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初二英语复习资料:Module 3基础知识练习

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Module 3练习卷
    Part I Listening (听力部分) 40%
    I. Listen and choose (选出听到的单词、词组和句子)12%
    ( ) 1. A. hallB. callC. tall
    ( ) 2. A. tailB. tidyC. tired
    ( ) 3. A. swimB. singC. swing
    ( ) 4. A .canB. canteenC. count
    ( ) 5. A. lightsB. whiteC. right
    ( ) 6. A. bottleB. letterC. little
    ( ) 7. A. next to my schoolB. near my schoolC. beside my school
    ( ) 8. A. the book shopB. the food shopC. the fruit shop
    ( ) 9. A. many classesB. many glassesC. much grass
    ( ) 10. A. Let’s go to the music room.B. Let’s go to the classroom.
    C. Let’s go to the reading room.
    ( ) 11. A. Please don’t be sad. B. Please don’t be angry.
    C. Please don’t be afraid.
    ( ) 12. A. Show me the way to the office.B. Show him the way to the office.
    C. Show you the way to the office.
    II. Fill in the blanks(听录音,完成表格)6%
    What?How many?How much?
    Paulchocolate_____ bars______ yuan
    Danny___________________20 yuan
    Alice_________4 bottles ________ yuan each
    III. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)6%
    ( ) 1.A. It’s five yuan.B. They are five yuan.C. There are five.
    ( ) 2.A. It’s big.B. There are computers.C. It’s behind the canteen.
    ( ) 3.A. Yes, there is.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, there are.
    ( ) 4.A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, he has.
    ( ) 5.A. Here you are.B. Thank you.C. Yes, please.
    ( ) 6.A. I want some cakes.B. He wants some milk.C. She wants some bread.
    IV. Listen and choose (根据听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案)6%
    ( ) 1.A. Yes, he has.B. No, he hasn’t.C. He has a bar of chocolate.
    ( ) 2.A. She is a teacher.B. Yes, she is a doctor.C. She is a doctor.
    ( ) 3.A. One yuan.B. Two yuan.C. Three yuan.
    ( ) 4.A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, there are.C. No, there aren’t.
    ( ) 5.A. On this street.B. Behind the park.C. Behind the street.
    ( ) 6.A. No, it isn’t.B. Yes, it’s big.C. Yes, it is.
    V. Listen and judge (听录音判断,用"T"或"F"表示)5%www.xkb1.com
    ( ) 1. Peter and Danny are friends.
    ( ) 2. Peter has a yellow and red bicycle.
    ( ) 3. There isn’t a basket on Peter’s bicycle.
    ( ) 4. Danny doesn’t like bicycles but he likes skateboards.
    ( ) 5. Danny’s skateboard has four wheels.
    VI. Listen and fill in the blanks(听短文,填入所缺的单词)5%
    Miss fang and _______ students are in City Park. Danny has a _____. He is beside the fountain. Alice is ______ on the swing. Kitty is watching the fish and _______ in the pond. They can take many _______ in the park.
    Part 2 Reading and writing(读写部分) 60%
    I.Find the word with a different sound in each group(在下列各组单词中找出一个划线部分与其他单词发音不同的词)5%
    ( ) 1.A. canteenB. packetC. snake
    ( ) 2.A. gymB. officeC. try
    ( ) 3.A. nextB. behindC. lesson
    ( ) 4.A. breadB. sweaterC. read
    ( ) 5.A. shopB. postC. bottle
    II. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案)12%
    ( ) 1. What’s in the classroom? ___________ forty children.
    A. There is B. There are C. They are
    ( ) 2. _________ is the doggie? It’s fifty yuan.
    A. How B. How many C. How much
    ( ) 3. Where is Kitty’s home? It’s ______ her school.
    A. next to B. on C. between
    ( ) 4. How much ______ a packet of sweets?
    A. is B. are C. has
    ( ) 5. I am behind Alice. Alice is ________ me.
    A. behind B. in front of C. beside
    ( ) 6. ________ any water in the bottle? Yes, ________.
    A. Is there ; it is B. Are there; there is C. Is there ; there is
    ( ) 7. Count the ________. How many _______? There is one.
    A. swing ; swings B. swing ;swing C. swings ;swings
    ( ) 8. There _____ a loaf of bread and four packets of biscuits on the table.
    A. are B. is C. am
    ( ) 9. My friends _______ got any juice.
    A. hasn’t B. have C. haven’t
    ( ) 10. _______ that man? He is a firefighter.
    A. Who’s B. Where’s C. What’s
    ( ) 11. I ______ crisps but my mother _________ crisps.
    A. don’t like ; like B. like ; doesn’t like C. likes ; doesn’t likes
    ( ) 12. We are going to the park. Please show _____ the way.
    A. me B. we C. us
    III. Fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空) 6%新课 标 第 一网
    1.There are many ________ (library) in Shanghai.
    2.This box of bananas _______ (be) for my grandma.
    3.Your friend _______ (like) ______ (buy) clothes on Nanjing Road.
    4.Look at the boy. ______ (he) shirt is cool.
    5.Two _____ (box) of sweets, please.
    IV. Fill in the blanks (根据句意填空,每空一词) 5%
    1. We can run and play in the __________.
    2. I want to buy some food. Let’s go to the __________.
    3. ______ you send a letter to Tom, Peter?
    4. I’m thirsty. May I have a bottle of ____?
    5. Where’s my dog? It’s ______ the sofa and the table .
    V. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子,每空一词) 12%
    1.There is a computer lab on this floor.(划线提问) ______ ______ this floor?
    2.There are some fruit shops in the street. (否定句)
    There ____ _____ fruit shops in the street.
    3. The dolphin can swim in the sea. (划线提问)_______ can the dolphin _______?
    4.My new blouse is eighty yuan. (划线提问)How ______ is ______ new blouse?