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    When I was 19
    I legally immigrated to the USA.
    I left my country on Mother's day 1963.
    Circumstances were such that
    I for a short time
    became homeless
    but then found a job
    in East Los Angeles.
    I was able to live in one of their staff houses,
    went 3 hours to school each night.
    I had very little money
    but felt abundant .
    Mother's Day 1964 arrived
    and I needed to call my Mom in Germany.
    I had a little paper sack of quarters
    for $12.
    It was a LOT of money for me.
    I walked up 2 streets
    to a phone booth.
    It was a pretty hot day.
    I dialed the operator:
    'How may I help you?'
    I said
    I like to call my Mom in Germany.
    She said
    '$ 12 for the first 3 minutes.'
    I fed the phone all the quarters I had.
    A.s.a. that happened
    I heard the phone ring.
    It was my Mom who picked up.
    She was extremely excited
    to hear my voice for the first time in a year.
    We talked fast and excitedly.
    After a while she said:
    'Child this must be very expensive?'
    I had forgotten time and space.
    We talked on and on.
    The call ended
    and all my quarters tumbled out again.
    I was stunned.
    We had talked for 45 minutes
    and this kind operator gave us such amazing present.
    Thank you.
    It was only 1 of the many kindnesses I have experienced
    in this wonderful country.
    I never asked for anything.
    But because I worked and studied hard,
    people seeing it supported my effords.