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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    二、单项填空 10%
    1. 医院做胸透时用的是 _________ 光透视, 而字母 _________ 经常出现在视力表中。
    A. X; B   B. X; E   C. S; E   D. E; X
    2. EMS, UFO和IT都是缩略词,它们分别代表 _________,_________ 和 _________。
    A. 国际长途直拨;世界贸易组织;身份证
    B. 邮政速递公司;不明飞行物;信息技术
    C. 国际奥委会;联合国教科文组织;智商
    D. 工商管理硕士;美国联邦调查局;联合国
    3. Bill is a student of No. 6 Middle School. _________ are _________ in this school.
    A. Tom and you; too
    B. You and Tom; also
    C. Tom and you; all
    D. You and Tom; either
    4. — _____ one do you like? The yellow one ______ the white one? — The yellow one.
    A. Which; or
    B. What; and
    C. What colour; but
    D. Whose; also
    5. These socks are _________, but the coats are his two _________.
    A. Brad; cousin B. Brad’s; cousins’s
    C. Brad; cousins D. Brad’s; cousins’
    6. This dictionary is _________ nice. I _________ like it _________.
    A. much; very; much  B. very much; very; /
    C. very; /; very much  D. very; very; much
    7. There is a picture _________ my family _________ the wall _________ my room.
    A. in; in; of   B. of; on; on   C. of; on; of   D. of; of; in
    8. — Do you have _____ eggs? — Sorry, I don’t have _____, but I have _____ hamburgers.
    A. any; any; some  B. some; some; some
    C. any; some; some  D. any; any; any
    9. Let’s _________ clean the room with _________.
    A. goes to; they   B. going to; them   C. go and; they   D. go to; them
    10. ________he is ill,__________he goes to school.
    A. Although, but B. /, / C. Although, / D. But, although
    三、词汇与语法 20%
    A 根据首字母写出正确的单词
    1.This is a good c_______ to practice English .
    2. Will Lily come and c_______ us on?
    3. You must f_____ the rules to play basketball.
    4. The m_________ Olympics started in 1896.
    5. There are some f_________ students in our class. They come from Canada.
    6. We should do more exercise to b_________ up our bodies.
    7. Nothing is difficult in your study if you put your h_________ into it.
    8. Jim feels s_________ in class because he went to bed too late last night.
    B 句子改写
    9. Put on the red coat, Sally. (改为否定句)
    ________ _________ on the red coat, Sally.
    10. My hair is long, black. (改为同义句)
    ________ _________ long black hair.
    11. Jim gets up at six in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)
    _________ Jim _________ _________ at six in the morning?
    12. You must look after these children. (改为祈使句)
    ________ _________ these children, please.
    13. Peter is in Class Four. Sam is in Class Four, too. (改为同义句)
    Peter and Sam are_________ _________ _________ _________.   
    14. I can see many boats on the river. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _________ you see many boats?
    Several years ago , a researcher compared the number of television reports dealing with Japan shown on US television with the number of reports dealing with United States shown on Japanese television . The results were remarkable . Over a seven-month period in 1992-1993 , there were 1121 reports about the US on Japanese TV , but only 92 about Japan in The US .
    It is not only reporting about Japan ; there is general lack of foreign news reports in almost all American media . Most American newspaper editors agree that unless there is direct US involvement in an international story-notably an American victim , there is not much of an audience for foreign news .
    When editors ranked the popularity of various sections of their newspaper , such as National , Sport , Entertainment , and Business- World ranked fifth out of the seven sections . Newsmagazines that feature foreign stories on the cover reportedly sell 20 percent fewer copies on average . A former foreign-news editor at The New York Times estimated that “At any given time , there are only about two million people in the US who are really interested in foreign affairs .”
    But the problem does not lie only with the readers . A report by a study group in Washington , D.C. blames the lack of international news in most US newspapers on the indifference of editors themselves . The report says that editors cut international stories using the excuse that readers aren’t interested . It notes that in fact readers rarely cancel their subscriptions because of content . The document ends by suggesting that with international events becoming increasingly important to the US , editors should try to do a better job of educating their readers about world events even if the public isn’t interested .
