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新目标七年级英语下Unit 11单元测试题及答案

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    姓名________ 学号________ 得分_______
    听力 (20分)
    I. 句子理解 由所听句子选择正确的图示,听一遍。(5)
    1-5 __________
    II. 情景反应 根据录音选择正确的答语,听一遍。(5)
    ( )1. A. Very good. B. Very tall. C. He likes us.
    ( )2. A. How are you? B. Fine. C. I work hard.
    ( )3. A. Sorry. B. You’re welcome.
    C. Thank you very much.
    ( )4. A. I’d like some juice. B. I like meat.
    C. I am like my mother.
    ( )5. A. I can’t stand her. B. She’s good-looking.
    C. She is fun.
    III. 听对话及问题,选出正确答案,听一遍。(5)
    ( )1. A. She loves them.
    B. She can’t stand them.
    C. She doesn’t mind them.
    ( )2. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.
    C. He watches them.
    ( )3. A. Jane. B. Er Bao. C. Xiao Bao.
    ( )4. A. TV shows. B. Talk shows. C. Soap operas.
    ( )5. A. Because she is free(空的).
    B. Because she doesn’t like them.
    C. Because she is busy.
    IV. 短文理解 根据录音选择正确的答案,听两遍。(5)
    ( )1. Li Lei is ______.
    A. Japanese B. Chinese C. American
    ( )2. Li Lei thinks soap operas are ______.
    A. boring B. interesting C. awful
    ( )3. Li Lei ______ sitcoms.
    A. doesn’t like B. can’t stand C. loves
    ( )4. Li Lei often read them on _____.
    A. Wednesday B. weekend C. weekday
    ( )5. Li Lei doesn’t mind _____.
    A. soap operas B. sitcoms C. talk shows
    笔试 (80分)
    I. 单词拼写 (10分)
    A) 根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。
    1. She doesn’t _________(同意) with others.
    2. They have _________(没有) to do on Sundays.
    3. __________(欢迎) to 9 o’clock weekend Talk.
    4. What about ___________ (健康) Living?
    5. I don’t know his _________(话).
    B) 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。
    6. Can you please ________ (put) the box into your room?
    7. The girls enjoy _____ (sing) this song in English.
    8. --- How do you think of Chinese Cooking?
    --- Oh, I can’t stand it. ______ (cook) is for moms.
    9. There are no ________ (child) in the room.
    10. He _______(say) he did a good thing yesterday.
    II.单项选择 (15分)
    ( )1. ---What _____ he ____ the sitcom?
    --- He likes it.
    A. does, think of B. does, thinks of
    C. do, thinks of D. do, think of
    ( )2. Do you like _____ TV?
    A. watches B. watching C. to watch D. B and C
    ( )3. Thanks for _____ us.
    A. helping B. to helping C. help D. to help
    ( )4. Would you mind ______ the window? It’s too hot in the room.
    A. to open B. opening
    C. to close(关) D. closing
    ( )5. --- I think “Animals world” is the best show.
    --- I don’t _____ you.
    A. like it B. mind C. agree with D. agree to
    ( )6. _______ your mother like the watch?
    A. What do B. What does
    C. How do D. How does
    ( )7. This weekend I asked students ___ fashion.
    A. on B. at C. about D. with
    ( )8. My sister is ______ girl.
    A. a 11-year-old B. an 11-year-old
    C. a 11 years old D. an 11 years old
    ( )9. ____ of the ______ were interesting.