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初一英语复习资料:英语七年级下学期Unit 29 Shopping 同步训练

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    知能同步训练一、听录音,补全句中所缺词语。 On Sundays, Jim likes going out in the car with his ________. He likes ________.Li Lei likes going to see his ________. He likes ________with him. Sometimes they catch lots of ________. They take them ________. Li Lei helps his________ cook them for supper. Then they ________ them. 二、找出每组单词中划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的一个。 1. [    ] A.fast B.travel C.example D.ask 2. [    ] A.price B.bright C.list D.night 3. [    ] A.job B.hot C.often D.open 4. [    ] A.sun B.but C.usually D.such 5. [    ] A.help B.get C.well D.example 6. [    ] A.machine B.match C.each D.teach 7. [    ] A.health B.with C.they D.clothes 8. [    ] A.each B.idea C.clean D.sea 9. [    ] A.dollar B.car C.park D.far 10. [    ] A.close B.his C.also D.exercise 三、补全单词,并写出汉语词意。 11.s__ f__(    )           12.pr__ c__(    ) 13.co__ __ sc(    )        14.tr __v __l(    ) 15.h__ __ lth(    )         16.__x__ mpl __(    ) 17.f__ __ld(    )          18.br__ g__ t(    ) 19.l__ng__ __ ge(    )      20.__ __ch(    ) 21.h__ lpf __l(    )        22.f__ __e__ gn(    ) 23.m__ n__ b__ s(    )     24.f __s__(    ) 25.st__ nd(    )           26.s__ ngl __sse __(    ) 27.b__ sin__ ss(    )       28.c__ mp__ ny(    ) 29.c__ nt__ __ y(    )      30.j__ b(    ) 四、中英互译下列词组。 31.good for________       32.a long time________ 33. a lot of ________       34.like walking________ 35.take the bus________     36.and so on________ 37.不客气。________      38.上车________ 39.他们中的每一个人________   40.将来有一天________ 五、用方框中词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次。 41.I want some chicken. Where can I ________it? 42.They often________ on Sundays. They buy food and vegetables. 43.A fruit shop ________fruit. 44.Doing eye exercise is ________your eyes. 45.We have classes ________Monday Friday. 46.We usually go home for our holidays ________. 47.My mother likes________ very much. 48.—Do you ________French? —I'm sorry. I can't. 49.—________ is the TV set?—It's 3 000 yuan. 50. It sells all kinds of food, like bread, milk, tea, coffee ________. 六、从方框中找到合适的问句,将其代号填入相应答句前的括号内。 51.I'm going shopping. [    ] 52.Nine yuan. [    ] 53.Thank you. I'd like a coat. [    ] 54.Ninety yuan. The shirt is twenty-five yuan and the dress is sixty five yuan. [    ] 55.Three bottles of orange, please. [    ] 56.Some food for supper this evening. [    ] 57.No, I'd like some other things. [    ] 58.No, I don't like it at all. [    ] 59.The blue one is expensive. [    ] 60.He's a worker. [    ] 七、选择填空。 61.His father goes to work ________bike. [    ] A.on B.by a C.by his D.on a 62.They are going for a swim________ afternoon. [    ] A.this B.in this C.today D.on today 63.________ is a new coat like this? [    ] A.How long B.How many C.How much D.How about 64.Do you like________ or ________? [    ] A.singing…dancing B.to sing…dance C.singing… to dance D.sing…dance 65.—How do you like this book? —I like it ________. [    ] A.very well B.very fine C.very much D.very better 66.________do you want to have, eggs or fish? [    ] A.Which B.What C.How D.Who 67.He________ a new coat today. [    ] A.put on B.wear C.is putting on D.is wearing 68.—Can you speak Japanese? —Yes, but only ________. [    ] A.some B.little C.a little D.much 69.It's four o'clock. It's time ________. [    ] A.go home               B.to go to home C.go to home             D.to go home 70.Can you help me________ the box? It's too heavy. [    ] A.carrying B.carry C.taking D.take 71.Let him ________. [    ] A.to come in B.come in C.coming in D.coming 72.________does it take him to walk there? [    ] A.How long B.How many C.How much D.How often 73.Eating too much is not good ________your health. [    ] A.of B.to C.with D.for 74.I don't________ TV every day. [    ] A.see B.watch C.look D.read 75.—Thank you very much.—________. [    ] A.No B.Thank you, too C.You're welcome D.That's right 八、根据中文提示,用所给的词连成句子,注意语序。 76.瓶子里有多少水? much, how, there, is, water, in, bottle, the ____________________________________________ 77.我父亲通常8点钟去上班。 usually, my father, 8:00 o'clock, goes to work, at ____________________________________________ 78.邮局离学校很远。 the post office, the school, be, far from ____________________________________________ 79.步行对健康有益。 good for, walking,  be, health ____________________________________________ 80.他们中一些人英语说得很好。 some of them, very well, speak English, can ____________________________________________ 九、根据中文提示,将下列句子译成英语。 81.我想买一些今天晚饭吃的食品。 I'd ________ ________ ________some food for supper this evening. 82.车上这些人来自不同的国家。 These people________ the bus________ ________ different countries. 83.他十分喜欢烹调,但他根本不喜欢做家务。 He likes ________, but he doesn't like________ ________ ________. 84.让我们去问一下老师吧。 ________ go and________ the teacher. 85.有一位老爷爷在湖边钓鱼。 ________ ________an old man________ by the lake.  

