( ) 3.—— May I use your bike ,please?
    ——Sure , but please ________it as soon as possible.
    A. return B. give C. take D. bring
    ( ) 4. He went to the bookshop and _______about 100 yuan_______the new books.
    A. took ,to B. spent ,in C. paid ,for D. paid ,with
    解题点拨:pay与spend均有“花费”之意,但它们的习惯搭配分别为“pay…for…”和”spend…on/(in) doing sth.”。
    ( )5. ——What do you do with your homework?
    —— I’m sorry I__________ it at home.
    A. forgot B. left C. stayed D. kept
    ( ) 6. ——How long could I___________ the magazine , Miss Yang?
    ——Only one week.
    A. borrow B. return C. give back D. keep
    解题点拨:borrow是指从别人、别处借东西,常与from 连用,它是一个结束性动词,不能与时间段 连用,表达长时间的借要用keep。
    ( ) 7. There are so many nice skirts in the store. I don’t know ______ to choose.
    A. which B. what C. who D. where
    解题点拨:which作为疑问词比what的选择余地要小, what在使用时范围没有限制,which则范围有限制。
    ( ) 8. Lucy is the same ___________as Lily. They are twin sisters.
    A. old B. age C. young D. size
    解题点拨:“与……年龄一样大”应表示为“the same age as…”或“as old as…”。
    ( ) 9. Shut the window and __________the cold wind out.
    A. leave B. take C. keep D. stop
    ( ) 10. His father told him ____ his best friend to dinner this Sunday.
    A. invite B. ask C. to invite D. asking
    ( )11. ——Why is Peter unhappy?
    ——Because he ___________the final exam.
    A. failed to pass B. passed
    C. went through D. didn’t fail
    解题点拨:fail后面接动词不定式,表示“未能、没有”的意思,因此考试不及格可以表示为:fail to pass the exam/not pass the exam/fail the exam/fail in the exam。