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初二英语下册复习资料:Unit 3知识点总结与检测

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 3 What are you doing for vocation?
    话题Vacation plans 假期计划
    Talk about future plans 谈论将来计划
    词汇1.countries国家(Spain西班牙, Italy意大利, Thailand泰国,Greece希腊,Poland波兰,India印度) 2.Europe欧洲 3.Tibet西藏 4. Hong Kong香港 5.postcard明信片 6. countryside农村 7.nature大自然 8.tourist游客 9.famous著名的 10.babysit临时照顾 11.plan计划 12. send 送 13.leave离去 14.forget忘记
    短语 1.go hiking /bike riding /camping/fishing/shopping/ sightseeing 2.take a relaxing/an exciting vocation度过一个放松/令人愉快的假期 3.finish doing sth完成做某事 4. think about考虑 5.leave for到达 6.rent videos租影碟 7.decide/ need to do sth 决定/需要做某事
    句型1. What are you doing for vocation? I’m spending time with my friends.
    2. When are you going ? I’m going next Sunday.
    3. How long are you staying? We’re staying for two weeks.
    4. Who are you going with? I’m going with my parents.
    5. Where is she leaving for? She’s leaving for Italy this weekend.
    语法要点1. Present progressive as future现在进行时表示将来。
    2. Where, when, how long引导的特殊疑问句。
    例1 While I _______ the road, I saw them.
    A. went through B. crossed
    C. was crossing D. walked on
    例2 Listen carefully. I have _______ to tell you.
    A. important something B. something important C. anything important D. important anything
    【解题思路】选B。此题考查不定代词与形容词搭配使用的方法。something用于肯定句; anything用于疑问句或否定句;nothing用于否定句,当被形容词修饰时,形容词应置后。
    例3 Look! The girl ________ under the tree.
    A. dances B. is dancing
    C. danced D. sang
    【解题思路】选B。此题根据look考查学生对现在进行时的掌握情况。类似于look的词汇或短语还有listen, now, these days 等。
    例4 —I fell off my bike and hurt myself yesterday.
    --______. You’d better be more careful.
    A. Congratulations B. That’s funny
    C. All right D. I’m sorry to hear that
    【解题思路】选D。按照西方国家表达方式,当听到对方不好的消息时应说:“I’m sorry (to hear that).” 或“What a pity! ”等。
    一、单项选择 选出能填入各句中空白处的最佳答案。(20分)
    1. --Who are you going sightseeing______?
    --My parents.
    A. to B. for C. at D. with
    2. It’s difficult for us______ this work today .
    A. finishes B. finish C. to finish D. finished
    3. _____ vegetables ______good for you.
    A .Eat,are B. Eating,are
    C. Eating,is D. Eat,is
    4. Beijing is a good place_____ sightseeing.
    A. for B. to going C. to go D. of go
    5.To do______ the teacher tells you is important.
    A. that B. what C. which D. how
    6. What______ fine weather we have these days!
    A. a B. the C. / D. an
    7. Hurry up!The bus__________.
    A. comes B. come C. is coming D. came
    8. I′m very ____and I really need an _____vacation.
    A. tired, excited B. tiring, exciting
    C. tired,exciting D. tiring, excited
    9. --I________ bringing my note book.
    -- No problem. You can borrow some paper from me.
    A. planned B. decided C. left D. forgot
    10. I hope there is_______ with my eyes.
    A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing
    C. anything wrong D. wrong something
    11. --Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata?
    --Yes,it______ really beautiful.
    A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears
    12. The girl______ for Japan next week.
    A. leaves B. is leave C. is leaving D. leaving
    13. Don′t stop working______ twelve.
    A. to B. at C. when D. until
    14. --Oh,dear,I______ my English book at home.
    --Oh,I′m sorry to hear that.
    A. put B. left C. forgot D. took
    15. He told us______ many funny stories,and I had never heard _______interesting story before.
    A. so, such an B. such,a so
    C. such,so an D. so,so
    16. --Which of these two sweaters will you take?
    --I′ll take_____. They look nearly the same,and I just need one.
    A. both B. either C. none D. all
    17.Kate won the____ race in the summer sports meeting.
    A. 100-meter B. 100-meters
    C. 100 meter D.100 meters
    18. --________is the worst actor?
    --I think Hu Ming is.
    A. What do you think B. Do you think who
    C. Who do you think D. Who you think
    19. The students are ___ to answer such difficult questions.
    A. clever enough B. enough clever
    C. not clever D. no clever enough
    20. The boy doesn′t speak______ his sister,but his writing is ________ good.
    A. as well as,so B. more worse than,such
    C. as well as,such D. worse than,so
    二、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。 (共10分)
    21.He thought about going to Shanghai and Qingdao, but d ____________ on Tibet.
    22.He plans to have a very r_____________ vacation.
    23.Zhuxun says, “I just finished m_____________ my last movie.”
    24.Many t______________ come to the Great Wall every year.
    25.Your jeans are dirty. Go and wash them c_______.
    26.I hope you are in good h________________.
    27.There are h___________ of students in our school.
    28.From the hill we can see the whole town b______.
    29.My s_______________ habits are pretty good, I try to read, write and listen carefully.
    30.He always helps his parents b____________ his brother .