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七年级英语教案示例:Unit 29 Shopping Lesson 114

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Lesson 114教学设计示例
    (1)复习和食物相关的词汇:rice, bread, coke, milk, eggs, potatoes, oranges, pears等。
    (2)学习句型:How much is the ___? How much are the ___? That’s cheap/expensive. They’re cheap/expensive.
    Step 1  Revision
    1  Check homework.
    2  Ask students to contribute pens, books, etc. to the shop on your desk: Say What do you have for the shop? Help the students to answer, I have a /
    some … Ask What things does the shop sell?
    3  Revise the names of the new food items taught in the last lesson.
    Step 2  Presentation
    Talk about the items on your desk. Say This is my shop. It sells pens, books, rulers and things like that. What does it sell? Does it sell bread? etc. Help the students to answer Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt. Teach the meaning of sell by gesture or translation. Get a student to take charge of the shop and to tell the class what it sells. Get students to ask Does it sell rice? etc.
    Step 3  Practice
    1  Books closed. On the Bb write Shop A on the left-hand side and Shop B on the right-hand side. Tell the students Shop A sells books and pens. What else does it sell? Get the students to make suitable suggestions, and write them on the Bb underneath Shop A. Then say Shop B sells apples and meat. What else does it sell? Write down students suggestions. (Do not erase this list, you will add prices later on in the lesson.)
    2  Teach this dialogue:
    A: I want to buy some bread. Which shop sells bread?
    B: (pointing) That shop over there sells bread.
    A: Can you come with me, please?
    B: Certainly!
    Students practise the dialogue in pairs, adding more words to it if they wish.
    3  Write a price list for shop B. Get the students to make suggestions:
    e.g.                kilo
    Meat                Y8.60
    Apples              Y4.20
    Teach How much is the meat? Its eight yuan sixty fen a kilo. Teach How much are the apples? Theyre four yuan twenty fen a kilo. Get the students to practise in pairs asking questions about the price of pears, bananas and all the other items of food that are listed on the Bb.
    4  Teach How much is the pen? Its three yuan. Get the students to ask you the price of other classroom objects.
    5  Teach Thats expensive/cheap! And practise the extended dialogue:
    A: How much is that book?
    B: Its four yuan.
    A: Thats expensive! How much is this one?
    B: This is one yuan and fifty fen.
    A: Oh, thats cheap!
    Step 4  Look and say
    SB Page 62, Part 1. Tell the students to look at the price list in the pictures. Get the students to work in pairs and ask questions as in the presentation about the price of the food items in the picture.
    Step 5  Look, ask and answer
    1  SB Page 62, Part 2. Give an example, then get the students to practise in pairs.
    2  In small groups have students use the price list and role-play being at the supermarket. They should not write anything down, but use their books to look at the price list only. As the students work, walk around and give help where needed. Have several groups volunteer to do their role-play for the class. Note that the dialogue on the left side deals with uncountable nouns and the one on the right side deals with countable nouns.
    Step 6  Read and practice
    SB Page 62, Part 3. Give instructions to the students and make sure they know the goal of this part. Use the first dialogue to talk about food like apples, oranges, etc. that are countable. Use the second dialogue to talk about food that is uncountable. You may demonstrate with a student. Now have the class work in pairs. Finally, call out several pairs to perform before the whole class.
    Step 7  Workbook
    SB Page 144, Wb Lesson 114, Exx. 1-3. Since the students have made a survey of a nearby shop or market, they can do Ex. 1 in groups. Then each group may report to the whole class. Do Ex. 2 and 3 in class.
    Finish off the Workbook exercises.