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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    七年级第二学期期末测试班级 : 姓名 :一、写出下列单词的相应形式(10分)。 1.rain(形容词) 2.have(过去式) 3.friend(形容词) 4.cool(反义词) 5. run(现在分词) 6.clean(反义词) 7.read(过去式) 8.many(最高级) 9.wrote(原形) 10.child(复数) 二、根据首字母写出单词(10分)。 1.If you are h ,you can buy some food in the supermarket. 2 .The Koalas sleeps d the day , but at night he gets up. 3.Nancy l in Japan. 4.Some students are reading books in their school l now. 5.When you see a park a from supermarket. 6.What other a do you like? 7.Jim is a c in a restaurant. 8.It’s r heavily outside , maybe you can’t play football with your friends. 9.I always play tennis on w . 10.Would you m opening the door? 三、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)。 1.Please be quiet. The baby (sleep). 2.Dave (come) from Canada. 3.He can (play) the violin. 4.Thanks for (help) me. 5.We are (real) relaxed on Sunday. 6.She usually (eat) lunch at around eleven. 7.Li Uing often does some (read). 8.My father makes me (swim) in the river. 9.Is Maria (swim)in the river. 10.Mr White (teach) us English last year. 四、单项选择(20分)。( )1.Tell those children there. It’s dangerous. A. not swim B. not to swim C. don’t swim D. swimming ( )2. —Do you speak Chinese? — A. Only little B. Only a little C. few D. a few ( )3.My uncle bought a house a small garden. A. with B. of C. near D. in ( )4.There a desk and some chairs in the classroom. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )5.The people enjoy action movie. A. to watch B. watching C. watch D. watched ( )6.All the children will have fun the farmers with the farm work. A. helping B. helps C. to help D. help ( )7.Let’s the dolphins now. A. seeing B. to see C. sees D. saw ( )8.—What your mother do? —— A. do, She’s tall. B. does, She’s a doctor. C. does , She’s very well. D. do, She’s a teacher. ( )9.It’s five o’clock. The students baseball on the playground. A. play B. played C. are playing D. plays ( )10. Listen! Who in the next room? A. is singing B. sings C. sings D. singing ( )11. One of the boys in the picture my little brother. A. is B. are C. looks D. like. ( )12.— they to the park last week? —No, the TV at home. A. Did, go, watched B. Do, go, watched. C. Did, went, watch D. Do, goes watch ( )13. They made him ten hours a day. A .to work B. working C. work D .worked ( )14. It’s time A. to go to home B. to go home C. going to home D, going home ( )15. On Sunday morning, I with my sister . A. go shopping B. went shopping C .goes shopping D. went shoping ( )16. I heard a little boy English. A reading B to read C is reading D read ( )17. They to New York City yesterday. A. go B. went C. goes D. are going ( )18. The film is for us to see. A. enough good B. good enough C. enough well D. well enough ( )19. Mary a nice scarf for her mother last week. A buys B is buying C buy D bought ( )20. When his mother came in , he stopped . A cry B. crying C to cry D cried. 五、完型填空(20分) A crow is sitting 1 a big tree. She 2 a big piece of meat in her mouth. “My 3 will have a nice breakfast , ” She thinks. An 4 fox is 5 for his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat. “ 6 can I get that piece of meat ” he thinks. “Good morning , Mrs Crow.” Says the fox sweetly. “How are you?” 7 the crow doesn’t say a word. “You have very nice babies. Mrs Crow. ”Says the fox “How are you? May I 8 them?” Still the crow doesn’t say a word, “ 9 very beautiful , Mrs Crow. And you have a beautiful voice , too , will you please sing a song for 10 ?” Mrs Crow thinks , “How nice Mr Fox is? I must sing him a song” so she opens her mouth. “Caw?” The meat drops into the fox’s mouth. ( )1.A. on B. I C . under D. at ( )2.A. have B. with C . has D. haves ( )3.A. babys B. babies C . childs D. childrens ( )4.A. yong B. old C . bad D. good ( )5.A. look B. looking C . looks D. looked ( )6.A. What B. Where C . How D. Which ( )7.A. And B. So C . But D. While ( )8 A. look at B. see C . look D. watch ( )9.A. You B. Your C . your’s D. you’re ( )10.A. mine B. my C . I D. me 六、阅读理解(40分) (A) Mrs. Turner works in a hospital. She is friendly to her patients and they all like her. She’s very busy and has little time to look after her son. Tom. So she has to take him to her father. The old man is alone and he hopes to live with his little grandson. Now, Tom has to go to school. He can’t get up on time in the morning and he is often late for school. He can’t finish his homework in class. He usually takes his workbook home and asks his grandpa to do it for him. The old man doesn’t want to make him unhappy and has to do so. This afternoon. Mrs. Hunt , his English teacher asks him in class, “Why did you make so many mistakes this time. Tom?” “It wasn’t my fault, madam,” says the little boy, “My grandpa didn’t find his glasses last night!” 选择正确答案( )1.Mrs. Turner is a . A. doctor B. teacher C. worker D. farmer ( )2.The old man hopes to live with his grandson because . A. his daughter has no time to look after her son. B. he want to keep busy. C. he want to keep busy. D. A and C ( )3.Tom usually takes his workbook home because . A. he can’t get up on time. B. he’s often late for class. C. his grandpa can do the exercise. D. he doesn’t like doing exercises. ( )4.Grandpa always does the work for Tom because . A. he has enough time. B. he wants to make Tom happy C. he is a teacher D. the boy is very busy. ( )5. There were many mistakes in tom’s workbook because . A. Mrs. Hunt didn’t teach well B. the exercise were very hard. C. Grandpa didn’t do Tom’s exercises D. Grandpa did the exercise without glasses. (B) Jim’s father is ill, his mother must look after him at home. So she says to her son. “Go to the hospital and ask a doctor to come here, Jim.” “OK, ” says the boy. “But where is the hospital?” “In the town, “ answer his mother. Then Jim leaves his house. He gets to a fork(岔路口). He doesn’t know if he must turn to the left or right. He stands there. Just then a farmer drives a carriage(马车)and comes. “How far is the town from here? ”asks Jim. “Two kilometers, ”says the farmer. “May I take your carriage?” asks Jim “Certainly. ” “Thank you very much. ” Jim is happy and gets on the carriage. Half an hour later the  

