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He said I was hard-working测试题及答案

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 4 He said I was hard-working
    2.重点词汇:soap opera,surprise party,have a party,first Of all,do well in,hardworking.not…any more,pass on,be supposed to do sth.,be in good health,end of year exam,report card,get nervous,have a favor to do sth..
    3.重点句型:He said I was hard-working.
    She Said she was mad at Marcia.
    He told me he would have a party tomorrow.
    She said she could speak three languages.
    1.I am mad at Marcia.
    Lana said ________________________.
    答案:Lana said she was mad at Marcia.
    2.I go on a vocation every summer.
    Miss Li said ________________________.
    答案:Miss Li said she went on a vacation every summer.
    3.I will send a letter to you.
    Tina told me that________________________.
    答案: Tina told me that she would send a letter to you.
    4.I can play many musical instruments.
    Peter told Mr Hu that________________________.
    答案:Peter told Mr Hu that he could play many musical instruments.
    5.I am writing a letter to Lin Mei.
    Lily said ________________________.
    答案:Lily said she was writing a letter to Lin Mei.
    1.soap opera______________ 6.善于干……______________
    2.surprise party______________ 7.对……很恼火______________
    3.first of all______________ 8.年终考试______________
    4.do well in ______________ 9.恢复,克服______________
    5.pass on______________ 10.劳驾,请您帮忙______________
    1.答案:肥皂居 2.答案:惊喜派对 3.答案:首先、第一
    4.答案:在某方面做得好,擅长于…… 5. 答案:把……传给另一个,转移
    6. 答案:be good at 7.答案: be mad at
    8.答案: end- of- year exam 9. 答案:get over 10.答案: have a favor
    1.Nancy is a good student.She___________(学得好)all subjects.
    答案:does well in
    解题点拨:短语“do will in”意思是“在某方面做得好”,本句主语Nancy走单数第三人称,谓语动词用does。
    2.Alan’s grandma is___________(身体健康).
    答案:in good health
    解题点拨:短语“be in good health,,意思是“身体健康”,亦可用be healthy或be well来表示身体健康。
    3. Peggy said she was ill. Please __________________(把这个消息告诉)her mother.
    答案:pass the message on to
    解题点拨:该句使用动词短语pass on…to…意思是“把……传给另外一个人”。
    4. Ben told Lana that they would___________________(开个惊喜派对)for her.
    答案:have a surprise part
    解题点拨:“have a party”意思是“开派对”。
    5. She really__________(要疯了)when her teacher said she was a lazy student.
    答案:got mad
    解题点拨:该句是一个复合句,when引导的时间状语从句的时态为一般过去时,主句也应用一般过去时。因此答案是got mad。
    ( )1. Sally said she_________ go to Lana’s house to celebrate her birthday.
    A. will B. would C. was
    ( )2. I wasn’t mad __________ my son any more.
    A. in B. at C. with
    解题点拨:“be mad at sb.”意思是“对……生气”。“not…anymore”短语意思是“不再”。
    ( )3. John said that he __________ to a movie every Saturday afternoon.
    A. go B. went C. would go
    解题点拨:间接引语中转述内容应使用过去的时态,排除A答案。时间状语every Saturday afternoon(每周六下午)提示应用go的过去式went。
    ( )4. Connie’s English teacher said that she could__________better in English.
    A. do B. does C. doing
    ( )5. What__________ when we were in the barber shop?
