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初二英语复习:What should I do同步检测卷(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    5. You_________ put on your warm clothes when you go out. It’s so cold outside.
    A. should B. shallC. may   D. can
    答案:A 由后句“外面很冷”可知前句应是“你应该穿上暖和的衣服”。
    6. The boy _________answer this kind of hard questions one year ago.
    A. can B. may C. could D. would
    答案:C could是can的过去式,意为“能够,会”,其否定式为couldn’t。
    7.—Look, this digital camera is really cheap! It’s only five hundred yuan.
    —The _________, the better. I’m short _________money, you know.
    A. cheaper; ofB. cheap; for
    C. expensive; ofD. more expensive; of
    答案:A the+比较级...,the+比较级...是固定句型,意为“越……,越……”。be short of 意为“缺乏”。
    8. Why don’t you _________?
    A. to go boat B. go to boat
    C. go boating D. to go boating
    答案:C 本题考查why don’t you +动词原形和go+doing两种形式的掌握情况,因此答案为go boating。
    9. Why _________a party this Sunday?
    A. not have B. not to have
    C. don’t have D. not having
    答案:A 此题考查提建议的问法,应选A项。此题又可说Why don’t you have a party this Sunday?
    10. You should _________it better next time.
    A. do B. did C. to do D. not do
    答案:A should表示推论、应当等,后面接动词原形。
    ●Elementary exercises(基础题)
    Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(用方框里的词填空。)
    with else keep are play for out fit
    1. Don’t _________music in class.
    2. I can get a ticket _________the basketball game.
    3. You shouldn’t talk _________your classmate in class.
    4. We found _________the news was true.
    5. The trousers don’t _________him. They’re too short.
    6. You should _________everything nice and tidy.
    7. Everyone _________in my class went for a picnic except me.
    8. The Whites _________on a vacation now.
    参考答案:1.play 2.for 3.with 4.out 5.fit 6.keep 7.else 8.are
    Ⅱ.Complete the dialogue with a proper word. (用适当的单词完成对话。)
    A: Hi, Gina! Why do you w   (1) a hat?
    B: I don’t like my haircut.
    A: What’s w   (2) with your hair?
    B: It’s short and ugly.
    A: Let me have a l   (3).Wow, you look so cool! You are smarter than b   (4).
    B: But it looks l   (5) boys’ hairstyle. I wear a hat so nobody can see it.
    A: But now it’s summer. It’s too h   (6)when you wear a hat.
    B: What s   (7) I do?
    A: I have an i   (8).You could wear sunglasses instead of(而不是) a hat.
    B: Oh, no. I don’t like to do that.
    A: Then I t   (9) you could wear a wig(假发).It is very p   (10) now.
    B: Yes, that’s a good idea.
    参考答案:1.wear 2.wrong 3.look 4.before 5.like 6.hot 7.should 8.idea 9.think
    ●Integrated exercises(综合题)
    Ⅲ.Multiple choice(单项选择)
    1. You can give him a ticket _________a pop concert.
    A. onB. ofC. inD. for
    答案:D 表示什么样类型的票常用介词for。
    2. Jenny has _________pictures than I do.
    A. nice B. good C. well D. nicer
    答案:D than说明本题要用比较级。只有D项为比较级。
    3. I need to get money to pay _________the present of my mother’s birthday.
    A. forB. with C. inD. on
    答案:A 为什么东西付钱常用短语pay for。
    4. I think I should _________.
    A. call up him B. call him up
    C. call on him D. call him in
    答案:B “打电话给某人”用短语call up。如果宾语是代词时,要放在副词up之前。
    5. Sorry, you speak _________quickly _________I can’t follow you.
    A. too; to B. so; thatC. as; toD. very; so
    答案:B 从后句“我不能跟上你”可知前者是说得太快。“太……而不能”用短语too...to的结构。
    6.—I have no money to go camping. What should I do?
    —_________ you could get _________part-time job.
    A. Why; a B. May be; / C. Maybe; a D. Sure; /
    答案:C job是可数名词,所以用不定冠词a,可排除B、D两项。A 项的why应用于疑问句。所以选C项。
    7. You don’t like the drawing. I don’t like it, _________.
    A. too B. also C. either D. still
    答案:C 表示否定的“也”用either,表示肯定的“也”用too。
    8.—May I _________your MP3?
    —Certainly, but you can’t _________it to others.
    A. borrow; keep B. lend; keep
    C. keep; borrowD. borrow; lend
    答案:D borrow意为“从别人处借过来”,lend表示“从自己手中借出去”。
    9. If he doesn’t want to do the job, does _________want to?
    A. everybody else B. anybody else
    C. else anybody D. else everybody
    答案:B 后句为疑问句,所以要用anybody。anybody是不定代词,形容词修饰不定代词时要后置。
    10. My clothes are not in style. That makes me _________.
    A. happy   B. unhappy   C. look cool   D. feel cold
    答案:B 由前句“我的衣服过时”可知后句应是让我不开心。
    Ⅳ.Can you solve the problems in the pictures. Write down your ideas.
    Picture 1.I should ____________________________________.
    Picture 2.I should ____________________________________.
    Picture 3.I should ____________________________________.
    Picture 4.I should ____________________________________.
    Picture 5.I should ____________________________________.
    参考答案:1.答案:stop the boy throwing at the bird
    2.答案:help my mother with housework
    3.答案:give her some money or buy her a ticket
    4.答案:say sorry to the old man
    5.答案:send her my umbrella
    ●Link to test(模拟链接)
    Ⅴ.Multiple choice(单项选择)
    1.*2010江苏徐州毕业升学,41)—Must I finish that work today?
    —No, you _________.You may finish it in three days.
    A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. shouldn’tD. couldn’t
    答案:B must的否定回答用needn’t。
    2.(2010江苏徐州毕业升学,42)Who can tell me _________at the meeting?
    A. what he saidB. he said whatC. what did he sayD. how he said
    答案:A 宾语从句用陈述句语序;在会上说的什么用疑问词what。
    3.(2010江苏盐城模拟,26)Bob is _________eleven-year-old boy, but he knows a lot about Chinese history.
    A. anB. aC. theD. /
    答案:A eleven是以元音音素开头的单词,冠词应用an。
    4.(2010浙江模拟,30)In Zhejiang there will be a new bridge over 30 kilometers long _________Ningbo and Jiaxing.
    A. besideB. betweenC. next toD. from
    答案:B 固定搭配between...and。
    5.(2010甘肃兰州模拟,25)—How do you like the movie?
    A. It’s wonderful.B. What about you?
    C. No, I don’t like it at all.D. I’d like to see it tomorrow.
    答案:A 四个选项中只有A项能回答“你觉得这部电影怎样?”
    A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says, “God, what is a million dollars to you?” and God says, “A penny”. Then the man says, “God, what is a million years to you?” and God says, “A second”. Then the man says, “God, can I have a penny?” and God says, “In a second.”