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七上新目标Unit 6单元同步检测

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    一、单项选择 (40)
    (   )1. “ -________   ?” -“No, I don’t.”
    A.  Do you like bread      B. Do it like this
    C.  Are you like bread      D. Does he like it
    (   )2. My sister likes _______     and_______     .
    A. singing; reading     B. to sing; to read
    C. singing; to read      D. to sing; reading
    (   )3. I like eggs, tomatoes and bananas for_______     breakfast.
    A. the     B. a     C. /      D. an
    (   )4. “___Tom __a new computer?” “Yes, he likes it very much.”
    A. Doe s; has   B. Do; have    C. Does; have    D. Does; like
    (   )5. I like _____    chess, but I don’t like_____     it today.
    A. playing the; to play   B. to play; to play
    C. to play; playing      D. playing; to play
    (   )6. “Is my picture here” “ __________   .”
    A. Yes, you are      B. Yes, it is
    C. No, they aren’t     D. No, he isn’t
    (   )7. Are those________     in the picture?
    A. apple trees    B. apples tree    C. apples trees     D. apple tree
    (   )8. “Do you have a basketball?” “ ______  .”
    A. Yes, I have   B. No, I haven’t     C. Do, like     D. Yes, I do
    (   )9. My brother Jack ____    like flying kites ____    playing chess.
    A. don’t; or    B. don’t; and    C. doesn’t; or     D. doesn’t; and
    (   )l0. We can buy some apples in that_____     shop.
    A. fruits     B. fruit     C. fruit’s     D. fruits’
    (   )11. Broccoli and carrots are _____   .
    A. fruits    B. fruit     C. vegetables     D. vegetable
    (   )12. “Do you like_____    ?” “Yes, I do.”
    A. a broccoli     B carr ot     C. ice creams     D. tomatoes
    (   )13. Look! some meat_____in the bag. Some vegetables     in the basket.
    A. are; is     B. are; are     C. is; is     D. is; are
    (   )14. My brother_____     very much.
    A. like banana   B. likes bananas    C. like bananas   D. likes banana
    (   )l5. There is some ____     on the table.
    A. banana     B. chicken     C. tomato     D. apple
    (   )l6. There is _____    shop near here.
    A. not    B not any    C. no any    D. no
    (   )17. There _____    white sheep on the hill.
    A. is    B. has     C. are     D. have
    (   )18. “Do your father and mo ther like strawberries?” “Yes, _____   .”
    A. you do     B. he does     C. they do    D. she does
    (   )19.  _____   like hamburgers._____     likes carrots.
    A. She; I    B. They;  she    C. We;  they     D. He; she
    (   )20. The lunch in our school______    good.
    A. are     B. be     C. is      D. /
    My name is Kay.I usually have two meals  1  day─brunch and dinner.“ 2 ”means(意思是)breakfast and lunch. I  3   brunch at a restaurant. I  4  a hamburger,  5  French fries and a banana for  6 . After brunch,I  7  with my friends. And we have  8  together.For dinner I like an  9  and a tomato. After dinner I always have ice cream for  10
    (   )1. A. a         B.an       C.one        D.the
    (   )2. A.Meal     B. Dinner    C.Brunch     D.Breakfast
    (   )3. A. have      B. has       C. eats         D. ate
    (   )4. A. am       B. like       C. has         D. likes
    (   )5. A. a        B. any        C. some       D. an
    (   )6. A. one      B. it          C. them       D. they
    (   )7. A. play     B. bring       C. eat         D. take
    (    )8. A. lunch    B. breakfast    C. dinner      D. brunch
    (   )9. A. egg      B. broccoli     C. salad      D. pear
    (   )10. A. meal    B. dessert      C.  drink      D. meat
    My name is Jenny. I have four good friends. We are classmates. We want(想)to go on a picnic(野餐). What kind  of food do we take? I like hamburgers but Ben doesn’t like them. I don’t like strawberries, Cara doesn’t like it, either. Cara and Amp like French fries, and they ha ve them every day. But Dale doesn’t. Dale and Ben like vegetable salad, but Amy doesn’t. She likes fruit salad. I don’t know how I can make salad for them.