    A. happened B. was happened C. happening
    1. Jenny got her r ________ card yesterday.
    2. Marcia said she was going to give a s__________ party for Lana.
    3. Please give me your r__________ when you get the letter.
    4. Ketty’s math teacher said that Ketty is an a __________ student.
    5. Ben said that he got n __________ when he was asked to answer questions.
    1. My mother told me she __________ (have)more leisure time the next year.
    答案:would have
    解题点拨:短语the next year(明年)提示我们应用过去将来时would+动词原形。
    2. Emma said she was going __________ (pass) the message on to Sally as soon as possible.
    答案:to pass
    解题点拨:该句使用be going to结构来表示按计划即将做的事,to后面接动词原形。
    3. Tommy __________ (suppose) to be a witness in this traffic accident yesterday.
    答案:was supposed
    解题点拨:时间状语yesterday提示我们该句用一般过去时,be supposed to do sth.意思是“被认为应该……”。
    4. I have a favor __________ (ask) you.
    答案:to ask
    解题点拨:该句中包含一个动词短语have a favor to do sth.,其意思为“劳驾您……”。
    5. I hope you are all in good __________ (healthy).
    解题点拨:该句中in good health短语意思是“身体健康”,healthy是形容词,意思是“健康的”。
    A. What will Amy do?
    B. He also said that Amy paid too much attention on her haircut and trendy clothes.
    C. Why did Amy look unhappy just now?
    D. Anything else?
    E. She said she would work harder and do better in history this semester.
    F. Because her history teacher said that she was not hard-working enough.
    1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________
    1. She said she is going to be a singer in the future.( )______________
    A B C
    答案:B is going to→was going to
    解题点拨:将is gomg to改成was going to,从句中应用过去时态。
    2. Paula does good in many subjects , such as art , music , P. E. and so on. ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:B good→well
    解题点拨:将good改成wel该句的do well in短语意思是“在某方面干得好”,well是副词,修饰do。
    3. He said me that he would go swimming this afternoon. ( ) ______________
    A B C
    答案:A said→told
    解题点拨:将said改成told。我们只能说tell sb.sth.,只有动词tell后可接双宾语,即直接宾语sb.(某人)和间接宾语sth.(某事)。
    4. Helen told herself that she wouldn’t cheat her best friend,some more. ( )__________
    A B C
    答案:C some more→any more
    解题点拨:将some more改成any more。any more和前面的wouldn’t构成not…anymore结构。
    5. I was so disappointing to hear that LIFO is not real. ( )_______________
    A B C
    答案:B disappointing→disappointed
    解题点拨:将disappointing改成disappointed。be disappointed to hear that意思是“听到那件事很失望”。
    综合训练卷(70分钟 ,满分100分)
    ( )1. I was doing my homework when the UFO
    A. reached B. get to C. arrived D. got to
    解题点拨:该题考查动词reach,get to,arrive的区别。reach是及物动词,直接加地点名词;get to也可直接加地点名词。arrive后如接地点名词必须先加上介词in或at。arrive in加大地点;arriveat加小地点;故答案选C。
    ( )2. Maria hates __________ swimming with strangers.
    A. to go B. go C. to have D. have
    解题点拨:该题考查动词hate的用法。hate to do sth.意思是“不喜欢或讨厌干某事”。另外,“去游泳”用英语表达应是“go swimming”。故应选A。
    ( )3. I’m sorry , I forgot ________ the good news on to all of you.
    Now , I’ll tell you.
    A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. passed
    解题点拨:该题考查动词forget的用法。forget to do sth.意思是“忘记要去干某\事”。for get doing sth.意思是“某件事已做了但是忘了”。该题中I’ll tell you again 提示应用forget to pass。故应选C。
    ( )4. It’s not right ________ other’s homework.
    A. copy B. copying C. to copy D. copies
    解题点拨:It’s not right to do sth.意思是“干某事是不对的”。
    ( )5. Laura________ to have a farewell party for her friends tomorrow.
    A. is going B. will be C. was going D. would
    解题点拨:该题中时间状语tomorrow提示我们应该用be going to do sth.或wiU+动词原形表示即将发生的动作。故答案应为A。该句意思是“Laura计划明天为她的朋友们开个离别聚会”。
    ( )6. I got really mad when I heard the________news.
    A. disappointed B. disappointing
    C. disappoint D. disappointment
    解题点拨:“令人失望的消息”应该是“disappointing news”。
    ( ) 7. If you use the mobile phone in the class , the teacher will
    A. take it away B. take it off
    C. take it up D. take away it
    解题点拨:根据题意,如果你上课使用手机,老师就会收走它。只有take it away才能准确表达出“把……拿走”之意。D答案中代词it应放在away前面,故答案选A。