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初一英语复习资料:英语七年级下学期Unit 29 Shopping 同步训练(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

           十、阅读理解。 Linda: Excuse me, Bill. May I borrow your ruler, please? Bill: Yes, of course… Oh, where's my ruler? I can't find it. Linda: Is it in your desk? Bill: Let me have a look. NO, it isn't. Linda: Is it in your schoolbag? Bill: No, it is not in the bag. Ah. I see it! It's under the desk on the floor! Here you are. Linda: Thanks. But this one is too short. Do you have a long one? Bill: Sorry. I only have this one. Linda: Well, where can I get a long one? I need one now. Bill: You can buy a long one in the shop. Linda: Which shop? Bill: The one near our school. Linda: Do you think it's still open now? Bill: What's the time by your watch? Linda: It's about five fifty. Bill: I think it's still open. It opens at 8:30 a. m and closes at 6:30 p.m. Linda: OK. Let's go and see. 86.Linda wants to borrow Bill's________ [    ] A.ruler B.pen C.eraser D.knife 87.Bill has a________ ruler. [    ] A.long B.short C.dear D.cheap 88.—What's the time by Linda's watch?—It's ________. [    ] A.five B.ten to five C.five ten D.ten to six 89.The shop is open for ________ hours every day. [    ] A.11 B.10 C.8 D.12 90.This dialogue may happen ________. [    ] A.in the school            B.at home C.in the shop             D.in the supermarket 十一、完形填空。 I work in a small shop. It's near an American   (91)   . Every day students come to   (92)   things.    (93)   the morning I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go to school   (94)   bike. I   (95)   to shop at about six fifty. The shop   (96)   a seven. We sell things   (97)   food and drinks. We have school things, too. So there are often many   (98)   in our shop   (99)   morning to evening. I have lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed.   (100)   go home for supper. 91. [    ] A.farm B.factory C.school D.river 92. [    ] A.buy B.sell C.take D.want 93. [    ] A.On B.In C.At D.From 94. [    ] A.on B.with C.take D.by 95. [    ] A.go B.get C.stay D.look 96. [    ] A.opens B.open C.is opening D.is open 97. [    ] A.with B.like C.for D.about 98. [    ] A.workers B.farmers C.students D.people 99. [    ] A.in B.on C.from D.at [    ] 100. [    ] A.All we B.All us C.All of us D.Us all 参考答案与提示一、father, travelling, uncle, fishing, fish, back, uncle, eat 二、1.B  2.C  3.D  4.C  5.D  6.A  7.A  8.B  9.A  10.C 三、1.safe(安全的)  12.price(价格)  13.course(当然)  14.travel(旅行)  15.health(健康)  16.example(例子)  17.field(田地)  18.bright(明亮的)  19.language(语言)  20.each(每一个)  21.helpful(有帮助的)  22.foreign(外国的)  23.minibus(小型公共汽车)  24.fast(快)  25.stand(站)  26.sunglasses(太阳镜)  27.business(生意)  28.company(公司)  29.century(世纪)  30.job(工作)  四、31.对……有益  32.一段很长时间  33.许多  34.喜欢散步  35.乘公共汽车36.等等  37.You're  welcome.  38.get  on  the  bus  39.each  of  them  40.one  day  五、 41.buy  42.do  shopping  43.sells  44.good  for  45.from…to  46.by sea  47.cooking  48.speak  49.How much  50.and so on 六、51.C  52.E  53.G  54.H  55.D  56.B  57.J  58.J  59.F  60.A 七、61.D  62.A  63.C  64.A  65.C  66.B  67.D  68.C  69.D  70.B71.B  72.A  73.D  74.B  75.C 提示:(1)本题中第67题答案是 D。wear“穿着”,表示状态。(2)第70题答案是B。help后可接动词原形也可接动词不定式。(3)第71题答案是B。let后接动词原形。八、76.How much water is there in the bottle? 77.My father usually goes to work at 8:00 o'clock. 78.The post office is far from the school. 79.Walking is good for health. 80.Some of them can speak English very well. 九、81.like to buy  82.on, come from  83.cooking, doing housework at all  84.Let's, ask  85.There is, fishing 十、86.A  87.B  88.D  89.B  90.A 十一、91.C  92.A  93.B  94.D  95.B  96.D  97.B  98.C  99.C  100.C 附:听力原稿一、听录音,补全句中所缺词语。 On Sundays, Jim likes going out in the car with his father. He likes travelling. Li Lei likes going to see his uncle. He likes fishing with him. Sometimes they catch lots of fish. They take them back. Li Lei helps his uncle cook them for supper. Then they eat them.