    1. The small amount of news reporting about Japan in the US is _____
    A typical of US media attitudes towards foreign news
    B typical of US media attitudes toward foreign audiences
    C remarkable because there was so much in 1992-1993
    D remarkable because there are even fewer reports about other countries
    2. American newspaper editors believe that ______ .
    A many Americans are often victims in major accidents
    B many Americans are not interested in foreign news
    C foreign interest in American news is becoming high .
    D foreign stories about Americans are very rare .
    3. What will most likely happen if a US newsmagazine puts a foreign story on the cover ?
    A It will sell 20% more copies than usual
    B It will sell 20% as many copies as usual
    C It will sell 80% as many copies as usual
    D It will sell 80% fewer copies than usual
    4. The study group recommends that editors should ______ .
    A teach readers to regard content as important
    B let readers know the reason for cutting foreign news
    C help readers realize that foreign affairs are important
    D advise readers to keep their subscriptions because of content
    5. According to the passage , which of the following is NOT true ?
    A There seems to be little interest in international news in the US
    B US involvement increase Americans’ interest in international news reports
    C There seem to be more foreign news reports in Japan than America
    D Americans will stop reading newspapers if the amount of news is increased .
    There was a time when , if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train , a gentleman would immediately stand up and offer her his seat . Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper . Either way , the lady will have to stand until someone else gets off .
    You can’t entirely blame men for this change in manners . The days are gone when women could be treated as the weaker sex . A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men ; not just equality in jobs or education , but in social attitude . Hold a door open for some to open doors for themselves . Take a girl out for a meal and she’ll probably insist on paying her share of the bill .
    It is no wonder , then , that men have given up some of the gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women . On the other hand , man’s politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women , so that men can see women as equal human beings .
    6. A gentleman ______ when a lady gets on a crowded bus or train .
    A will approach to help her at once
    B now will stand up reluctantly
    C will share his seat with her
    D now will pretend not to see her
    7. The new generation of women demands ______ .
    A equality with men in jobs , education and social attitude
    B the men should not offend them at work
    C paying bill when they go out for meal with men
    D men’s politeness in public
    8. How do some women feel if a man holds a door open for them ?
    A They look very happy
    B They feel what he does is a kind of politeness
    C They are likely to get angry because he treats them as inferiors
    D They will respect him much more
    9. There writer’s view to women seems to be that ______ .
    A the days are gone when women could be treated as the weaker sex
    B it is common that men have given up some of the gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women
    C it is not right for women to demand equality with men
    D women now play the most important part in society
    10. We can learn from the article ______ .
    A men don’t hold a door open for women any more
    B men become more rude to woman
    C men are beginning to treat women as equal human beings
    D women now play the most important part in society
    WHAT’S the brightest star in the sky? Venus (金星). Want to know more about it? Take the “Venus Express”! “Venus Express”(火星快车) is a space probe (探测器) sent towards Venus by European scientists on November 9.① It will study Venus’s atmosphere (大气) and return photos. But before that “Venus Express” must travel about 350 million kilometres. It will reach Venus in April of next year. ②Venus and Earth have similar weight and size. However, Venus is closer to the sun than Earth. Venus is very hot. The temperature reaches 465 C during a Venus day. Its atmosphere is mostly carbon, which turns into acid rain .Scientists think Earth and Venus had similar beginnings 4.6 billion years ago. But while the earth supports millions of lives, Venus went bad. “Earth easily could have turned out like that,” said European scientist David Southwood. ③ is, for, It , us, to , out, important, find ,why, and Venus Express should do that.”④ “Venus Express” also will help scientists to learn what might happen to Earth in the future.”Venus Express” will work for two Venus days. A Venus day is about 243 days on Earth. ⑤那意味着它将工作486个地球日 。
    11. 将①处刬线部分的句子译成汉语_________________________________
    12. 将②处刬线部分的句子改为复合句_______________________________
    13. 将③处斜体部分组成一个句子___________________________________
    14. 将④处刬线部分的句子译成汉语__________________________________
    15. 将⑤处句子译成英语____________________________________________
    ①IF you can draw the 2008 Olympic mascots (吉祥物) yourself, you’ll become the coolest kid in your classmates’ eyes. All five have become top fashion.Since China made its final decision at 8 pm November 11, the five mascots – Beibei, the fish; Jingjing, the panda; Huanhuan, the Olympic flame(火焰) ; Yingying, the Tibetan antelope (藏羚羊) and Nini, the swallow (燕子) – have been on school bags, hats and T-shirts. If you put their names together, they say “Beijing welcomes you!” in Chinese.People rushed into many big shopping centres to buy them. Some shelves were empty after only one day of business.Why do the mascots look like kids?”
