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初二英语复习资料:Unit 10 综合知识训练试题(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( ) 2. The black bag looks___________. How much does it ____________?
    A. well , spend B. good , cost C. well , take D. good , pay
    ( ) 3. There is little milk left in the bottle ,____________?
    A. is it B. is there C. isn’t there D. isn’t it
    ( ) 4. What a pity! He didn’t ______________ the Yellow River.
    A. cross B. past C. across D. through
    ( ) 5. ——I’m sorry , Mr Wu. I___________my composition at home.
    ——Don’t forget ______________ it here tomorrow , please.
    A. left , take B. forgot , to take
    C. left , to bring D. forgot ,bringing
    解题点拨:“把某物落在某处”用“leave”,由此排除B、D选项。“bring…(to)”指“带来”,“take…(to)”指“带去”。句中为吴老师要求学生把作文第二天带来,故选C。另外“忘记做某事”为“forget to do sth.”。
    ( )6. The reporter of CCTV4 said ____________ 15 persons died in the fight in Kuwait.
    A. at least B. at less C. a few D. all
    ( )7. Good heavens , I nearly ____________! It’ s time____________ home!
    A. forgot , to go B. remember , to go
    C. forgot , going D. left ,going
    ( )8.——Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
    ——____________. It hasn’t rained for a long time. The weather is too dry.
    A. I hope not B. I’m afraid so
    C. I hope so D. I think not
    解题点拨:从答语看来,“好久没下雨”,“too try”可推断出说话人是希望下雨的。所以选C。
    ( )9.——How can I _________ with my friends?
    ——You should be ____________them and be more outgoing.
    A. get along , friendly B. make friends , friendlier to
    C. get on , friendlier to D. go on , friendly
    ( )10. There __________ pollution by 2050.
    A. will be fewer B. will be less C. is fewer D. is less
    ( )11. Mom told me Uncle John would come to our home _________ a few days.
    A. in B. after C. for D. during
    ( ) 12.——Have a good time.
    A. So do I B. So I do C. Yes , I will D. Thank you
    ( ) 13. After finishing_________ homework , you should look it____________.
    A. doing , at B. to do , after C. do , up D. doing , through
    解题点拨:finish(doing)sth.为“结束某事、完成某事”,为固定用法。look sth.through意为“仔细检查”。
    ( ) 14. I’m afraid ___________ go home alone ___________ the winter night , because there are few people in the street.
    A. of ,in B. of ,at C. to ,on D. to ,at
    解题点拨:表示害怕某人(事物)时,用be afraid of sb.(sth.)这一句型,而表示害怕做某事时,用be afraid to do sth.。句中表示害怕回家,应用介词to。
    ( ) 15. Let’s go to the surprise party , _________?
    A. do we B. shall we C. will we D. will you
    解题点拨:在以Let’s开头的祈使句后,附加疑问部分用shall we。另外,在以Let us开头的祈使句中,若含义是allow us,不包括听话人在内时,附加疑问部分则用will you。
    1. You haven’t a Rolls-Royce ,____________ ____________?
    答案:have you
    2. I don’t think she is ill ,____________ ____________?
    答案:is she
    解题点拨:当陈述部分主句是I think,l suppose,I be lieve等结构时,附加疑问部分与分句中主、谓语保持相对应关系。若这一结构中主句主语不是“I”,则附加疑问部分与主句中主、谓语保持相对应关系。
    3. That clock is slow ,____________ ___________?
    答案:isn’t it
    4. Nobody wants to go there ,____________ ____________?
    答案:does he
    5. There’ s something wrong , ____________ ____________?
    答案:isn’t there
    解题点拨:当陈述句是there be句型时,附加疑问部分主语也用there。
    6. He was unhappy , ____________ ____________?
    答案:wasn’t he
    7. I’m late ,____________ ____________?
    答案:aren’t I
    解题点拨:陈述部分是I’m…结构时,附加疑问部分用aren’t I。
    8. She had a good time yesterday ,____________ ____________?
    答案:didn’t she
    9. Let us have a look at your book ,____________ ____________?
    答案:will you
    10. Don’t move the chair ,____________ ____________?
    答案:will you
    解题点拨:主句是祈使句时,附加疑问部分一般用 will you,won’t you,would you,can you,can’t you等。
    Once , a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well (井). After they 1 their work , he left them , saying , “When the sun is down , I will come and see your work.”
    At last one of them said ,“What’s the use of doing this foolish (愚蠢的)work? We can 2 fill the basket.” 3 man answered ,“That’s none of your business. ”The first man said ,“You may do as you like , but I am going to work at 4 so foolish. ”He 5 his bucket (桶)and went away. The other man said no word , and kept on carrying 6 . At last the well was almost 7 .
    As he poured (倒) the last bucket of water into the 8 , he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. 9 he .saw he ring , he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself.
    “You 10 so well in this little thing ,”he said , “that now I know I can believe you with many things.”
    ( ) 1. A. finished B. did C. began D. had
    ( ) 2. A. ever B. never C. easily D. no
    ( ) 3. A. The other B. Another C. One D. A second
    解题点拨:两个中的另一个要用the other来表示。
    ( ) 4. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
    ( ) 5. A. picked up B. put away C. took away D. threw down
    解题点拨:他既然不愿干了,当然是把桶扔下.走了。pick up为“拾起”。put away是“把……放好”。take away是“带走”。throw down是“扔下”。
    ( ) 6. A. water B. basket C. well D. work
    解题点拨:从上文“fill it with water from…”得知,这个人在carry“water”。
    ( ) 7. A. full B. empty C. clean D. dirty
    ( ) 8. A. basket B. well C. garden D. bucket
    ( ) 9. A. While B. When C. Before D. Since
    ( )10. A. have done B. will do C. do D. are doing
    When we do not understand each other’s language , we can talk with the help of signs.
