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初二英语下册复习资料:Module 9 Heroes精选习题(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    A. artistB. manager C. doctorD. driver
    ( )5. ____________ is a businessman.
    A. Li Hong B. Xie Zhongqing C. Liu HuifangD. Zhao B i
    In your school bags ,most of you may have pencils ,some kinds of pens ,rulers and some books .None of these things grow in the fields .They were all made in factories and invented by someone .Many years ago no one knew about these things .
    Who invented them? We don't always know .There were lots of inventions ,large and small . Some of these inventions have changed the world .such as radio and TV, and we know the inventions .We forgot most of the other inventions .Who invented the clock ,we don't know .We should thank them for their clever ideas .Will you be one of them when you grow up ?
    ( )6. Most of things are in your schoolbags made in the inventor's heads
    ( )7. Inventions are very important and useful
    ( )8. Inventors have clever ideas
    ( )9. A fridge isn't an invention
    ( )10. We don't know the names of most inventors
    A man made a nice talking machine. It could weigh people. The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of these kinds of machines.
    He put the machine into the waiting room of a station . There were always lots of people in and out there.
    The first one began to use the machine. It was an Indian woman. When she stand on the machine, the machine thought for a few minutes to decide which language it should speak. “Good morning, madam,” it said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilos. That’s three kilos more. If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you will be soon all right . Wish you a nic e day.”
    The second one who used the machine was a nice Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good morning , Miss ,”the machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilos. It’s all right for your age and height. Go on to eat what you eat every day. Wish you a nice day.”
    The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time before standing on the machine. But as soon as she stood on the machine, the machine spoke quickly in English , “Good morning . Will one of you get off?”
    ( ) 11. The nice talking machine could_____
    A. tell people what they should eat B. weigh and talk to people
    C. tell people how old they are D. tell a story
    ( ) 12. First the man put his machine .
    A. in the doctor’s waiting room B. in a museum
    C. in a station D. in a train
    ( ) 13. What did the machine tell the Indian woman?
    A. She was a little lighter. B. She was just all right.
    C. She needed to eat more and exercise more. D. She was a little bit heavy.
    ( ) 14. Which of the following is RIGHT?
    A. The machine tested only two people.
    B. The Chinese girl was too thin.
    C. The Indian woman was in fact heavier than the American woman..
    D. Of the three the Chinese girl was the lightest.
    ( ) 15. The machine said quickly “Will one of you get off?” because
    A. two people were on it
    B. the third woman was too fat
    C. something was wrong with it
    D. the machine didn’t know where the third woman was from
    1. Spring festival is a ______ (公众的) holiday in China.
    2. The ____________(受伤的) so ldiers should be cured at once.
    3. I’d go to Beijing to see my relations there who is a _________(记者)。
    4. I want you to _________(复制)the document onto the computer.
    5. I think everyone shouldn’t _________(打架). They should be friendly to each other.
    6.Among the four ____________(季节)I like spring best.
    7. ___________(尽管)it is raining, we all work outside.
    8. Edsion made a lot of ___________(发明)in his life.
    9. We can play games___________(在四周)the house.
    10.I like stories with happy ________________ (结局).
    1. 谁建议你买MP4的?
    Who __________ you __________ ___________ an MP4?
    Beijing Opera __________ very__________.
    We welcomed them ________ ________ _________ ________.
    4. 钱能帮你解决问题?
    Would money _________ __________ _________?
    5. 她经常帮我学英语。
    She often ________ _________ ___________my English.
    Dave had a wonderful week. Last Sunday he played the guitar.