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仁爱版七年级英语Unit 3复习

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 3 talking about Good Friends
    Topic 1 Please call me Mike
    1.in the same class在同一班2.study … with…与…一起学习…
    3.No problem没问题4.by the way顺便问一下
    5.speak Chinese讲汉语6.only a little只有一点点
    7.Of course =Sure当然8.help\study each other互相帮助/学习
    9.live in …居住在…10.the same age as …与…同岁
    11.want to do sth.想要做某事12.come to China来到中国
    13.in English用英语14.help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
    15.the Great Wall长城16.at the English corner在英语角
    17.be helpful to…对…有帮助
    1. May I do sth.? 我可以做某事吗?
    e.g. : May I know\have\ask your name?
    May I study English with you?May I call you Mike?
    2. like … very much \ a lot非常喜欢……
    like … a little有点喜欢…
    not like … at all根本不喜欢……
    not like … very much不是很喜欢……
    (一) 一般现在时
    1.肯定句:We speak Chinese.否定句:We don’t speak Chinese.
    一般疑问句:Do you speak Chinese? 回答:Yes, we do.No, we don’t.
    2.肯定句:Mike speaks English. 否定句:Mike doesn’t speak English.
    一般疑问句:Does Mike speak English?回答:Yes, he does.No, he doesn’t.
    主格:在句中当句子主语e.g.Ihave a good friend. He has a good friend.
    宾格: 在句中当动词的宾语或介词的宾语,形成动宾或介宾结构.
    Please call me Mike. (动宾)Give it (动宾) to me (介宾) .
    Help us find him. (动宾)
    you, he and I; we, you and they; he and she
    口诀:对你尊重you在前,谦虚礼貌I最后;我们人多力量大,we要排在you之前,they委屈垫在后;两性并列不平等,绅士风度放一边,he 在前she在后。
    e.g. my name;your motherhis friendtheir teacher
    Topic2 Come and meet my family
    teach (教)----teacher (教师)study (学习)-----student (学生)
    work (工作)-----worker (工人)drive (驾驶)-----driver (驾驶员)
    farm (农场)-----farmer (农夫)cook (烹调)------cook (厨师)
    teacher ----studentnurse---------doctor
    waiter男服务员--waitress女服务员salesman 男售货员--salesgirl女售货员
    in a school在学校in a hospital在医院in an office在办公室
    in a shop / store在商店on a farm在农场
    2.a student of Grade Seven一名七年级的学生
    have a job有一份工作look after…照顾……; 保管……
    a photo of my family一张我家的相片have a look看一看
    the young woman in yellow穿黄衣服的年轻女士on the sofa在沙发上
    1. I’m home.我回来了.
    2. Come in and make yourselves at home.请进, 请别客气.
    3. What a nice place!多漂亮的一个地方!
    4. Please have a seat= Please sit down.请坐!
    5. My parents are both office workers.我父母二个都是公务员.
    We all love our work.我们都喜爱我们的工作.
    (一) 提问职业:
    1.What do you do?I am a doctor.
    2.What does he \she do?He \She is a doctor.
    (二) 提问工作场所:
    1. Where do you work?
    I work in a hospital\school
    2.Where does he \she work ?
    He\She works in an office\on a farm.
    (三) 名词所有格: s’ 或’s, 表示"……的"
    Kangkang’s grandfather康康的祖父母
    Jane’s family tree珍妮的家谱
    Teachers’ book教师用书(教师们的书)
    Topic3 Would you like to eat?

    Fruit: (可数)appleorange
    Food: (可数)cakehamburgereggFrench friesdumplingnoodles
    Drink: (不可数)teamilkCokecoffeewaterjuice
    Eat (吃)+ drink (喝) = have
    something to drink喝的东西something to eat吃的东西
    have dinner吃饭;吃正餐have breakfast吃早饭
    have lunch吃午饭have supper吃晚饭
    1.help oneself (to sth)请自便 (吃些某物)
    2.would like = want想要
    Would you like some eggs? = Do you want some eggs?
    What would you like to drink? = What do you like to drink?
    3.Give me some meat. = Give some meat to me.
    4.Why not have some milk? 表示提建议
    5.Let’s have some milk.表示提建议
    6.May I take your order? = May I help you?(限于用餐)
    7.Wait a moment, please.请稍等片刻.
    8.What do you think of the coffee? =How do you like the coffee? 你觉得咖啡怎么样?
    9.Would you like to have dinner with me? (表邀请)Ok. I’d love to
    10.I’m very glad to be here.我非常乐意呆在这儿
    11.Any more rice? 再来些米饭怎么样?
    12.They are all friendly \kind to me.他们都对我很友好。
    三、语法: 可数名词和不可数名词的量
    (一)可数名词: 可直接用基数词表具体的量表"一":a cake \book \hamburger\bikean apple \orange \egg
    two cakesthree booksfour apples five eggs
    a cup of tea \coffeetwo cups of tea \coffee
    a glass of milk\water\juicethree glasses of milk\water \juice
    a bowl of …一碗……two bowls of …两碗……
    a box of …一盒\箱……two boxes of …两盒\箱……
    a bag of …一袋……two bags of …两袋……
    a bottle of … 一瓶……two bottles of …两瓶……
    a kilo of …一公斤……two kilos of …两公斤……
    a kind of …两种……two kinds of…两种……
    a plate of …一盘……two plates of…两盘……
    a basket of eggs …一篮/筐鸡蛋……two baskets of eggs…两篮鸡蛋……
    a pair of…一双/副/对……two pairs of…两双/副/对……
    (三) 模糊的量
    some既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词a few + 可数表示若干\一点
    a little + 不可数表示若干\一点many + 可数许多
    much + 不可数许多some apples一些苹果
    some meat\water一些肉\水a few friends几个朋友
    a little water一点点水many friends许多朋友
    much water许多水