    A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came , he opened his mouth , put his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say , “Bring me something to eat.”
    The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. He moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee ,but the man again refused it. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink , for drinks are not food.
    When the man was going away , another man came in. This man saw the waiter , and he put his hand on his stomach (胃). That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.
    So ,you see sometimes we can understand the language of signs as well as the language of words.
    ( ) 1. According to the passage , when people don’ t understand each other’ s language , they can. talk with the help of_________
    A. a waiter
    B. a teacher
    C. an Englishman
    D. their hands , heads and other parts of their bodies
    解题点拨:“We Can talk with the help of signs”中的signs意为“用手、头等的示意的动作”。下文故事中也提到了这两人是比划动作来表达自己的意图的,故选D。
    ( ) 2. A Frenchman signed to the waiter____________.
    A. to give him some medicine B. to bring him a cup of coffee
    C. to ask him for food D. to tell him what he said
    ( ) 3. The waiter brought the Frenchman____________.
    A. a cup of tea , a cup of coffee and a lot of other drinks
    B. a large plate of meat and vegetables
    C. a lot of drinks and a large plate of meat
    D. a lot of food and drinks
    ( ) 4. Another man saw the waiter and put his hands on his stomach. He means____________.
    A. he had a fever B. he was hungry
    C. he was very thirsty D. he had enough
    解题点拨:从“That was enough”及侍者端上来一大盘吃的可看出他的动作是表示他饿了,所以选B。
    ( ) 5. From the story ,we know_________________.
    A. people can only understand the language of words
    B. people nearly know the language of signs as well as the language of words
    C. people can make a waiter understand what they want
    D. people can only understand their language
    Florence Nightingale was born in a rich family in England. When she was young , she took lessons in music and drawing , and read many great books. She also travelled a lot with her parents.
    As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them.
    At last she decided that she was going to be a nurse. But her father said , “Nursing isn’t the right job for a lady.”
    “Then I will make it so. ”she smiled.
    And she went to learn nursing in Germany and Franee. When she returned to England , Florence started a nursing home for women.
    In the Crimean War in 1854 , she went with a group of thirty-eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible.
    Florence used her own money and some from her friends to buy clothes , beds , medicines and food for the men. Her only pay was the smiles of the wounded(受伤的)soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman.
    Florence died at ninety. She tried to serve others through her work as a nurse all her life. Thanks to her contributions to medicine we realize nurses do an important and necessary job.
    ( ) 6. When she was a child , Florence___________.
    A. only stayed at home and never left her hometown
    B. lived an unhappy life
    C. loved to help the sick people
    D. was afraid to visit patients and disliked them
    解题点拨:从文中“As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure.she enjoyed helping them.”可看出,她从小就乐于帮助病人。
    ( ) 7. What made Florence deeide to become a nurse?
    A. Her father’s wish.
    B. Her strong wish to help the sick people.
    C. Her education in Gerrhany and France.
    D. Her knowledge from travelling.
    ( ) 8. What does the underlined word“they”mean?
    A. The soldiers. B. The nurses . C. The smiles. D. A and B.
    解题点拨:从“Her only pay was the smiles of the wounded soldiers”可看出“they”指的是伤员的微笑。
    ( ) 9. Which describes the passage best? It is______________.
    A. the history of nursing in France
    B. a description of the nursing work
    C. an example of successful education
    D. the story of a well-known woman
    ( ) 10. Which is not true from this passage?
    A. Her father thought she should be a nurse when she grew up.
    B. She wanted to make nursing the right job for a lady.
    C. She was a kind nurse.
    D. She had learned nursing before she started a nursing home in England.
    A man went to see his doctor one day b 1 he was s 2 from pains in.his stomach. After the doctor had examined him carefully , he said to him , “Well , there’s n 3 really wrong with you , I’ m glad to say. Your only t 4 is that you worry too m 5 . Do you know? I had a man with the same trouble as you in here a few weeks ago , and I gave him the same a 6 as I’m going to give you. He was w 7 because he couldn’ t pay his t 8 bills. I told him not to worry his head about the bills any more. He f 9 my advice , and when he came to see me again two days ago , he told me he now feels quite all right again”. “Yes , I know all about that ,”answered the patient s 10 . “You see , I’m that man’s tailor.”
    1. b__________ 2. s__________ 3. n __________ 4. t __________ 5. m__________
    6. a__________ 7. w__________ 8. t __________ 9. f __________ 10. s__________
    解题点拨:suffer from意思是“感到疼痛、不适等”。
    解题点拨:从“I’m glad to say”来看,这个人应该没什么毛病,故填“nothing”。
    解题点拨:紧接着一句中,“a man with the same trouble as you”提示我们此空填trouble,意为“问题、忧虑、苦恼等”。
    解题点拨:这一空可从第九句得到提示,为“my advice”。
    解题点拨:文末“I’m that man’s tailor”告诉我们在这儿应填tailor’s,他付不起裁缝的账单。
    的晚上。为此给Tony写一封 thank-you note ,至少10句话。
    Dear Tony:
    Thanks for the tickets for today’s pop concert. This is the best birthday gift I have ever received. I went there with my mother. Do you know who we have seen? We’ ye seen David Tao and Jay Chow! How happy I was! You know they are my favorite singers. They sang many beautiful songs tonight. I was so excited and sometimes I sang along with them. I had a great time this evening.