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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit1-6基础练习60题 (无答案)
    ( )1. There is ______ meat but ______ cakes on the plate. Please have one.
    A. a little; a few B. a few; a little C. few; little D. little; a few
    ( )2.-- Do you think _______ more houses?--Yes, there will.
    A. will there be B. are there C. there will be D. they will
    ( )3. –I think China will win the world cup one day.
    -- I ______. The Chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger.
    A. agree B. disagree C. don’t agree D. think
    ( )4. I want to fly to the moon for vocation _______.
    A. in twenty years B. after twenty years
    C. twenty years ago D. twenty years late
    ( )5. Even though I am right. I don’t want to ______ him.
    A. play with B. talk C. argue with D. fight against
    ( )6. He has two tickets _____ a ball game.
    A. of B. in C. at D. to
    ( )7. Could I ______ your pen?
    A. give B. borrow C. lend D. help
    ( )8. The teacher kept him ______ for 5 minutes.
    A. stand B. stood C. to stand D. standing
    ( )9. --I am sorry I _____ my exercise book at home.
    -- Don’t forget ______ it to school tomorrow.
    A. forget; to take B. left; to bring
    C. forgot; to bring D. left; to take
    ( )10. ______ the boy was sleeping, the thief came in.
    A. While B. After C. As D. Before
    ( )11. You’re late. The plane _____ a quarter ago.
    A. took B. took off C. took on D. took out
    ( )12. She said she _____ her vegetables at that time yesterday.
    A. would grow B. was growing C. had grown D. grew
    ( )13. I was mad ____ Jim .
    A. with B. at C, to D, for
    ( )14. The physics teacher told us light ____ much faster than sound. A. traveled B. travel C. was traveling D. travels
    ( )15. I am going to _____ a red coat today.
    A. put on B. wear C. on D. dress
    II. 句型转换
    16. Mr Black will come in two weeks. (对划线部分提问)
    ______ ______ ______ Mr Black come back?
    17. My brother and I wear the same clothes.(改为同义句)
    My brother _____ the same clothes _____ I do.
    18. “How old are you?” Jack asked Lucy. (合并句子)
    Jack asked Lucy ______ ______ ______ _____
    19. I think I will go to Mars. (改为否定句)
    I ______ think I ______ go to Mars.
    III. 单词拼写
    20. I think there will be less ______ (污染) in 50 years.
    21. I _____ (花了)50 yuan for a new shirt.
    22. This coat is in ______(风格). I like it very much.
    23. Who will ______ (组织) a picnic on Sunday.
    24. The children enjoy _______ (他们) on Children’s Day.
    25.She said she was having a _______ ( 惊奇的)party for Jane on Sunday night.
    26. I have lost my pen. I can’t find it ______ (再)
    Ⅳ.27. 我的父亲以教书为生。
    My father _______ _______ _________ by teaching.
    28. 或许你应该给他打电话。
    ___________ you should _________ ________ _________.