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初一英语教学教案:Lesson 9

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Lesson 94教学设计示例(一)
    1.教师向学生展示地图,复习第93课的对话。让学生相互之间问问题:Where are you from? I am from…. Where do you come from? I come from….etc. 问答的方式教师可以自便,可采取多种形式如: 教师---- 一个学生; 教师----- 部分学生; 教师---- 全体学生;一个学生---- 一个学生; 部分学生-----部分学生等形式来进行操练。
    2.教师指着地图上的国家的名称如:Canada. 说: Canadians come from Canada. They speak English and French. 然后又指着另一个国家如:Japan.说: Japanese come from Japan. They speak Japanese.教师反复地说出不同的国家的名称,让学生反复操练句型。帮助学生提问和回答有关国家的相关语言。如问Do you speak French?等等.教学生回答: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.又如Do they learn maths? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.Does Kate study Chinese? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.同时,教师在黑板上写出这些句子并比较这些句子的结构,用彩色粉笔强调句中出现的do/ does
    3.打开课本37页,第一部分,1让学生练习句型 Do Americans speak Japanese? No, they don’t. What do they speak? They speak English. Do you like eggs? Yes, I do. I like it very much./ a little. No, I don’t. I don’t like it at all.
    4.让学生听第94课的录音。听录音的时候,教师要求学生不看课文只听录音,然后让学生跟读。之后学生打开课本对照课文内容进行问答练习。最后学生以小组形式进行操练。在学生听完对话录音后,教师提问: Is Bob from the USA? Does Bob speak Chinese? 教师放录音两遍并让学生跟读。教师指出中国姓名与西方国家的姓名的不同之处:在西方国家,人们习惯将姓放在名之后如Jim Green, Green 就是姓Jim是名,而中国人的姓名和西方国家的习惯正好相反,比如Zhou Jian. Zhou是姓 Jian 就是名。 然后让学生操练课文对话并请学生上讲台作演示。
    6.学生听课文第三部分的录音并且跟读, 注意录音中的英文发音,语调和节奏。
    7.教师总结这一节课的教学内容,要求学生掌握句型:Where are you from? Where do you come from? Do you speak French? I like …..very much / a little etc.课文板书如下
    Unit 24 Where are you from ?
    Lesson 94
    the Great Wall  Where are you from?     Do you speak French?
    hotel, building  I am from….        Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
    follow, call   Where do you come from?  I like milk very much./ a little.
    First      I come from….      I don’t like it at all.
    掌握交际用语:Do you speak English?肯定回答: Yes, I / we / they do
    否定回答: No, I / we / they don’t..
    Lesson 94教学设计示例(二)
    Teaching Objectives
    The expressions of place.
    Main Points
    1.New words: great, hotel, building, follow, call, first
    2.Sentence Patterns:
    (1) (1)Do you speak Chinese?
    (2) (2)Yes, I do / No, I don’t
    Difficult Points
    How to use the question form of the Simple Present Tense correctly.
    Teaching Aids
    a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, map
    Teaching Procedure
    Step 1 Revision
    1. A duty report.
    2. Look at the map, revise Where are you from? What about you ? Where is he / she from?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Show a card with the name of a country : e.g. China. Say Chinese come from China. They speak Chinese. Let students repeat with other cards with different country names on them.
    2. Teach the students with cards I speak Chinese / English / French. Ask Where are you from? What do you speak? Help the students to answer with the appropriate language for the appropriate country. Ask What does he / she speak? Do you speak English / French.etc. Help the students to answer Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
    3.Write down They speak English. What do they speak? Do they speak English? on the Bb and compare the sentence structures. Highlight do with coloured chalk.
    Step 3 Ask and answer
    Book closed! Students listen and repeat. Play the tape again, students open the books and listen and repeat, then ask and answer in pairs.
    Step 4 Presentation
    Ask Do Australians speak Chinese? What do they speak? etc. students answer No, they don’t Then ask what do they speak? the students answer They speak English..
    Step 5 Read and act
    1.Teacher play the tape, ask Is Bob Scott from the USA? Does Bob speak Chinese? Play the tape again and get the students to repeat.
    2.Teacher point out that in western countries, a person’s family name. This is the opposite order than in China, where the family name comes first, such as in Hu Dong.
    3.Get the students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.
    4.Do Ex.1. of Wb Lesson 94 .
    Step 6 listen and chant
    1. play the tape and have the students repeat, as they repeat, pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.
    2. let some students read out in class if time permits.
    Step7 Workbook
    Do Ex.3 in class
    1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.
    2.Learn the dialogue in SB Lesson 94 by heart.