    根据短文内容,判断正( T )误( F )
    (   )l. Jenny likes hamburgers very much.
    (   )2. Cara has strawberries sometimes.
    (   )3. Dale and Amy like vegetable salad.
    (   )4. Dale doesn’t like French  fries.
    (   )5. Jenny has four girl friends.
    Shopping on Holiday(假日)
    One holiday afternoon,Mrs Smith and her Child,Lucy are in a big shop near their house. Mrs Smith likes Lucy and wants to buy a new dress for her. Lucy doesn’t like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her mother buys two kilos of apples for her. Lucy also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women,old and young,They all want to buy something. The people in the shop are very friendly.
    (   )6. Lucy and ______ shopping on holiday.
    A.her parents     B.her mother     C.her uncle     D. her aunt
    (   )7. Lucy wants to buy ____
    A.something to eat   B.some color pencils  C.a dress  D.A and B
    (   )8. Does the shop have apples?
    A. Yes,it does.     B.Yes,it doesn’t.
    C. No,it doesn’t.     D.No,it does.
    (   )9. The people in the shop are_______
    A. old         B. happy       C. nice            D. young
    (   )10. Why(为什么)are there many people in the shop?
    A.They are old.               B. They are young.
    C. They want to buy something    D. They want to buy apples
    四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空-  (10)
    1.Jeff likes _______     (strawberry) very much.
    2. There are two ________  (tomato) on the tab1e.
    3. The food _________(be) very nice.
    4. Where ________be) the vegetables?
    5.Some _____(orange) are on the table.
    6.I want some______(tomato)for dinner.
    7.Tom is a ______(healthy) boy .
    8.My brother_____(not like)salad.
    9.Let’s _____(has)broccoli, It’s good for us.
    10.I like _____(eat) healthy food every day .
    Peter Gina
    breakfast strawberry
    orange egs,bananas
    lunch boccoli
    fench fries slad,chicken
    supper ie cream aples,hamburgers,
    2). 对话配对,在B栏中找出A栏的答句,并把答案代号填在左边括号内:
    A                                  B
    (      ) 1 . How much is the coat?               A. Not at all.
    (      ) 2 . Can I help you?                     B. Yes, very much.
    (      ) 3. What colour are they?                C. It’s $8.
    (      ) 4. Thank you very much.                D. Yellow.
    (      ) 5. Do you like sports?                  E. They are $7.
    F. Yes, please. I want a green skirt.
    (      ) 1 . --Are these your bags?          --Yes, _________.
    A. it is           B. they are             C. they’re
    (      ) 2 . Let’s go and _______________________.
    A. have a look      B. have a look at        C. watch
    (      ) 3 . How much are ______ shirts?
    A. this              B. that               C. these
    (      ) 4 . What  _______ is your pen?
    A. time             B. colour               C. much
    (      ) 5 . His bag is not ____. It is small.
    A. red              B. big                  C. white
    (      ) 6 . –How much ______ the socks?    --___________ twenty yuan.
    A. is, It’s            B. are, They are          C. is, They are
    (      ) 7 . --What _____ do you want?    --Black and white.
    A. socks             B. pants                  C. colour
    (      ) 8 . Do you know the man _____ green?
    A. in               B. at                        C. on
    (      ) 9 . --_______________?    --Yes, I am looking for a coat.
    A. Can I help you    B. What are you doing    C. What do you want to buy
    1.How much is the socks? ________________
    2.How much are that pants? ________________
    3.These shoes are twenty-three dollar. ________________
    4.Have a look for the picture. ________________
    5.They each has a bag for sports. ________________
    6.Thank a lot. You’re welcome. ________________
    1.watch__________(复数)       2.want ________(第三人称单数)                                              3.eat________(第三人称单数)       4.don’t_________(完全形式)
    5.take ________(反义词)         6.he__________(复数)
    7.no________(同音异形词)          8.sell__________(反义词)
    9.by ____________(同音异形词)      10. shop ____________(同义词)    11.long _______(反义词)             12.right ________(同音异形词)