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初二英语复习资料:Unit 10 综合知识训练试题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 10 It’s a nice day ,isn’t it?
    1.语言能力:闲谈 ,聊天。
    2. 重点词汇: rain , umbrella , alone , elevator , cross , cost , rockey , along , traffic , least , small talk , opening question , look through , come along , get along , thank-you note , at least.
    3. 重点句型:It’s a nice day ,isn’t it?
    Yes , it is. I really love hot weather.
    You’ re Jenny’ s friend , aren’ t you?
    Yes , I am.
    1. 闲聊_____________ 6. opening question_____________
    2. 浏览杂志_____________ 7. thank-you note_____________
    3.与某人相处融洽_____________ 8. come along_____________
    4.在电梯里_____________ 9. by next Monday_____________
    5. 至少_____________ 10. wait in line_____________
    1.答案:small talk
    2.答案:look through the magazine
    3.答案:get along (on) with sb.
    4.答案:in an elevator
    5.答案:at least
    10 .答案:排队等候
    Ⅰ Ⅱ
    ( )1. Do you love country or jazz? A. I hope so.
    ( )2. Do you think you can finish the work before Monday? B. No , I didn’ t.
    ( )3. Did you go to Today Beach yesterday? C. Neither.
    ( )4. You didn’t go hiking , did you? D. Well, I really love violin music,
    and I can play the violin.
    ( )5. So , tell me something about yourself. E. Yes , I did. It’s beautiful.
    ( ) 1. Andy is in the next room ,______________?
    A. is he B. isn’t it C. isn’t he
    ( ) 2. I am looking _________ the newspaper for a summer job.
    A. at B. for C. through
    解题点拨:look through sth.为“浏览”,look at为“看着”,look for为“寻找”。
    ( ) 3. The album of the Beetles _________me ¥15.
    A. cost B. took C. spent
    解题点拨:cost的用法为sth.costs sb.somemoney,take用于“sb.takes some money for sth.”或“It takes sb.some money to buy sth.”句型中。spend常用作“sb.spend some money on sth.”。以上各句型均表达花钱购物之意。
    ( ) 4. You should look left then right before you_________ the street.
    A. through B. cross C. across
    ( ) 5. It’s raining hard. I can’ t go home because I ________ my umbrella.
    A. forgot B. took C. forget
    A: Nice weather , isn’t it?
    B: 1 But it’s a little hot.
    A: I like hot weather very much. I can go surfing today.
    B: 2
    A: I’m going to Fun Times Beach.
    B: 3
    A: No , it’s only 500 meters away. Would you like to go with me?
    B: 4 but I’ve much work to do. Have a good time.
    A: 5 Bye.
    1.______________________________ 2.______________________________
    3.______________________________ 4.______________________________
    1.答案:Yes,it is./Sure,it is.
    解题点拨:从But一词判断,所填句子应是对上文的肯定,所以可填“Sure,it is.”或“Yes,it is.”。
    2.答案:Where are you going?
    3.答案:Is it far(from here)?
    4.答案:I’d like(love)to,
    解题点拨:but表示转折之意,因此对于别人的邀请,此处应填“I’d like to”或“I’d love to”。
    5.答案:Thank you.
    ( ) 1. Sorry , I can’ t give you the present. I have ________ it at hotel.
    A. forgotten B. lost C. taken D. left
    ( ) 2. When the chance comes __________ , you should take it.
    A. by B. in C. along D. on
    解题点拨:“当机会出现时,你应抓住它”。come along意为“出现,陪伴,过来”。 come by sth.为“偶然得到某物”。come on为“过来,加油”。
    ( ) 3. The CD store is __________ Long Street. the street and you’ll see it.
    A. across from ,Cross B. aross ,Cross
    C. across ,Across D. cross from ,Across
    解题点拨:across from意为“在……对面”。而在街,河等的对面用across。故先排除A、D选项,第二空需填入一个动词,所以应选B。
    ( ) 4. I ________ three days in making the plane model.
    A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took
    解题点拨:花一段时间做某事情可用以下句型:sb.spends+时间+on sth./(in) doing sth.或It takes(sb.)+时间+to do sth.或sb.takes+时间+to do sth.
    ( ) 5. She’s been to Peru before ,__________ she?
    A. hasn’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t
    解题点拨:从been一词可知she’s是she has的缩写,而非she is的缩写,所以选A。
    1. Then he asked the policewoman for help ,___________(do)he?
    2. We are supposed to ___________(look)our ___________ (homework) through.
    3. It’s beginning _____________(rain).We can’t go to Sandy Beach.
    答案:to rain
    解题点拨:begin/start(多用于口语),意为开始,其后均可接不定式或现在分词形式,即begin(start)to do sth.,begin(start) doing sth.。但在begin(start)的进行时态之后,不用-ing形式。所以本题应填to rain。
    4. “It’s a nice day. ”is usually an ___________(open)question in England.
    5. There’s usually a lot of ___________(traffic)at this time of day.
    A. So ,why not go swimming?
    B. I’m sorry to hear that , What’s wrong with him?
    C. That’s very kind of you. I’ll tell him what you said. Bye
    D. Please tell him I hope he soon feels better. I’ll go and see him later.E. Has he seen the doctor?
    F. Nice day , isn’ t it?
    G. Oh , my brother hasn’t been too well these days.
    I have to look after him.
    H. Sure it is!
    I. I think he must have eaten something bad.
    J. Yes ,The doctor told him to stay in bed.
    1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
    6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________
    1. Yesterday you had dinner at the Pizza Hut. (变反意疑问句)
    Yesterday you had dinner at the Pizza Hut ,__________ __________?
    2. She and her sister have never really got along. (变同义句)
    She_________never really_________ _________her sister.
    解题点拨:get along(on)为“融洽相处”,get along(on)with sb.为“与某人融洽相处”。
    3. By this time next week we shall be in China. (就划线部分提问)
    ____________ ________________ we be in China?
    4. The souvenir cost me ten dollars. (变同义句)
    I _________ ten dollars _________ the souvenir.
    解题点拨:当表达“某物花费某人多少钱”时可用以下句型:sth.costs sb.some money或sb.spends some money on sth.或sb.pays some money forsth.。
    5. I think he lives in an apartment near here. (变反意疑问句)
    I think he lives in an apartment near here , _________ _________?
    解题点拨:主语动词为think时,变否定句需否定前移,即变think为don’t(doesn’t)think,但当陈述部分是I think,I suppose等结构时,反意疑问句的附加疑问部分往往与分句的主语及动词相对应。
    综合训练卷(70分钟 ,满分100分)
    ( ) 1. You have never lost money before ,____________?
    A. don’t you B. haven’t you C. do you D. have you