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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1. Larry often spends much time in _____ (read).
    2. He was ill. He felt very ____ (comfort).
    3. Laughing at people when they are in trouble is ____ (polite)
    4. Could you please _____ (open) the door?
    5. Would you mind ____ (keep) your voice down?
    6. His parents allow him ______ (sleep) very late.
    7. It’s very useful for me _____ (watch) TV everyday.
    8. The boys are going to have a lot of fun ______ (play) basketball.
    9. Shanghai is one of the biggest _____ (city) in the world.
    10. ______ (drop) litter is never allowed all the world.
    Rules of Reading Club
    The following rules will be used for the Reading Club:
    1. All books must be read from page one to the last page in the book..
    2. The parent or the teacher will initial (write the first letter of one’s name) the booklist after a student has finished reading a book. Teachers will initial the booklist only for the books read at school. It is the responsibility (责任) of the student and parent to write the names of all books read, and the number of pages of the book on the booklist.
    3. All books read must be of the student’s reading level (水平) or above. Example: A third grade student should not read first grade books if he or she is able to read at a third grade or higher reading level.
    4. All books the student finishes during the school year (including the textbooks read at school) will be counted towards the 100 books. Comic books (漫画书) and the like will not be counted. Books of good quality (高质量的) read from the school library, public library, classroom, home, etc. will be counted.
    5. When a student has finished a club booklist (one sheet of 25 books or 1,500 pages), he/ she should bring the sheet to the office. The child will get a small reward (奖励) and may get another piece of booklist to go on reading.
    It takes four booklist sheets for 100 books or four 1,5000 pages to reach 6,000 pages. Either way- You’re a
    1. The student needs to ask his / her parent or teacher to initial the booklist _____.
    A. as soon as he / she begins to read a book
    B. before he /she reads a book
    C. after he/she finishes reading a book
    D. while he/ she is reading a book
    2. What kind of books will not be counted?
    A. Story books B. Picture books C. History books D. Biology books
    3. How many books should a student read before he /she gets another booklist?
    A. 25 B. 1,500. C. 6,000 D. 100
    4. According to the rules, which of the following is NOT true?
    A. The student should read the whole book through.
    B. The parent will initial the booklist for the books the student reads at home
    C. A third grade student can read the first grade books if he /she likes to do so
    D. The student needs to read 100 books on 6,000 pages in the school year to be a writer.
    1. Would
    2. getting
    3. help
    4. away
    5. wash
    6. Yes
    7. make
    8. When
    9. with
    10. Sure
    1. cleaning the yard
    2. look terrible
    3. not playing baseball
    4. help me with my homework
    5. If you finish these tasks
    1. B Would you mind doing sth.? 你做……好不好?
    2. A Could you please do sth.? ……做……好吗?
    3. D 强调动作“穿”。in, wear 都表状态。
    4. B 根据上下句的语境。
    5. B not…any more/ longer 不再……
    1. large a number of 意思是“许多”,可见此处为一个形容词修饰 number, 表达怎样的数目, “a large number of”译为“大量的”。
    2. join 根据句意“二战中,大量英国妇女参了军”,故可判断用 “join”,时态用一般过去时,入团 “join the league”.
    3. soldiers
    4. often 此句是一个完整句式,根据位置可判断这是一个副词,以“o”开头的可能有“often, only, once”,此句的意思是“如果我能经常收到你的来信,我将十分高兴”,故选 often.
    5. wrote 此处缺谓语动词,据上文“get letter”可推知以“w”开头的词一定与“letter”有关,故答案为“wrote”.
    6. but 前句“his letters stopped”,后句却说“she received…”收到另一军官的一封信,前后为转折关系,首字母又是 “b”,所以用 “but”
    7. telling “telling her that…” 说明信的内容,作伴随状语。
    8. hospital 前半句的“wounded (受伤)”一词暗示他一定在医院里,所以用 “hospital”
    9. Only “allowed” 说明医院里允许探视的范围一般只有亲属,所以用“Only”
    10. answered
    Section B
    1. turn down the music
    2. ordered, hasn’t arrive yet
    3. a bit late to wait for five minutes
    4. waiting in line has a long telephone conversation
    5. annoyed talks to me
    1. reading
    2. uncomfortable
    3. impolite
    4. open
    5. keeping
    6. to sleep
    7. to watch
    8. playing
    9. cities
    10. Dropping
    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C