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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    姓名_________ 得分_______
    1. What is this? It’s_____ V. A. a B. an C. \ D. the
    2. There is _____ f in the word family. A. a B. an C. \ D . the
    3.This is my_____ book. A. a B. an C. the D.\
    4 ---______ your name Bob? --- Yes, I am Bob. A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Be
    5. I have a love dog. _____ dog is very clever. A. An B. A C. \ D. The
    6. ---You look very beautiful. --- _____.
    A. Ok B. Yes, I am C. Thank you D. No, I’m not
    7.Look at the wall. Some pictures are ____ it. A. on B. In C. To D. at
    8.---_____you ____ a ping-pong ball?
    A. Are need B. Do need C. Is needs D. Does needs
    9. _____ my English teacher, Miss Miller.
    A. She is B. He are C. This is D. This are
    10. Bob’s ruler is_______. A. green B. color C. in red D. a green
    11.What do you like for breakfast? ___________. A. Two piece of bread B. Two pieces of bread
    C. Two pieces of breads D. Two piece of breads.
    12. I love the two ________(苹果树) in our school.
    13. There are 12 ______(女教师) in our school.
    14. Chinese _____ my favorite subject(学科). A .am B. is C. are D. be
    15.How many ______ can you see in the picture?
    A. apple B. apples C. apple jiuce D. apples jiuces
    16.My trousers _____(be) old, but this pair of trousers ____(be) new.
    17.There ____ a bag of milk on the desk and there _____ two pieces of bread on it.
    A .is is B. Is are C. are is D. are are
    19. There are two kilos of _______(苹果), a bag of _______(桔子)and two bottle of ________ (水)in our class. Who put them there?
    20.Here_____ two photos of my sister. A. is B. am C. are D. be
    21.I like apples and I eat _______ for lunch. He likes bread but he doesn’t eat ____for lunch.
    A. it it B. they it C. them it D. it them
    22. I have some bread in my school-bag.(划线提问)
    How______ bread do you have in your school-bag ?
    23. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.
    A. classes B. school C. grade D. age
    24. —____ Wang Fang have two small eyes?—No, she has two big eyes.
    A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are
    25. —Look, the girl has long legs. —____
    A. That’s right. B. Yes, she is. C. Tha nks. D. Good.
    26.There are three _______ in my family.
    A. people B. person C. peoples D. child
    27. —That’s my bag. Please ____. —OK.
    A. give it to me B. give me to it C. give it me D. give me it
    28. .Li Lei often ____ Lin Tao ____ his English.
    A. help; to B. helps; with C. helps; to D. help; with
    29. He ____ to visit China.
    A. want B. to want C. don’t want D. wants
    30. It ’s very kind ____ you ____ help me.
    A. of; for B. to; do C. of; to D. for; for
    31. That coat is nice and I’ll ____ it.
    A. try B. take C. want D. put 

