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七年级英语下册Unit 11试题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    七年级英语下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows试题
    1.What do you think of soap o___________?
    I can’t s_______ them.
    2.There is a lot of news in today’s n_________________.
    3.Last week I asked students about f_____________.
    4.What do you think of baseball caps?
    I don’t m________ them.
    5.He e_________________ reading stories.
    6.I s__________ my new pictures to my classmates yesterday.
    7.Maria asked her students what they t___________ about each thing.
    8.We like your “What’s Cool?” article in the school m___________.
    9.I wear c________ clothes because I want to be young and beautiful.
    10.There is no money in the w_____________.
    1.welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk___________________2.spots show ___________________ 3.Man and Nature________________ 4.like to watch TV _______________
    5.English Today _________________ 6怎样?_________________
    7.《动物世界》_____________________ 8.一个八岁的男孩_____________________
    9.《健康生活》___________________ 10. 《实话实说》___________________
    1.Where ___________(be) you yesterday morning?
    2.Uncle Wang ____________(buy) a bike last week.
    3.Jim _________________(go) to the library yesterday.
    4.My father ________________(watch) TV at home now.
    5.What about ______________(see) the film Titanic.
    6.Thank you for _____________(give) me a hand.
    7.Why not _______________(ask) the policeman for help?
    8.Will you please___________(put) my letter in next month’s magazine?
    9.Sometimes Han Mei ___________(wear) sunglasses.
    10.Do you mind my __________________(open) the window?
    IV. 句型转换.(15%)
    1.What do you think of Super Sports? (同义句)
    ___________ do you ____________ Super Sports?
    2.I agree with what she said. (一般疑问句)
    _________ _________ ___________ with what she said?
    3.He asked Maria the questions (否定句)
    He _________ ___________ Maria the questions.
    4.His father doesn’t mind game shows.(划线部分提问)
    __________ _________ his father _________ __________ game shows?
    5.The boy didn’t have a key ring.(肯定句)
    The boy __________ a key ring.
    6.His mother often goes to work on foot every day. (划线部分提问)
    __________ _________ his mother often ________ to work every day?
    A: Hi, Peter! You’re early today.
    B: Yes. I come to school early every day.
    A: What ________ do you get up _______ weekdays? ______ seven o’clock?
    B: No, that’s too late. I ______________ ______________ at 6:30.
    A: Oh, but I usually get up at seven. I live near my school.
    I can _______ lunch at home. Do you have lunch at home, ___________?
    B: No, I usually have lunch at school. After lunch I often play games ________ my friends.
    A: That’s good! What _________ Wu Yue?
    B: I think she ________ lunch at home. Her home is _________ here.
    A: Oh, Miss Gao __________ coming. It’s time ________ _______ our English class.
    B: ________ go in.
    ( )1.Thank you for _________ us.
    A. join B. joined C. joining D. to join
    ( )2.My father wanted __________ in China.
    A. works B. worked C. working D. to work
    ( )3.I don’t like to play ping-pong. How about ___________ football?
    A. playing B. to play C. players D. playing the
    ( )4.Linda likes scarves________ her sister likes belts.
    A. or B. and C. when D. but
    ( )5.It _________ cool.
    A. really is B. is really C. real is D. is true
    ( )6.Can you please put my letter_______ next month’s magazine?
    A. on B. in C. at D. of
    ( )7.This week, I asked students _______ fashion.
    A. of B. on C. at D. about
    ( )8.I enjoyed __________ your “What’s cool?”
    A. reading B. watching C. looking D. writing
    ( )9.I can __________ tomorrow.
    A. be free B. am free C. do free D. free
    ( )10.Anna loves ____________.
    A. her new job B. new her job C. a new work D. new work
    ( )11.I don’t like them ,_______.
    A. either B. too C. neither D. also
    ( )12.Idon’t mind what________________.
    A.do you think of me B. do you like me
    B.C. you think of me D. you like of me
    ( )13.Jerry likes the________.
    A. glass B. glasses C. a glass D. pair glasses
    ( )14.Cooking is ______ moms! I can’t stand it.
    A. to B. from C. for D. of
    ( )15.----I like Sports Shows. How about you?
    -----I agree________ you.
    A. to B. about C. on D. with
    ( )16.My aunt has a_____________ boy.
    A. five-years-old B. five-year-old