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He said I was hard-working测试题及答案(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( ) 8. —— What are you going to be?
    ——I______ a soccer ball player.
    A. am going to be B. will go to
    C. going to become D. was going to be
    解题点拨:“be going to be”为“打算将来要成为……”。
    ( )9. Could you please _______ me the way to Santon Hotel?
    A. say B. make C. show D. ask
    解题点拨:考查动词show的用法。show sb.the way to…意思是“告诉某人去某地的路”。
    ( )10. —— What did he say?
    —— He said he _____ a telephone call to his relatives at 9: 30 on Saturday night.
    A. made B. was making C. makes D. is making
    解题点拨:该题题目中at 9:30 on Saturday night提示我们应当使用过去进行时态was(were)+doing,因此答案是was making,选B。
    ( )11. I ______ to give a party next Monday morning.
    A. am going B. will C. was going D. has
    解题点拨:该题考查be going to do 的用法,意思是“计划、打算要干某事”。
    ( )12. Hello! May I__________Jim ,please?
    A. talk to B. speak C. speak to D. say to
    解题点拨:打电话时的常用语May I speak to…?
    ( )13. Many people like _____ in a big river in summer.
    A. swimming B. swiming C. to swimming D. go swimming
    ( )14. My sister is a ___________ girl and she sings very____________
    A. well , good B. well , well C. good , well D. good , good
    ( )15. We’ ll have a party___________ the evening of New Year’s Day.
    A. in B. on C. at D. of
    解题点拨:一般泛指在一天中的早、中、晚用介词in,如in the morning;如果是具体某一天的早上、中午或晚上,前面用介词on。因此,该题表示新年的晚上应用介词on,故答案为B。
    A: You moved 1 a new apartment last week ,didn’t you?
    B: Yes.
    A: What is your apartment 2 ?
    B: It’s better 3 the old one.
    The streets near the new apartment 4 quieter.
    It’s not 5 from my workplace. I don’t 6 to spend a lot of time on the way.
    A: Which apartment do you like 7 , the new one or the old one?
    B: I like the new one , 8 my mother likes the old one.
    A: Why?
    B: Because she lived in the 9 apartment for ten years and she 10 a lot of neighbours. But now she feels very lonely(孤单的).
    1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4. _________ 5._________
    6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9. _________ 10._________
    1.答案:to 2. 答案:like 3. 答案:than 4. 答案:are 5. 答案:far
    6. 答案:want 7. 答案:better 8. 答案:but 9. 答案:old 10. 答案:knew
    John was six years old and he liked 1 very much. But his mother never give him 2 , because they were bad for his teeth , she thought. John had a very nice 3 . The old man loved his grandson very much , and sometimes he 4 chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them 5 she wanted to make the old man happy.
    One evening ,a few days 6 John’s 17th birthday , he was saying prayers in his room before he went to bed. “Please , God , ”he said in a 7 voice , “make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday.”
    His mother was in the kitchen ,but she 8 the small boy shouting (gq)and went into his bedroom quickly.
    “Why are you shouting ,John?”she asked her son ,“ 9 can hear you when you talk quietly.”
    “I know , ”answered the clever boy with a smile ,“ 10 my grandfather is in the next room , and he can’t.”
    ( ) 1. A. coffee B. ice cream C. hamburgers D. chocolates
    ( ) 2. A. some B. any C. much D. lot of
    ( ) 3. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather
    ( ) 4. A. bought B. took C. sold D. passed
    ( ) 5. A. so B. but C. because D. when
    ( ) 6. A. after B. on C. before D. since
    ( ) 7. A. low B. loud C. gentle D. quiet
    解题点拨:从下文中动词shout可推断John said in a loud voice 是John在大声祈祷。
    ( ) 8. A. saw B. listened C. felt D. heard
    ( ) 9. A. God B. We C. They D. Grandfather
    解题点拨:根据上文中he was say/prayers可知该题答案应当是God(上帝)。
    ( ) 10. A. so B. also C. still D. but
    解题点拨:该句和前文God can hear you构成转折关系,故选连词but,意思是“上帝能听得见,但是隔壁房间的爷爷听不见”。
    1. One of my friends calls me a nickname (绰号). I really don‘ t like that , I told her I didn‘t like the nickname. But she won‘t stop calling me the nickname.
    2. I have a big problem with small animals. I know I am much bigger than they are , but I am afraid of them.
    3. I‘m always worried that something bad is going to happen. What should I do?
    4. I‘ m on a basketball team and every time I don‘ t do very well , the other boys boo (讥笑) me , and say that I can‘t do anything right. What should I do?
    A. My parents always told me that if I was afraid of something , I should face (面对) it. When I was little I was afraid of my backroom. I started going there by myself , and I was not afraid. So next time you see small animals ,don‘t run away. Just face them.
    B. Each time she calls you that , politely tell her that you don’ t like it. After a while she will not call you the nickname.
    C. Tell everyone on the team how you feel when they boo. Ask them how they would feel. Make friends with them. Don’t boo at others on the‘team.
    D. You might write down those things. When you write about your worries (担忧) you will see that some of your worries are not there at all.
    1. _____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________
    阅读短文 ,回答问题:
    J. K. Rowling
    J. K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading , and wrote her first story , ‘Rabbit’, when she was only six years old. She studied French at university , then worked as a secretary in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. “Harry just walked into my head , ”she said later. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.
    In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning , and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.
    Then she returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh , in Scotland. She was unemployed at that time , and wrote in cafes because they were warmer than her small flat. After five years she finished the first book ,’ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone’. The book sold millions of copies all over the world , and Joanne Kathleen Rowling became very famous. She is now very rich , but she still writes her books in cafes!
    Answer the questions:
    5. In which year did J. K. Rowling write her first story?
    答案:In 1971, she wrote her first story.
    6. What was her first job?
    答案:Her first job is secretary.
    7. How did she get the idea for Harry Potter?
    答案:She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train.
    8. Where did she finish writing the first book?
    答案:She finished writing the first book in Brim/ Scotland.
    9. What is she famous for?
    答案:She is famous for “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”.
    10. What does his husband do?
    答案:He is a TV journalist.
    Leo’ s home isn’ t far from the school. It’ s about 10 m 1 by bus. But he h 2 a problem. The classes b 3 at a quarter to eight. He is often late for class.
    Leo usually wakes up at six , but he gets up at half past six. So he is b 4 in the morning and sometimes he doesn’t have time to have something for b 5 . He leaves home at ten past seven ,but he is still late. He is s 6 for it.
    Today his mother is ill. She s 7 in bed all day. His father is out and he must look after her at home. He gives her mother m 8 at the right time. It’ s twenty to eight now. He is l 9 again. He says with t 10 in his eyes , “Sorry ,sir.”
    “That’s all right. You are a good boy. ”His teacher said.
    1. m_______ 2. h _______ 3. b_______ 4. b_______ 5. b_______
    6. s_______ 7. s _______ 8. m_______ 9.l_______ 10. t_______
    1.答案:minutes 2. 答案:has 3. 答案:begin 4. 答案:busy 5. 答案:breakfast
    6. 答案:sorry 7. 答案:stays 8. 答案:medicine 9. 答案:late 10.答案:tears
    答案:My friend Ann’s birthday party was celebrated in her house at 7: 00 last Saturday evening. When I came to her house, Peter, Sandra and Ketty had already been there. I sent her a birthday card and a teday bear, which made her very happy. We ate up the birthday cake then we danced and sang “happy birthday to her” together till midnight. I had a great time there.