    Children are the future of the world. No one can say ‘no’ to kids’ smiles. So we have five child-like mascots,” said Wu Guanying, a key member of the design group. Wu came up with the idea of five dolls.②When artists finished the first designs in April, they showed their work to kids to see if they liked them.Thirty kindergarten kids and 30 primary students acted as judges. ③They were quite happy at seeing the lovely images (形象). ④关于他们代表的含义,有多种说法。”There were all kinds of answers. Some kids thought the mascots were a family of earth protectors (保护者). One even mistook the fish for a daughter of the sea. But the popularity of the mascots among kids impressed us,” said Wu.⑤symbol, Games, mascot, for, a, an, the, is, Olympic. It carries within itself people’s best wishes for the success of the Games. Also, it’s always an image with special meaning for people of the host country (主办国).
    16. 将①句翻译成汉语: _______________________________________________
    17. 将②句翻译成汉语: _______________________________________________
    18. 将③句改为复合句: _______________________________________________
    19. 将④句翻译成英语: _______________________________________________
    20. 将⑤处的单词连成一句话: _________________________________________
    五、补全对话 10%
    A: Beijing held the 29th Olympics this summer. 1____________________?
    B: Yes, I did. I had a good time this summer.
    A: China won the most gold medals. I’m proud of our country. Yao Ming and his teammates did pretty well.
    B: Yes. Now everyone is taking part in sports, we enjoy the Olympics, we enjoy sports and enjoy ourselves.
    A: 2_______________________?
    B: Basketball. And I watched every basketball game on TV.
    A: I saw you play basketball almost every day. 3____________________?
    B: Yao Ming. He is one of the best players in the world.
    A: 4_________________________?
    B: The Houston Rockets.
    A: 5__________________________?
    B: I want to be a player like him.
    A: You play basketball so well. I think your dream will come true.
    B: Thank you.
    六、书面表达 20%
    Class 12,Grade 8: Activity Survey
    Activity Every Day Twice a Week Four Times a Week
    Watch TV 60% 20% 20%
    Have Sports 10% 20% 70%
    Do homework 100% 0% 0%
    ( All students=100℅ Most students=51℅-99℅ Some students = 1℅-50℅ No students = 0℅)
    一、1~5 BACDC 6~10DCACD 11~15CABCD 16~20BDABC
    二、21~25 CDABD 26~30 CBCAD 31~34 DABC
    三、阅读A. CDBA B. DCAB C. ABBD
    一、1. at 2. look 3. smaller 4. only 5. are 6. from 7. used
    二、8 I don’t think; 9 be late for; 10. Either Sam or Ben has 11. didn’t go to bed until 12. stopping/preventing /keeping her from spending more money
    三、 阅读与表达
    13. Yes, it does./ Yes. 14. They/ My arms and legs become strong. / Strong. 2分;Your arms and legs become strong. / Become strong. 1.5分 15. He thinks it is their own fault. / He thinks the people with poor memories are to blame/ responsible (for it).2分;
    16. Because they are always exercising/using their memories. Because they always practice remembering. 2分They are always exercising/using their memories.1.5分
    17. Our memory works in the same way as our body. It needs exercise if we want to have a good one./ If you want to have a good memory, keep exercising/ using it, because it works in the same way as your body. 2分