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七年级英语知识点:The Olympic Adventure综合检测试题及答案

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Module 6 The Olympic Adventure
    第6模块知识总结[网络构建]本模块话题是“体育运动”,内容为学生所熟悉,结合学校体育活动的开展及中国2008年奥运会的准备,便于开展课堂活动,要求学生了解奥运,了解不同国家和地区的体育运动。语音单词在句子中的重读。词汇 Olympic, adventure, more, dangerous, gymnastic, ski, popular, exciting, tiring, unpopular, boring, relax, relaxing, safe, neighbourhood, committee, arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, need, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, better, hard, cassette, player, vocabulary, carefully, quietly, continue, until 词组 be good at, in front of, take around, more...than... 语法形容词和副词的比较级。功能观点表达,尤其是形容词和副词的表述。
    典例分析例 根据汉语提示完成下面的英语句子。 1. She is__________ (擅长)gymnastics. 2. __________ (你喜欢) playing basketball? 3. Skiing is__________(更危险) than running. 4. Basketball is__________(她最喜欢的运动). 5. I think cycling is__________(更累人的) than running. 6. She often__________(带领我参观) her new house. 7. Mr Green is__________(出发) Beijing tomorrow. 8. There is a tree__________(在……前面) our classroom. 9. She needs__________(讲好英语). 10. They want__________ (弹钢琴). 思维分析:完成句子题,主要考查学生的语言点和语法灵活运动情况的。记住语言点至关重要,但是关键是学会如何应用它答案:1. good at 2. Do you like 3. more dangerous 4. her favourite sport 5. more tiring 6. takes me around 7. leaving for 8. in front of 9. to speak English well 10. to play the piano
    规律总结方法点拨:再谈副词的用法:副词用以修饰动词、形容词和其他副词,还修饰全句。副词按形式分类: 1.简单副词:指的是一些词本身就是副词,没有特殊的词尾。如:now, then, there, here, quite, very, always, often等。 2.由形容词+ly构成的副词:这一类多数是方式副词。如:bravely, quickly, quietly, carefully, slowly, clearly等。 3.与形容词同形的副词:early, friendly, lively, enough, fast, long, high, late等。
    (时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
    1. I have two tickets for the film. One is mine and__________ is yours.
    A. another B. the other C. other D. others
    答案:B 解析:两个之中的“一个……,另一个……”用one..., the other。
    2. My brother is two years__________ than me.
    A. bigger B. older C. big D. old
    答案:B 解析:出现than用比较级,年龄大用old,而不用big。
    3. I hear you have some new Australian coins. __________ I have a look?
    A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should
    答案:B 解析:“我可以……吗?”May I ...?
    4. —When shall we start?
    —Let’s__________ it 8:30. Is that all right?
    A. have B. make C. meet D. take
    答案:B 解析:在此make是“决定”的意思。
    5. You’d better__________ up late.
    A. not get B. don’t get C. get not D. not to get
    答案:A 解析:本题考查had better not do sth。
    6. The accident happened__________ a cold winter morning.
    A. on B. in C. at D. of
    答案:A 解析:在具体某一天的早、午、晚,介词用on。
    7. __________ people we help, __________ we feel.
    A. Many, the happily
    B. The more, the happier
    C. All, happier
    D. Most, the happy
    答案:B 解析:本题考查“The+比较级,the+比较级”意思是“越……,越……”。
    8. The population of Tian jian is__________ than that of Shanghai.
    A. larger B. less C. smaller D. fewer
    答案:C 解析:首先排除B、D,因为population不用这两个词修饰。根据实际情况,天津的人口要比上海少。排除A。
    9. —I’m glad to meet you.
    A. The same B. Thanks C. Sure D. Me, too
    答案:D 解析:回答I’m glad to meet you.时可用Me, too。
    10. There are some children__________ in the room.
    A. singing B. sing C. are singing D. to sing
    答案:A 解析:本题考查There be+主语+doing sth,现在分词用来作伴随状语。二、完形填空。(20分)
    Mike: Hello, Kate! Do you want 11 milk?
    Kate: No, thanks. I don’t like 12 .
    Mike: Don’t you? I like it very much, and 13 good for you.
    Kate: Oh, have are Lily and Lucy.
    Lily: Hi, Mike! Hi ,Kate! How are you today?
    Mike and Kate: 14 , thank you.
    Lily: 15 are those, Mike?
    Mike: They are rice cakes. Do you want one?
    Lily: Yes, 16 .
    Lily and Lucy: We like rice cakes very much. They’re 17 .
    Mike: How 18 milk?
    Lily: No, thanks. We 19 like to drink milk very much.
    Lucy: But we like bananas.
    Kate: Oh dear! 20 ! They are all finished(吃完).
    11. A. some B. one C. a
    12. A. egg B. apple C. milk
    13. A. it B. it’s C. is
    14. A. Yes B. No C. Fine 

