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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( )1. There are some trees _______the house.
    A. in the front of B. in front of C. in front
    ( )2. .My mother was cooking ______ I came in.
    A. While B.When C.and
    ( )3. He doesn’t have any money , ______.
    A. either B. too C. also
    ( )4. My friend _____the same clothes .
    A. wear B. wears C. puts on
    ( )5.Could you give me _____ advice ?
    A. some B. any C. many
    ( )6.My friend is angry with me . What should I _____to him ?
    A . say B. speak C. talk
    ( )7. The boy is not______to go to school .
    A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough
    ( )8.Please show me the ticket ____ __the concert
    A. of B. for C. to
    ( )9.When I arrived home , I remembered I ______ my key in the classroom .
    A. forgot B. leave C. left
    ( )10. They are ______ the summer holiday .
    A. planning B. planing C. planned
    ( )11. I ______ it everywhere , but I didn’t _____ it .
    A . looked for , looked for B. looked for , find
    C. found , looked for D. find , look for
    ( )12.I really don’t know _________.
    A. what should I do B. what to do C. what does
    ( )13. They are good friends , but sometimes they ______each other .
    A. argue B. argue to C. argue with
    ( )14. He went to the bookshop and _____about 90 yuan ____the new book. .
    A.paid;for B.took; to C.spent;at
    15.I need to buy something for my sister, so I want to____some money ____you.
    A.borrow; to B.lend; to C.borrow ;from
    16.Would y ou like______?
    A.else anything B.anything else C.something else
    17.He is new here,but he can get on well____us.
    A.to B.for C.with
    18.I ____get up_____8 a.m
    A.didn’t ; until B./ ;until C.not ; until
    19.On the one hand, the water is clean; on _____hand, the water is free.
    A.other B.others C. the other
    20.Mothers l ike to compare their children _____other children.
    A. to B.at C. with
    21. An alien _____the UFO while I was talking.
    A.got out of B.got out from C.got out away
    22.I think parents should give us more time to do things by ______.
    A.our B.we C.ourselves
    23.Sam is good at math, but this test he ____.
    A.succeed B.lost C.failed
    24. Eve and Sally like to speak _________ the phone.
    A. in B. onC. with
    25. I have _________ haircut _________ you.
    A. same; asB. the same; like C. the same; as
    26 All the students went to the Summer Palace last Saturday______me, because I was ill that day.
    A. besideB.besidesC. except
    27. —_________? —It doesn't work.
    A. How are you B. Where is your watch C. What's wrong with your wa tch
    28.Many students find _____hard to study English well.
    A.it B.its C.that
    29.Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?
    No ,______
    A. I weren’t B. I wasn’t C.I am not
    30.Jane ,I won’t go there tomorrow.
    Really ? if you don’t, I won’t,____.
    A.too B.either C.neither
    ( )1.Oh !Your watch is so beautiful ,they must be expensive.
    -----No,they only__ __10 yuan RMB(河南)
    A.spent B.cost C.paid D.took
    ( )2.Excuse me,do you know______?
    ----I am sorry, I am new here.(四川)
    A.where is the nearest bus station
    B. where the nearest bus station is
    C. where the nearest bus station was
    ( )3.we can use QQ to talk with each other online.
    Will you show me _______it?(山东)
    A.what to use B.how to use C.when to use
    ( )4.we can see many buildings everywhere in the city.(选与划线同义词语)
    A.over there B.here and there C.some where
    ( )5.I had___unusual ___experience : I saw ____alien gotting out of ___UFO.
    A. an , an, an, an B.a , / , an , a C.an, / , an , a