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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    姓名: 班级:
    ( )1.____ night koalas usually eat some ____ .
    A. At; leafs B. At; leaves C. In; leaves D. In; leafs
    ( )2, -What animals have a long neck(脖子)? -____.
    A. Elephants B. Pandas C. Giraffes D. Koalas
    ( )3.- ____ is the weather like there? - It is rainy.
    A. How B. What C. Where D. Who
    ( )4. Our school is ____ the bank ____ the hoter.
    A. Next; to B. between; and C. in; and D. on; and
    ( )5. She likes ____ to school by bike every day.
    A. going B. to going C. goes D.go
    ( )6. ____. Where is the police station?
    A. Excuse me B. I’m sorry C. Tell me D. sorry
    ( )7. She is short, so she sits ____ the classroom.
    A. at the back of B. in the front of C. in front of D. at the back
    ( )8.-What ____ your sister ____ at home? - She is washing her chothes.
    A. does; does B. is; do C. is; dong D.does; do
    ( )9. I can’t dance, ____ I can sing well.
    A. or B. but C. and D. so
    ( )10.- Why do you like ____? -____ they’re very smart.
    A. dolphins;Then B. dolphins; Because C. the dolphins; So D. the dolphin; Because
    ( )11. Some boys of Class One enjoy ____ music.
    A. to listen to B. listen to C. listens to D. listening to
    ( )12. Where ____ the players ____ soccer now?
    A. are; playing B. is; playing the C. do; play D. does ;playing
    ( )13.- Who is Miss Lee? - She is ____ foreign visitor to the Great Wall.
    A. a first B. the first C. the one D. a one
    ( )14. Mother is waiting ____ her ____ supper.
    A. for; to have B. in; have C. with; to have D. of ;have
    ( )15. –Where is your pen pal from? - He is from ____—a big city in the United States.
    A. Tokyo B. Paris C. New York D. Shanghai
    二. 完型填空(10分)
    It’s Sunday and it is a sunny day. People don’t stay _16___ home. They go to parks and beaches. Now we __17__ at the seaside(海边). There are a lot of people __18__ the beach. Some are __19__ on the beach and bathing in the sun. __20__ are swimming in the sea. Over there a group of _21_ and women are sitting under a beach umbrella. They are __22__ and laughing(笑). Over there, some boys are playing in the sea. They__23__ happy. A young couple(夫妇) are carrying _24___ baby in the sea. The baby is playing __25__ water.
    ( )16.A. in B. on C. at D. of
    ( )17.A. are B. comeC. getD. go
    ( )18.A. on B. inC. ofD. from
    ( )19.A. lieB. lies C. lyingD. lay
    ( )20.A. The otherB. OthersC. OtherD. The others
    ( )21.A. mansB. boysC. boyD. men
    ( )22.A. talking B. talksC. to talkD. talk
    ( )23.A. looksB. lookC. look atD. looking
    ( )24.A. his B. herC. theirD. its
    ( )25.A. withB. atC. of D. on
    III. 阅读理解(20分)
    We are a bilingual (双语) school-Sunday School for children of 6-15. We want a cook , a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher.
    JobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms(其他条件) 

